Got a Date

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Well Guys, I finally got a date for April 19th, I go in sometime Sunday afternoon the 18th. I am still trying to grasp all of this. I think my husband is as scared as I am. Well I guess I'll be talking to you back and forth before surgery. Thanks for everything. Ronda
Good luck Blake. I am also in your situation - waiting! This is the hard part. I know what you are going through. But like many others who have through waiting room and came out fine on the otherside, we will do the same. Good luck.

Keep your chin up and a positive attitude. Jim used to tease everyone to ask for lots of warm blankets. They are wonderful and he still misses them sometimes. His surgery started about 8 am and he was ready for us to see him around noon up in ICU already. It was so wonderful to see him after that. We did a lot of praying and our prayers have been answered. We will keep you in our prayers also.

Shirley (wife of Jim L.)
Hi Ronda,

You are going in just two days before I am. My mitral valve replacement surgery is on the 21st at Mayo Clinic.

My husband is probably doing about as well as your husband! All we have to do is show up, but they have to wait it out and then see us with all those tubes and wires.

I will be thinking of you--so far I think we are the only surgeries scheduled that week. Ugh, it's really coming up fast isn't it!!?? :(


IT's OK TO FEEL LIKE YOU DO, In fact revel in it if need be, but when the morning of the 18th comes, let it go. You wouldn't be normal if you felt any different.

Rhonda and Jen,

The weeks prior to surgery are so difficult. Most of us agree that the waiting period is more stressful than the actual surgery. My surgeon was leaving for vacation and I had a chance to have my mitral valve surgery done in 2 weeks or in 6 weeks. It didn't take me long to decide to go for the 2 week option.

Keep busy! You'll both be in my prayers.
Thank You all for your prayers and I will be praying for you also. I will try to write when I get home to let you know how I'm doing. My surgeon changed his assistant surgeon to someone who has done more mitral valve surgery than anyone else here in OK., and he has been to all the latest conferences in different states, so I hope he is better than what I originally had up for a surgeon. God Bless everyone here and everyone who has been here at valve

Thanks Again,
Ronda and Jenlynn,

Now that you have your date, time will fly by. Just try and do some things you really enjoy doing before your surgery. I agree that the waiting is the hardest part. I had about a two and 1/2 month wait from the time I found out I needed surgery. Time seemed to go by so slow, then I got my date 3 weeks before surgery and that time just flew by. Before you know it you will be on the other side of the mountain and feeling stronger every day.

Ronda you will also be fine. Good Luck and I say a prayer for you. Look Im home only 6 days post op posting. Getting better every day
Keep your head up

Keep your head up

Blake & Jen
Best of luck to you both. Your experiencing the worst part of it right now, the anticipation prior to the "big day". You will both get through it and you'll both be well on your way in the recovery process by the time summer gets here. Try to think about the future and how much better you will feel once you get this done and over with. Do some yoga & deep breathing techniques to help you relax. You are in my prayers my friend.
Me too

Me too

Blake I got my date also my first on is also on April 19th and my second on June 17th. So I will also pray for you. Good luck and best to you. Just keep positive and things will go well.
Hi Ronda,

I am lined up for mitral valve replacement the day before yours. I wish you all the best, and a much better life after.

I think our spouses are in a very difficult position. I somethimes think that if it were the othr way around - my wife going for OHS, I am not sure I would be able to cope with it. She is doing very well and I think we should all appriciate the huge support we are getting from our loving partners.

All the best
