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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Just a short note to let you know that I'll probably be going to the ER soon. Seems my Cellulitis is back, only in the opposite foot this time. I don't know that is what it is, but I cannot take the chance if it is. I'll be going to Aultman this time, for those wanting to know. So if you don't hear or see me, you know I've been admitted for my usual cocktail of Vancomycin to kill the garbage. This is really getting old and if I'm not eligible for Medicaid after this, then I never will be! I still haven't gotten all the bills from the teeth removal yet.

Lyns car has been acting up since Thursday, so I'm attempting to wait until afternoon, so that it warms up a bit, then change her spark plugs. Don't think they've ever been changed in her car since it was new. It doesn't want to start sometimes and is hard to start when it does.
Aghhh! Sorry to read about the Cellulitis, Ross, if that's what it is. Hope you get it resolved quickly with bug killer meds. Medicaid? You need to be on foreign aid or something more substantial!:D I have a friend who just lost his SSI becuase his mother died and he got some he has to hire a lawyer to fight to get his income and health care back. The S**T never ends!

And the car...I used to have a van with a rebuilt motor only they didn't do a good job rebuilding the valve guides in it, and oil leaked down into the cylinders all the time. So I had to pull the spark plugs every two weeks and de-gunk them. I did this for several years until I could afford to buy a different car. Wasn't fun in the cold weather:(

Best wishes,

I don't need this now, but it's getting so ridiculous that I can't even care anymore. I do have to say I'm sick of it all. It's constantly one thing after another.
Oh Rossman......

I'm so sorry to hear of your foot. Get to the hospital and get it taken care of. Tyce had what they first thought was cellulitis and it's not funny. He was on IV antibiotics for about 4 days....turns out it was bursar infection.....go figure. I'll be putting you in my prayers, but you already know that.

Ross! Oh No! Not again to the dreaded hospital. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Cyber hugs and kisses you'll be better soon.
Well, this was not news I had hoped to wake up to this morning. I know that you feel like it's never-ending - it sure seems like it to the rest of us. So we can just imagine how you feel. Hang in there brother! And use our strong shoulders.
Ross, I hope that it turns out that you don't have to stay. I'm sorry that you are having this problem now. You know we will be anxiously waiting to hear how you are.

Sorry Ross,for your complications again .....Geeez

Prayers and good thoughts to you and family.

They say good things come to those who (WAIT)

We all will be (WAITING) your return back here at VR

OHHHHHHHHHH not again we have to WAIT:(

Get things looked after before they get worse....all the best.

zipper2 (DEB)

Sorry the cellulitis is back.... Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Blast = 01/17/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I'm on a wheel of fortune with a twist of fate" ... Bee Gees ... 'Alone'
Ross, sorry to hear about your foot problem. I hope it goes better than you think. You are due for a break!
Ross, I am sorry about the cellulitis. Something I used to do for Joe to keep it from happening was to put Band Aid First Aid foam on his legs when the skin started looking tight and slightly pinkish. I don't know if it helped, but it seemed to. I think at least it protected the little minute skin tears that happen when the skin gets stretched too far.

Then, of course, he had to get rid of the fluid fast.

You might also want to ask about some ideas for putting on support stockings, so you can do it yourself. There is something called a sock puller used by folks who cannot bend over. That might help. It gets regular socks over the heel area. You can get that in an orthopedic pharmacy, and if you get a script for it, it might be paid for by insurance.
Gosh Golly Gee Whiz Ross. Hope this is a quick fix for you.
Do you know when you are going in?
Special Hugs and prayers coming your way.

Causes of Cellulitis

Cellulitis usually starts with a break or tear in the skin. Many species of bacteria inhabit the skin's surface and can thrive underneath it if the barrier is broken to let them through. Bacteria can infect burns and bruises as well as cuts and scratches, puncture wounds, and dermatitis. Other traumas that can lead to infection include:

* surgery
* dental work
* animal or human bites
Ross, what a bummer....I've had the cellulitis thing twice, but smaller areas on my arm.
I chose to go to the ER morning and evening for IV antibs for 4 days. The pills didn't work.
Good Luck, keep us in the loop.

I wish you the best and look forward to hearing from you as soon as you get back.

many prayers!!
