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Active member
Mar 26, 2010
My mitral valve repair (God willing) will be May 10th.

Dr. Thomas Gleason is the surgeon.

Feeling a bit crazy lol ,I feel like i have so much to do to get prepared. HOwever my mind will not settle down enough to get anything done.

Also, i have a question i forgot to ask Dr. Gleason Maybe you all could help me out, Will i ever be able to ride roller coasters again?
I am assuming i will after the sternum heals it would be nice to know if you all were able to.

Thanks Michele
Also, i have a question i forgot to ask Dr. Gleason Maybe you all could help me out, Will i ever be able to ride roller coasters again?
I am assuming i will after the sternum heals it would be nice to know if you all were able to.

Thanks Michele

There is no way I will ever know, because there is no way I will ever test whether I can!!!!! :) In all seriousness, I would think that if there are no rhythm problems, and everything is healed and going very well, that you would be able to ... but why would you want to????!!!!!
Best wishes & prayers for success on your upcoming surgery Michele! And I've heard that people with aortic valve's replaced, that it is NOT safe to ride a roller coaster; not sure about yours. I'd seriously ask your cardiologist if I were you.
P.S. I SO miss them! LOL.
Don't know for sure, but I would think you could after fully healed. For myself, I would't think twice about it. I'm sure someone on here will be able to answer more definitively, but ask your cardio to be safe.
I personally asked my surgeon and he said yes...I asked if the signs that say you can't ride with a heart condition applied to me and he said "no, because it's fixed"....You never know when you will find a great ride and need to be prepared...
Michele, It is pretty normal to be somewhat distracted when you finally have a date. Somehow, having an actual date seems to move the whole experience from the realms of the hypothetical to something that is really happening. As for riding a roller coaster, I talked with my surgeon and my cardiologist about my activity level after the recovery period is over. They pointed out that there is a lot of myth that circulates about the limitations one must live with after heart surgery. As well, they said that after the wounds are healed and the bones knit you are not fragile just because you have had heart surgery. Living with a successful valve repair or replacement just prepares you to live a normal life and being more active is better for you. Other conditions may slow you down but successful OHS by itself should not. My Cardio says he is looking forward to meeting me in August for the hundred kilometer bike ride in Wichita Falls and I plan to be there. If you read the posts of other people's experiences, you will find that someone is doing almost everything. You have to discover for yourself what your limits are but they will probably not be imposed by your heart; for me, it is the knees.

HI Michele,

Don't know what to tell you about the roller coaster as I never rode on them before surgery...but wanted to wish you the best of luck on surgery! I just got out of the hosptial a week ago and am recuperating at home. There is so much to do...I can relate...but once you go in, all you need to worry about is getting better! I was really lucky I have wonderful family and friends who helped me out once I got home (and gave me moral support in the hospital too) and hope you have the same. Please keep us posted!
My surgeon said I could ride roller-coaster again and then asked "why would you want to?" Guess he's not into rides/amusement parks.

Best you double check with your doctors and see what they say.