Heart beats possible arrhythmia

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Apr 19, 2006
Seoul, South Korea
I can feel the heart beats while resting, If I see the left chest closely I can even see little vibration or shaking of the chest with the heart beats.

Is it arrthythmia? I am in Jakarta at present so I don't want to visit a local cardiologiest here, I think its good to see my regular cardiologiest.
I have no other symptom. Is it advisiable to visit the doc now.


I have moderate AR.
All other parameters in normal range
No medicine
Annual check up required onlu
Is it advisiable to visit the doc now.

Yes!! Try to find out what it is and then contact your regular cardiologist for advise.

If it is e.g. A-fib you may want to start anticoagulation therapy to avoid blot clot formation and possible stroke. If it's your valve failing you may want to head back home now rather than later..
It could also be nothing. But if you aren't sure and the palpitations don't stop it is better to try to find out what they are. An arrthythmia would be found on an easy non-invasive ECG-test.

Sorry I didn't mean to scare you!
Are the beats irregular, or are they just a normal rhythm. Depending on how much you weigh, it would not be unusual to see your chest move with the beats when lying on your back. I can every now and then. If they are faster than normal or irregular in rhythm, then it could be an arrhythmia, but just seeing the beats doesn't mean it is. I can see my husband's heart beat in his chest, and he doesn't have a valve problem.
I've been told by my Cardiologist that palpitations are not a problem, they are only a symptom. I had a lot of issues with palpitations in the couple months leading up to surgery, so it could be that the palpitations are a sign that your regurgitation is getting worse. As long as the palpitations are in a normal rhythm, I don't think you are in any immediate danger. I would, however, call your Cardiologist when you get home to mention this "new" symptom. They may want to check it out further.
SS. I guess the real question is when will you be home? If it is not for months, then you probably shouldn't wait. If it's in a few days, it is probably safe to wait. Phoning your cardiologist's office would probably be prudent....let them decide! Surely you have access to long distance calling.

If your palpitations are fleeting, ducking in and out, it may be difficult to capture them on the EKG (which seems to be their first course for detection). If they are constant, then an EKG would get them and you would know right away. Otherwise they may put you on a monitor for a week or so and hope that when you feel them, they will register on the machine for them to identify. There are many different kinds of arrythmias.

Others may be right. You may be getting more symptomatic. Time to check in, for sure.

If it is a-fib, the concern is stroke. Do you tolerate aspirin well? Maybe you could purchase some 81 mg asprin (or 325mg) and take one each day until you get home. That couldn't hurt, I don't think.....as long as you've taken aspirin before with no ill effects.

Also, have you eaten extraordinarily spicy food? Are you under more stress. I found that my PVC's (benign) were triggered by spicy foods. Also, for the longest time, I could not go to intense movies as I would leave the theater feeling awful from all the palpitations.

Please let us know what you decide and how it works out.

Wishing you the best

I would get them checked out.. if nothing more then for your peace of mind. I developed both PACs and PVCs of which I have worn the 24 hour heart monitor on more then one occasion since my surgery, plus echos and ekgs on a too regular basis, just to make sure they are nothing more serious... my combo BP meds are also suppose to help with those, but sometimes they still flare up...

Another possibility is a "Pounding Heartbeat" which has been discussed in previous posts. Try doing a Keyword SEARCH to locate those discussions. Unfortunately,
I don't remember the details of those discussions.

'AL Capshaw'
VIsited a local cardilogist

VIsited a local cardilogist

Thanks everybody,
I visited a sr.cardiologist here in Jakarta National cardiovascular centre.
He told nothing to worry and put me to cordarone 200 mg half a tablet.
He heard a vibrating noise for short duration. I will consult my regular cardialogist when I am back.
I will go home and again have to comeback Jakarta for sixmonths stay.

Real problem is with every symptom or may be with my own assumption, I can't head home. My company will take no time to give me a pinkslip.
My work involves travelling internationaly(withinternational inssurance). Because of my heart condition I am not able to work and take projects proactively.

I take local spicy food(Nasi Goreang)
I have been taking scince my arrival and I am constantly on stress sometimes for work and sometimes for health condition.
May be these are the reason for my change in symptom.

Thanks again.

Tricky! Stress, spicy foods, warm weather and maybe dehydration? These are all things that can cause palpitations/arrhythmia. I'm only guessing, maybe short episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation? Did you have your electrolyes balance checked at your visit? CORDARONE therapy (with all of it's side effects and risks, you know?) sounds way TOO DRASTIC for you. Hope you get to meet your regular in the near future.

Tricky, tricky.. Do you think it's possible for your employer to give you a position that don't require long stays aboard? They don't sound safe for you in the long run..!

Good luck!

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