Going Forward with Surgery

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Well-known member
May 4, 2009
Silver Spring, MD, USA.
Dear VF Friends,

I wanted to let you know that my hemming and hawing is done. I am scheduled for surgery at Hopkins on August 14 with Dr. Duke Cameron. I canceled my surgical date with CC today.

After reviewing my echo films, Dr. Cameron believes there is greater than 90% chance that he can spare my valve with the David Reimplantation Procedure. This led him to be more equivocal in his recommendation on surgery saying that while not absolutely necessary, because my aneurysm measurements are close to 5.0 cm and within the margin of error he could not argue against it. (He also said he cannot recall anyone he had recommended waiting on surgery to rupturing or dissecting, but still I am going forward.)

So there you have it. As a Catholic, I will be praying for a surgery-sparing miracle (through the intercession of Solanus Casey (http://www.solanuscasey.org/)), but barring that I will be going under the knife on August 14.

Thank you to all who have been so kind and patient in answering my many questions. Thank you to all who told me about Dr. Duke Cameron. From what I can tell, this is a man who really lives a vocation to medicine and his patients.

All the best,

CBD Heartman
Congratulations and AMEN on setting a date! I am very happy and relieved for you. I will also do an intercession for you.

It sounds like you are in 'excellent' hands and I wish you nothing but the best.
I hope the best for you with your surgery, and for a fast recovery. Good luck & God bless.
Well I'm happy to hear your going to get fixed! That doesn't mean you get off Scott Free. You have to come back to tell us about it and help out others that are just as scared as you are now. That's all we ask of anyone here. ;)
I'm glad to see that you have made an Informed Decision and are comfortable with your choice. This will help you to maintain a Positive Attitude going into surgery and during your recovery.

At the risk of generating more Questions, I also urge you to develop a Plan B and to discuss this thoroughly with your Surgeon so that he will know your wishes "just in case" there is a problem with Plan A and it does not work out.

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
I put you on the calendar . . . congratulations on setting the date.:)
That is great news. Im glad that you have made your decision and are moving forward with it. That must relieve some of the stress from this ordeal. It sounds like you are in good hands. Best of luck.
Woo Hoo! You have a 100% chance of being in our thoughts and prayers!

Will your wife bring you a laptop? We'll want the details! I hope you get a nice big room with a view of the Johns Hopkins Dome, as I had. Say "hi" to the male "student nurse" who works nights. He is an interesting guy.

Glad you made your surgery decision. I prayed for strength before and after my 3rd surgery. I never thought to ask for a surgery sparing miracle, oh well, too late now!
Anyway, the strength request came thru for me. I will pray for that for you, too.
you should be sure. I saw Dr Cameron when i lived in baltimore and thought he was top notch and my NY DRs that had referred me to him agreed, Hopkins is world class too so you are in great hands all across the board and its in your own backyard so it makes life so much less confusing, expensive etc. Congrats on making the choice - it sounds like you are ready to rock and roll.

I am sure I am sure! Amazingly!

I actually am very at peace.


That is good to know. Please keep us up to date. I myself do not have a date yet, but I know it is very soon.

Also, (going off base right now) I am starting to plan a splendid fishing trip for late this fall, questionable, or next spring. I purchased my license in mid March but have yet been able to use it. I must make up for lost time.

Get into your hobbies, or something you like to enjoy & think of that when you are nervous. It usually works for me right up until the time they roll me in. Good luck & God Bless.
Hey CD
Here I am 8 days post op and getting stronger each day. I had a prayer chain going for me in several denominations including Carholic. Like you the hope was for a surgery sparing miracle then for a good outcome for the surgery. I won't lie to you there is no way to describe this. It has to be experienced. The day after surgery I thought this better fix me because I don't think I could talk myself into it again. There were a couple of bumps I was bleeding and had to be reopened to fix it. That was June 30 I got the bovine valve and my ascending aorta was srunk. I came home monday the 6 and the progress is slow but I feel stronger each day. I am thankful for this new lease on life I will heal for a few months and get a new hip in late winter early spring. (That will let me spend part of the winter in FL. Good luck God bless and yes I will pray for you quick recovery. What a wonderful group we have here. I am looking forward to meeting some at a future reunion.
Great that you have made your decision CBD!

Good luck for your surgery and recovery.

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