Going in for surgery

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Hello everyone, this is Brandi I am Country's significant other, I just want to keep you guys updated on him, he is just now going in to be givin (pardon my spelling) the anestesia to go to sleep, and they will begin surgery. They say it will take about 5 1/2 hours fully, but as I learn moreIi will keep you updated! have a great day:)
Thanks Brandi. Looking forward to hearing again after he's done. He'll be glad to get 'over the mountain' as we all were/are. The next couple days might be a little rough, but still easier than the waiting he's been dealing with. Then it'll start getting better every day! Pass on my best wishes when he wakes up, and keep us posted!
hello again, just a quick update, once again this is Brandi here for Country... he has been hooked up to the heart and lung machine he has finished the aortic bypass! that all went wonderfully and they tell us he is doing great! Next up is the vavle replacment/ repair! It will all go wonderfully I know... im waiting a few more mins, because i know we are going to be getting a call shortly so i will wait to post this and add on.. Be right Back with a continuation for you all. ok valve was replaced and now they are just finishing sewing the graph to the desending aorta ! ILL LET U KNOW WHEN HE IS OUT!
Thanks for all the updates. I'm glad things are going well. I know how tough it can be to be there waiting to here the next update. Take care of your self too
Alright every one, brand new update once again from myself Brandi, Country has been stitched up, and he is pumping on his own! he is doing great, they r moving him to icu now! He is leaking a tiny bit but they said they r watching it and not to be alarmed, a little usually happenes a little.. now we are just waiting for him to wake up and they will let us see the most wonderful man ever! and i will make sure to tell him all of your guys's best wishes and good thoughts! thanks so much :) p.s.! this whole facility is absolutely wonderful! they are very informative and kind... minus one grumpy volunteer! :(
Thanks for the updates, Brandi. Glad he's doing so well.

The main thing I remember about the first night after surgery was that I thought I was dying from thirst and all they would give me was a few ice chips, every now and then.

I bargained all night long with the stingy ICU nurse, trying to get more ice chips, and I watched the clock like a hawk, calling her over for more ice chips every chance I could.

So remind Country that the thirst won't kill him, but too many ice chips will make him vomit. And that would be very unpleasant.

Tomorrow will probably be a much better day. Best wishes :)
There's always one grumpy nurse lol. But most of them (at least at my hospital) were awsome! Once they get the breathing tube out (probably already out by now?) he'll feel a lot better, and then when they take the chest tubes and bladder cath out (tomorrow morn?) he'll feel like a million bucks. I bet they'll have him sitting up in a chair by tomorrow morning. Keep us posted, and take a pic for us!
Brandi here again... wonderfull news, he has done an awesome job they took out the breathing tubes and he is doing it all himself his chest was buggin him a bit but he said that was feelin better! thanks for the tip about the ice chips, i did get him more so ill have to tell him that too many would not be good! the leak was no biggi and it is better. i can tell he wants to get up and stretch ! he will be back to his speedy self in no time! ill let u know how the morning switch goes from icu to a regular room, going to grab dinner, ill ask him if he is ok with the pic and ill see what i can do! thanks every one
Great to hear he is on the road to recovery, I hope the leaky thing goes away.. that makes me nervous. Andy was it you who said your nurse gave you gum? I am all over asking for that if they will allow it. A lady I worked with said it felt like she could drink swimming pools worth of water and all she got was a few ice chips. But I am guessing a little thirst is better than vomitting. Lets hope the next few days for Country is smooth sailing. Thanks for the updates Brandi :)
Yep, I was the one who asked for gum, but it wasn't cause I was thirsty. I wanted to kiss my nurse ;)

Now why doesn't that surprise me? I am beginning to think you are the casanova type, or was it all the meds that made you wanna lock lips with her? LOL Just kidding I know you mentioned in another post how happy you were when you woke up. ;)
Sorry Brandi just had to reply to Andy's comment. Lets hope Country will be up and about in no time.. take care