First post... OHS Scheduled for May 27th!

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May 24, 2011
Hi folks -- first post for me and just in time! Scheduled for OHS this Friday with Dr Bruce Lytle at CCF. Had first opinion at Stanford with Dr Craig Miller, and have been seeing cardiologists since birth, now 40, so have always been told yearly that this day would eventually come, but hard to believe that is it finally almost here..

Been going through full diagnostics at CCF yesterday and today, including EKG, echo, blood and urine, CT scan, left cath, pulmonary tests, and more, and readings are: BAV with Severe AS and regurgitation with dilated ascending aorta at 4.8cm and root at 4.3cm with LVH at 1.6cm, AI at 3-4+, grade 2 diastolic distinction, and palpable thrill.

Have first meeting with Dr Lytle on Thursday to discuss valve options, which is rather scary right before the surgery. His cardiologist said that Lytle is "old school" and recommended tissue valve and Dacron graft. Interesting since Dr Miller would "only" do mech valve. I am an avid exerciser, snowboarder, biker, etc., have no other complicating conditions, and think I am asympotmatic -- difficult to trend my subjective feelings over time, but no agina or pain.

At this point, just looking for a sounding board for smarter, wiser folks to help through this life-changing experience.

Welcome to the "Waiting Room" Exoself. Sending positive thoughts your way, for a speedy, uneventful recovery. The surgery is not as bad, as the fears we have leading up to it. Best of Luck on the 27th and may God's love be with you and your family.

Go Team 2011 !!!!!

(BAV dx 11/2010 & 3 arteries 75% + occluded ) AVR 4/14/2011 with a Edwards "Magna" Bovine Tissue valve with a triple bypass
Interesting to read the different recommendations from different surgeons.

That confirms my suspicion that Surgeon selection is often tantamount to Valve Selection.

FYI, Cleveland Clinic was intimately involved with the development of the Bovine Pericardial Tissue Valve.
It is my understanding that Dr. Miller is a proponent of some of the 'tried and true' (i.e. older) mechanical valves but not the 'newer' designs.
Exo - Best of luck to you -- you're in great hands for your surgery and post-op care.

IIRC, CCF has, of late, implanted a high percentage of tissue valves regardless of patient age. Their feeling is that the newest generations of tissue valves will have significantly longer usable life spans than the previous generations, and that by the time these valves need to be replaced there are likely to be less invasive methods to replace them.

That said, I had the Edwards bovine pericardial valve implanted at Northwestern in Chicago, and I'm very happy with it so far.
Hi, I'm glad you were able to find us before you had your surgery. Dr. Lytle has a very good reputation so you are in great hands. Be sure to check out the various stickies at the top of the pre and post op forums and any question you have, just ask Chances are very good someone has experience with whatever you are asking.
Will someone be able to update us before you feel like getting online?
Thanks Everybody

Thanks Everybody

Thanks for the kind words all.

I've requested another Q&A with the cardiologist at CC, Dr. Plana, for today because I have so many questions. Most due to my background as a software engineer, I want to have all the scope and details squared away beforehand, but of course, it sounds like the surgeon has to act in real-time and rely on their experience during the actual surgery and make in-place decisions. Also butterflies due to anxiousness, stress, and The Unknown.

The cath came back as normal artery function which is good. Still questioning the ACT vs. Re-do trade-off and it sounds like that is pretty common around here. And from reports and data, the Dacron mid-ascending graft seems like a sure thing since they're already inside to prevent rupture/dissection.

But the waiting until the last minute aspect (late Thursday consult with Lytle and surgery on Friday AM) is difficult to find mental comfort.

I'll keep you posted, and my lovely and supportive wife will log in with updates post-op...
Hey Exoself and your lovely wife, I'm sending you lots of positive and good vibes from down in So. Cali. Having gone through this 3 years ago, I know that right now you need to get everything set in your mind. Once you have come to the decision that is best for you, don't look back or second guess yourself. The only wrong choice would have been to do nothing. I will look forward to the updates from your Mrs.
So Dude...... just hang in there, it's all good. :)
All good and positive thoughts are coming your way!!! Dr Lytle will also be my surgeon on June 21. My situation is more complicated than yours, I feel we will both be in good hands,as I was very impressed with him at our first consultation. The CCF is top notch. I will be thinking of you and your family on Friday.
Looking forward to hearing from you post op!

RZG Rachel
Thanks RZG, Greg, and escargot!

Meeting with Dr Lytle this afternoon for the final consult. Most likely going with bovine, root and ascending graft, and full sternotomy, but we'll see what he says.

My peak gradient is 160 and mean is 87, which seems pretty high...

Surgery is tomorrow and I am beginning to freak out in The Waiting Room. Must breathe and relax.
Exo - Bovine valve is fine. You can still eat steak and hamburger, just feels funny - almost like you knew them. . .

Hang in there. It won't be long now and you'll have all this behind you.
Exo I agree with Steve. I named my bovine donor Denise, posthumously of course. Anyway, the valve she gave me has allowed me to see that there is much in life that I would have missed. Just breathe, this will all be but a memory very soon. KAWABUNGA DUDE!!!
Loving wife reporting...he has made it through surgery with great success. Doc put 2.7cm valve in which is nice and big, exactly what he needs. He's got alot of pain 1 day post-op but I'm guessing that this is the worst of it. Sleeping better too now that he's out of ICU which hopefully will ease some of the pain.

Thanks for all the support as it is much appreciated!
T - Thanks for the update. We're always glad to hear that one of our own has covered this much ground. Hope he continues with smooth sailing and soon takes over the reporting role from you. (Not that you aren't doing a fine job - just hoping he feels up to it soon.)
Loving wife,

Good to hear your man has made it through surgery OK, wonderful news! The first two days can be rough but, believe me, he will perk up considerably after that. Having just been through OHS myself all I can say is for you to be there for him, encourage him at every stage and I'm sure he will make a very good recovery, especially given his relatively young age.

Best wishes to you both for a bump free recovery.
My husband Derek is in post-op Day 3 (aortic root + mechanical valve). I wish you both the very best! Derek is just over 30 yrs old, and is having the toughest time with all the meds... but each day is a brand new day, and if you take it one shuffle at a time - you'll see improvements in even the smallest things.

Good luck!!
T, thanks for the update. Sounds like things are going to the plan, and I hope they continue to do so!