Fast pulse and abnormal heart beat

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2009
Benton Harbor, MI USA
Welp, I had to go back to the cardiologist yesterday. I devoloped a thumping sensation in my chest and neck, and some pain. They did an EKG, and my heart beat was abnormal, but was abnormal in a regular pattern: 1 regular beat, then 1 early beat, over and over. Also my resting pulse rate was 100. They said this should work itself out, and that a little abnormal HB could be expected after surgery. My dosage of metropolol was doubled (25mg 2x daily) in an effort to bring down my pulse. Any of you have your pulse rate shoot up after surgery? For how long? Thanks

Mine was higher last time, and they had me on smething to bring it down, I'm not sure what.

I was just noticing that mine is 90-92 while at rest, which is higher than usual, for me. I suspect that it would work it's way out, after your heart adjust to the surgery trama.

I know it's hart, but try to force yourself to sit back, chill out, watch a movie, relax. You may feel like you can do anything, but your heart really isn't. Last time I had a few setbacks, that hindered my recovery, and I'm trying to learn from those mistakes..

I hope you can get a grip on what's going on.
I think high HR post surgery is pretty normal. It's the hearts response to the trauma its been through. It'll find its new rate post surgery, eventually. Could take 3 months, could be 6, everyones different. Mine was 60 ish pre surgery, 100 ish post. Beta blockers kept it down to 60 ish, but I'm tailing them off, down to 25mg from 75mg, HR is now mid 60's. FYI I'm 3 months post surgery.
Your heart can do some really weird things up to 12 months after surgery. Just take it all in stride and try to relax while everything readjusts.
Mine went up high and it gradually and very slowwwwwwwwly started going down to the 90s, 80s, and now when I sit doing nothing for a while it is in the low 80s, 9 months post surgery. I was told also that it will regulate itself with time.

Good luck. :)
At discharge from CC the PA RX'd 50mg Metoprolol twice per day. My pulse was just over 100 while in the hospital. With this dosage it stays around 80. I do not have an appointment with the cardio until the six week (July 6).......I am wondering if he will reduce the dosage and try to eventually eliminate it. I feel so good I am having a difficult time taking things slowly. Since you had the robot are you on any restrictions?
No, not really any restrictions. Dr. Gillinov seems to be a "try to do it if you want to, and if you can't, then don't do it" type of guy. I did mow the grass last week, but I think that was overdoing it a bit.

No, not really any restrictions. Dr. Gillinov seems to be a "try to do it if you want to, and if you can't, then don't do it" type of guy. I did mow the grass last week, but I think that was overdoing it a bit.

Unless you have a riding mower, you can bet that was overdoing it. You may have taken one step forward, three backwards. Actually, at 3 weeks post-op, I wouldn't even think about hopping on a riding mower -- you could have a helluvathingy and run into a problem while operating power equipment. Just give it some more time.

Our next-door neighbors insisted on mowing our lot all through the growing season in 2007, so that John would not have to do it or hire someone. I made one attempt at mowing the yard (1+ acres), and one neighbor came over and scolded me. He got with our other neighbor, and they divided the yard up. They have riding mowers; we have a manual.
They would not take money for labor or for gasoline. For a thank-you gift, I compiled an assortment of woods (apple, cherry, etc.) to use in smoking meats on their grills.

