Driving Dizzy

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2009
Oakland, NJ
This morning was the first time I had a dizzy spell while driving on a crowded highway to work...I was in the left lane (late as usual), so I quickly got into the right lane and breathed and tried to keep my head from spinning...luckily it passed after a minute, and I didn't hit anything...scary though...never happened in the car before.

Have you started a new med or increased the dosage? You should speak with your cardio IMO Some medications cause dizziness and there may be others you can try.
Ok... your doctor really needs to know this. Please call him/her today. Your condition could be deteriorating. Thank G*D you weren't hurt, nor anyone else.

I had a similar episode, which was v-tach at 65 mph, and wound up with a defibrillator. Not that that's your problem.

But yeah, been there, done that, and it's scary. :(

So do call your cardio!
Have you had an echo recently ?
Is your valve narrowing?
My dizzy spells were more frequent when my valve closed down to .8 cm and a cardio forbid me from driving my car until after OHS.
I have had a few episodes like that, and it is scary. I actually had to pull off the road a few times. I believe all mine were prior to my surgery. Not saying that yours is heart-related -- could be a lot of things including meds. Would definitely ask your doctor about it. Best wishes!
I have had a couple of blurry spells and some light-headed spells. Never while driving but I think about that and what I would do. Thanks for the post.
I had a similar experience when I tried to get off a med too quickly. Sorry, pump moment, I can't remember what it was.
My dizzy spell was accompanied by a racing heartbeat. That's what ended up with me having another EP study recently.

Might be meds, might be your valve, might be your heart rhythm. Like everyone else says, get it checked out!
Dianne, Sorry to read about the dizzy spell - boy, that must have been really scary! Good job keeping it together. Was there a shoulder where you could have stopped or did it pass by the time you had gotten over to the right?. You say that it was the first time that it happened while driving so it sounds like you may have had dizzy spells before. If so, did you have them checked out then? Like everyone else said, I would definitely call your cardio. Please keep us posted. Drive carefully and I hope it never happens again.

(P.S. Call me!)
Thank you all so much for your replies! I did mention it to my cardio when I saw him a few weeks ago. He was more concerned about actual fainting spells (haven't had any), swollen ankles (none yet), and chest pains (once in August while kayaking)...Dianne

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Impossible to know what caused it without consulting a doctor, and even then it's not a sure shot. I personally would be pretty nervous to keep driving. I'm not sure how bad the dizzy spell was -- I've only ever had two -- but they don't seem like the type of thing you want to risk driving with. Alive is better than the alternative!
Thank you all so much for your replies! I did mention it to my cardio when I saw him a few weeks ago. He was more concerned about actual fainting spells (haven't had any), swollen ankles (none yet), and chest pains (once in August while kayaking)...Dianne

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