Freaking out...

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
I'm starting to freak out. I was taking my shower this evening and as I was washing my arm pits I felt a little bit of pain, so I decided to "investigate" further by pressing the area with my fingers. I found a pea sized knot. I asked Nathan to come and look at/feel it so he could tell me what it might be (remember, he's an RN). He said it could be as simple as a blocked sweat gland, but it could be "something worse" and he suggested I go in to have it looked at. It felt like he was trying to "stay calm" for me, but he DID say he's "not concerned, yet. I wouldn't worry until there's something to worry about." But the fact that he told me to go to the doctor and have it looked at freaks me out! Especially with all the people in my life right now dealing with cancer and/or tumors! Please pray that it's nothing (which it probably is) and that I can calm down enough to get some sleep tonight.
Wishing you all the best. Since it is so small and is tender, I am also guessing a blocked gland. Smart to have it checked.
I don't think that much pain, if any is associated with breast cancer tumors. I asked my friend who had breast cancer and she had a lump the size of a grape (long story about why the doctor ignored it for so long.) She said it wasn't painful - if it had been she probably would have done something about it long before she did. I'm sure your husband is correct. But I'll be thinking of you as you explore the issue.
Wishing you all the best, hope it is noghing to worry about, keep us posted.
Can you spell C Y S T ?

I've had TWO, both under my Left Arm.

Both got infected.

Both removed by a General Surgeon,
one before Coumadin, one while fully anti-coagulated.

See my previous posts on that story.

Yeah, there were a couple of Bloody moments,
some blood on the Surgeon's White Coat,
on his examing table, on the floor.

ONE Stitch, some Cauterizing, and a Pressure Bandage
and all was well. After that, we were able to change the dressing at home daily until it healed (nicely).

Just find a Surgeon who understands the Risk of Stroke vs the Risk of Bleeding and isn't too worried about a little blood on his coat!

Getting it fixed BEFORE it gets infected is a Good Idea :)

Best Wishes,

'AL Capshaw'
How about a swollen gland?

How about a swollen gland?

It is likely just what the nurse in your home suggested is the case. Years back a blocked sweat gland gave me such trouble that, at age 24, I thought for sure that I was going to meet my maker before I was a year older. It resolved itself with an antibiotic and some hot compresses.

Years later, I had two incidents with the same problem. Both were resolved with no problem. The only thing that has changed is that I no longer shave under my arms. A clip, clip here and there takes care of the problem just fine.

I wish you the very best and just feel that it will resolve itself for you.

Kind regards,

Wishing you the best Niki. I bet it is nothing as serious as you are dreading.

A good reminder to the women to do our self-exams regularly.

I know you'll keep us posted. Good luck!!

Niki, go get it checked out like everyone else said and I have also heard that normally there is no pain in the knot if it is cancer. I will say a prayer for you and report back to us as soon as you find out anything.
I've called my PCP and made an appointment for Monday. If it goes away before then I'll just cancel it. (I hate that I can never get an appt. for same day :rolleyes: )

Thanks for all of the encouraging words. The thing with the pain is, the bump doesn't hurt. I said I felt a little pain when I was washing, which is true, but when I was pushing on the knot it was not painful at all. I have no idea where the pain came from. I'm still hoping it's nothing. My RN husband is pretty sure it's a sweat gland, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Besides, I hope I can get my thyroid checked at the same time, so I might as well get it looked at. I just hope I don't go too crazy over the weekend.

Thanks again,
Twice I have had hard little bumps in the side of breast/armpit area. Both times I freaked, but they were blocked glands or nodules and went away. I did go for an exam and mamogram to ease my nerves.

My gut would be cyst or sweat gland.....especially with the"pain" factor. Try to relax.....I KNOW how hard that can be. I've had three lumps removed and all were benign....our surgeon said 90-95% are. Relax, and go with what Nathan said.....

In the prayers.

I've had my share of these, Niki,and it's always turned out to be a cyst or something else non-threatening. The vast majority of these things turn out to be benign. I know what it's like to have to wait for a Monday appointment. I had to wait over the weekend for biopsy results once after the surgeon had termed my nodule "suspicious." But it turned out to be OK again, just as the others had been. Try to go out and do something fun and engaging this weekend to take yuor mind off it. Wishing you the best of luck.
francie12 said:
Try to go out and do something fun and engaging this weekend to take yuor mind off it.
Well, that shouldn't be too hard, considering we have a birthday party for my husband planned for tomorrow night and we have done zero cleaning or grocery shopping so far. :eek: Hope we can get it all done!
Hey Niki,

Well, hopefully your weekend activities will help take your mind off it for a while....

GOOD LUCK on Monday. Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course.

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve&pacemaker*SATURDAY.january26*2p-5p.and.8p-11p.CENTRAL
"Waiting to be mended like a potter would mend a broken vase" ... Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers ... 'Broken Lady'
I have a friend who had tests on a Friday and they told her it'd be 4 days before the tests came back. Well, they called her on Monday; tests were back and she forced them to give her an appointment - she had really freaked. She went in and they told her not to worry. All was good. We will all wait with you to see what happens and hope you get answers quickly. Blessins (and prayers).........
I'm actually calming down considerably. I'm beginning to feel like I'm going in for nothing. The bump is still there, but it is very small and sometimes difficult to find. If I didn't also want my thyroid checked (and now my potassium due to increasing my lasix), I probably would skip the whole appointment. But when I told my cardiologist about it yesterday she said it probably was nothing, but having it looked at wasn't a bad idea. Besides, after my appointment she wants me to stop by her office. So that's what I'll be doing.

Thanks again, everyone, for your encouragement. You guys are the best! :D