I had tachycardia about 2 or 2.5 weeks post-op. Felt horrible for a couple of hours.
One thing to remember is I had the robotic version of the surgery, so my sternum is intact. The literature CC gave me said I could return to normal activities in 2-4 weeks.
my resting heartbeat a month out of surgery is still in the low 90's normally. cardiologist took me off the metoprolol (25 mg * twice a day) last friday and i really haven't noticed much of a difference in my heart rate but blood pressure is still good. i come off the linisopril next so it will be interesting to see what happens when i come off that.
I just got the Timex, and noticed that my at rest is anywhere from 80 to 86. I called the Dr today, and they told me that it was normal for it to be higher right after surgery. I'm 2 weeks post op.
Steve....I agree Dr Gillinov told me "you won't hurt anything, just do whatever you feel like trying....your body will tell you" Also my literature said 2 to 4 weeks for any restrictions. I have not yet seen a cardio but would like to cut back on the Metoprolol but with my heartrate at 80ish I am afraid he may have me stay on it.
I had AVR on 20th May. 1 week after my heart rate is increased upto 100. My cardiologist prescribed my metroprolol (25mg *2 daily). Now 7wk post surgery My heart rate is around 90. and doctor stoped metroprolol. He said now it will remain stable in range of 80-90.
Welp, I had to go back to the cardiologist yesterday. I devoloped a thumping sensation in my chest and neck, and some pain. They did an EKG, and my heart beat was abnormal, but was abnormal in a regular pattern: 1 regular beat, then 1 early beat, over and over. Also my resting pulse rate was 100. They said this should work itself out, and that a little abnormal HB could be expected after surgery. My dosage of metropolol was doubled (25mg 2x daily) in an effort to bring down my pulse. Any of you have your pulse rate shoot up after surgery? For how long? Thanks


YES, an Elevated Heart Rate is VERY COMMON following OHS.
Typically this can/will last for several weeks to a few months.

A "Regularly Irregular" Heart Beat is a Classic Symptom of both / either Premature Atrial Contractions (PAC's), or Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC's).

PAC's and PVC's are usually considered to be benign which is why your Cardio is not too concerned. They can usually be controlled with Beta Blockers which will also slow your heart rate a bit. Metropolol is a Beta Blocker. Toprol and Toprol XL (extended release) also work well. Higher doses of Beta Blockers can leave you feeling lethargic. Sometimes even Low Doses (below what is considered to be "theraputic") of Beta Blockers can relieve symptoms and avoids the usual side effects.

FWIW, EXERCISE can bring on or worsen irregular or elevated Heart Rate Issues so Take It Easy for a few more weeks!

'AL Capshaw'
Just the other day, I had irregular heart beats when I went to bed. thump..thump, thump, over and over. I called my cardio the next am. I had lowered my metoprolol back down to the dose after my surgery,50mg bid. ( I had increased it to 75mg bid some time after my surgery, with my docs ok) So, I upped it back to 75mg bid, and my heart is beating much more regularly, now.
I had quite a high HR after surgery (around 90), pre-OHS my resting HR was in the mid 40s. I did a lot of HR training and also noticed it took extremely long for my HR to recover. This lasted for a little over a year for me before my HR started responding in accordance to what I had grown to expect pre-surgery. It was very hard for me to be patient and trust my body (after what I felt to be a betrayal). Trust your body, give it some time.
I had amazing recovery times, and eyebrow raising (the dr's) performance both at exercise and work... until 3 months out ! - then some sort of food allergy hit followed (days later) by a pleurisy feeling ending with arrhythmic and abnormal high pulse rates (120 at one point) plus whacky pressures and am controlling it now on Metoprolol 12.5mg x 2 per day ..... and a backslide at activity levels . . Originally prescribed such "low" dosage from CC because of (normal) lower and stable heart rates post-op ... was "protocol" that I even had any. but seems to do the trick. just had the "3 month cardio" evaluations, all fine cept for this occasional "crazy" beat & pattern , so I guess it can onset later too -

mitral valve repair 04/15/09
Cleveland Clinic
Performed by Dr. A. Marc Gillinov MD
36mm Cosgrove-Edwards annuloplasty band
& resection of posterior valve leaf
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Hmmmm.............I am 3 weeks post-op. I am taking Metropolol 25mg. 3X day. My resting pulse has varied between 75-100. I will see my cardio tomorrow, and discuss this with him.

I am glad that I saw this thread. I don't think that I was cognizant of the fact that my heart rate could go kerflooey during the healing process.

I love this website!:)