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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2011
Hi gang,
Well I was hit by the truck Thursday morning and dragged throughout the tunnel and spat me out the other side. I am three days post op and took my first shower today and when for a few walks... Pain is still up there cause I am trying not to take strong pain killers cause it limits me getting out of bed the next day. Will post some videos soon... The hot flushes really are bad!!

Dave - You're over here! Glad to hear from you. If you didn't get the license number of the truck that hit you, maybe you could have somebody inspect your chest for imprints left by the plate? I never did find out the tag number of the one that got me, but it must have been a big one. . .
Good to hear from you and know you are successfully 'over the mountain'.

Slow and easy. Eat, sleep, breathe, walk........ that's the drill.

Best wishes.
Hey Dave, welcome to the other side. Don't push yourself, some days are better than others, and the hot flashes
and night sweats are a reminder that your body was severely traumatized. It gets better soon enough. :)
Hi gang,
Well I was hit by the truck Thursday morning and dragged throughout the tunnel and spat me out the other side. I am three days post op and took my first shower today and when for a few walks... Pain is still up there cause I am trying not to take strong pain killers cause it limits me getting out of bed the next day. Will post some videos soon... The hot flushes really are bad!!


Congrats on making it to the other side. Having said that, it sounds like the pain killers are working just fine. ;)

I never had the hot flashes but i did have the night sweats among other weird stuff. Just keep doing what they tell you and when you get home walk as much as you can (even if it is just to the mailbox and back), eat even if it doesn't taste good, and get some good rest/sleep.
Hey Dave,
Congrats on joining us on the other side, it is a miracle that the surgeons can fix what ails us. Follow the rules and you will feel better.
When you're noticing hot flashes and night sweats while you're still in the hospital, check if your bed has plastic sheets right under the bottom sheet. Mine did, and I was sweaty and clammy until I got home to a normal bed that breathes. I'm just sayin'. . . This is NOT to deny that OHS can throw off your internal thermostat, of course -- but it's ALSO true that those waterproof stainproof beds are designed for the staff, not the patients! ;)
Yo, Dave! Gimme five! I went under the knife two days before you, it's good to see you out the other side!! What a ride, eh?

Best of luck to you during your recovery. I'm home now and beginning to feel a little better (and more human) each day. I'm covered in bruises and scabs etc. (how lovely, LOL!) but I'm getting there, I think. :D