Gonna be a busy week - just got a June 22 date

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2010
Phoenix AZ
so I join the others who have logged in on June 21 and June 23 - while I have been in the "waiting room" for over 5 years - it still comes as a harsh reality - I thank everyone on here for helping make my choices and decisions! I think I am having the hardest time leaving all my little kids - and you all have helped with that too - and given more thought to my bigger one (24) that he might have some issues so I will give him more thought! xoxox
Hi, I am having my surgery...very similar to yours....next wednesday, June 23rd. Good luck to you!! Robin
Best Wishes to you all.

Hope your surgeries are smooth and you all have bump free recoveries.
We'll wait to hear from each of you as soon as you are able.
Well, I pray everything will go just fine for you! My surgery is just a few days after yours, on the 25th! Take care.
Best wishes to all of you.There was a "group of us" last sept also.You can do it and will be better for it!
Boy, next week (or more likely next weekend and early the following week) is gonna be busy around here! We'll be waiting to hear about all your successful surgeries! It'll be good to add several more voices to the "It wasn't that bad afterall!!!" choir ;)
I think it's easier to get a quick date, than to schedule it a ways out (like I'm doing, so I can get some stuff done). I'm sure your head is swimming a little, seeing the surgery date so soon.
Take a deep breath, all will be fine. We'll see you soon!
I've been told(by many that have been there ) that the waiting is the hardest part. Thankfully we don't have to do that for much longer. Maybe we can compare notes afterwards. :)
You'll learn all about the 1-10 pain scale in the hospital lol. They use it to gauge when you need more pain meds (they ask, on a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain right now). So I'll use that here. Remember, zero is no pain, 5 is beginning to be noticeable pain (i.e. I'd like some tylenol please) and 10 is "I can't stand it!". So, on that 1-10 scale, here's my estimation:

A) The waiting is a 9 (not because of pain, but because of anxiety)
B) The surgery itself is a big fat zero 'cause you're totally out
C) The first two days after surgery are a 4-6 for most
D) Days 3-5 in the hospital are down in the 2-5 range
E) Once back home, 1-3

So yes, the waiting is by far the worst!!!