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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2010
Beautiful Small Town, North Carolina
The two holes on my shoulder (from the heart lung machine) The cath was removed a few days after the machine was and it is healing very well. But both spots on my shoulder are starting to hurt and I am getting worried about them getting infected. They are sort of deep, is it safe to clean them? What's the best way to do it??
How long has it been? Are you talking about the skin not healing and starting to hurt? Do they feel warmer than the rest of your body? I'm not sure what is acceptable as far as cleaning it goes. If it were me I think I'd be tempted to pour on some peroxide but I'm not sure that is okay and I just love the fizzing of peroxide and use it on everything. I'd call the surgeon if you are really concerned.
Can you make an appointment w/your cardiologist so he can take a look at them? These can lead to infections if not properly cared for & you certainly don't want to risk that!

Doctors don't know what the patient is going through unless they see it for themselves, so make an appointment if you can!
Is it oozing? I think peroxide will help for ooze. The top of my incision which was the widest part got a little gooey right before the scab fell off. Then was gooey for about two days dried into a crust, yeah gross, then was heal shut a couple days later. My drainage tube hole did this too. After the peroxide keep it dry and don't cover it up with anything.
The two holes on my shoulder (from the heart lung machine) The cath was removed a few days after the machine was and it is healing very well. But both spots on my shoulder are starting to hurt and I am getting worried about them getting infected. They are sort of deep, is it safe to clean them? What's the best way to do it??

I'm thinking that the Surgeon should be informed of this condition.
Then let him decide if you need to come in for evaluation (where was your surgery performed?
If local, go see the surgeon. If not local, see your Cardiologist)

'AL C'
If I suspected an infection so near the heart, I would not wait a week to see a doctor. Seeing your surgeon is a distance from you, maybe you should consult your PCP or cardiologist before the weekend.

Just my opinion. Why take a risk?
If I suspected an infection so near the heart, I would not wait a week to see a doctor. Seeing your surgeon is a distance from you, maybe you should consult your PCP or cardiologist before the weekend.

Just my opinion. Why take a risk?

I agree with JKM, since they are the holes for the bypass machine, I wouldn't wait for an appt next week IF there may be a problem. the sooner it is caught the better.
also because of where your incisions are, I may be completely off base here, but is it possible that your breasts aren't getting enough support and may be pulling on the incisions?
The PCP didn't seem to worried, she said it doesn't look infected, and to keep an eye out for ever. I have been wondering about the support, I lost about 30 pounds from surgery, and I have gained a little of it back, but my bras are a little big. I have to have DH adjust them everyday
The PCP didn't seem to worried, she said it doesn't look infected, and to keep an eye out for ever. I have been wondering about the support, I lost about 30 pounds from surgery, and I have gained a little of it back, but my bras are a little big. I have to have DH adjust them everyday

I would think if they are pulling on the incision, it would make it harder to heal. But that it just my thought, Justin's bypass machine incision was at the top of his thigh (and it always botherred him more than his sternum)