Dumb question re OTC cold medicines

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2009
Live in Mojave, Ca., "first private spaceport in t
This seems like such a dumb question, but I'd rather be dumb than out of range. Can someone give a suggestion for an OTC cold medicine that has the least affect on our warfarin? Since it is okay to take Tylenol, would guess that some type of Tylenol cold meds would be okay, but I'd rather ask the experts.

I don't take cold meds per se. However, on my PCP's advice, I use generic Flonase every day because I seem to get bronchitis very easily/frequently. I have not gotten a case of bronchitis or an URI this spring, probably the first in quite a few years.

I take Tylenol for pain relief and avoid decongestants. Run any form of Tylenol for colds past a pharmacist to be on the safe side. However, I doubt it would affect the INR.
Robitussin plain. If you are in serious, coughing all nite mode, Nyquil does wonders for me. Oh and if you smoke, stop. My mom was dx with COPD/emphysema, she was life long smoker. Just diagnosed last month.
No over the counter(Except herbals) cold remedy should affect your INR. Now there are many that they tell you not to use, but I use whatever works regardless of the "We said not to" list.
WOW Marsha, Flonase is a prescription around here, my S/O uses it at $35.00 a bottle.
But for a simple head cold I use Clarliton (sp?)

It's an Rx here, too. But I get it for $15/bottle at Wal-Mart. It's a few cents cheaper at Costco. The generic came out in the last year.
My PCP told me to stay on it instead of waiting until I get symptoms of allergies that could cause an URI.
Robitussin plain. If you are in serious, coughing all nite mode, Nyquil does wonders for me. Oh and if you smoke, stop. My mom was dx with COPD/emphysema, she was life long smoker. Just diagnosed last month.
Colleen, I already have COPD. Quit smoking about 15 years ago but smoked for many years prior. The nicotene gum really worked for me when I stopped. In 2002 had lung surgery for a nodule on my lung, surgeon thought it was properly cancer. Turned out is was Valley Fever (coccidioidomycosis), which was better for me. Now I just get tested yearly to make sure it is remaining dormant in my body. COPD is treatable to a point, but it's never going to go away.

Yes, I like Nyquil and Daycare both but try to use all of this stuff sparingly. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for all the replies. I very seldom use any kind of medication I can do without but sometimes one does get so miserable that I just wanted to get an idea on what is OK.

Ross, I had though about doing what you suggested...asking the pharmacist if it was okay to use a particular product so see, great minds travel in the same circles.

Marsha, thanks for the comment on Flonase. May ask my PCP about that as I do have allergies out here in this high, dry desert with winds that blow some part of almost every day. I had heard that it is better to take this kind of medication on a daily basis whether you thought you needed it or not because the protection compounds as you use it regularly. Have heard the same about Claratin also.

Bina, thank goodness I don't have BP issues (be thankful for small favors). My husband does and I'm always trying to keep track of how much of what he is taking because he tends to sluff it off.

Thanks again everyone.

They tell us to stay away from sudafed, but it's about all that works for me and if I'm miserable, ask me if I care what they say. ;)