Do people stare at you too?

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2009
Southeastern Wisconsin
I'm about 11 weeks post-op and decided (it is summer anyway) I was going to wear a lower cut shirt out, just to the grocery store. I could not believe the stares that I got, it made me feel a little awkward at first then I realized they were probably staring because of the "oh my god factor". I'm only 36 so I don't think people are expecting it. Anyway, I soon got over it and soon felt like it's more of a battle injury that I should be proud of. Some people get tattoo's, my scar is just a tattoo with a better story. ;)

Can't see mine, except in a bathing suit, and I don't do that often, but sometimes I wish I had a vertical scar so I could prove how tough I am!


Of course, scars tend to naturally draw attention.

One of my teachers dropped by my office today. He was wearing shorts and it didn't take me long to notice a rather large scar on his leg where a vein was harvested about fifteen years ago when he needed quad bypass surgery. It just kinda jumped out at me.

My chest scar drew attention and questions from people when I was at a swimming pool in Arizona during spring break a couple of years ago. It' natural for people to be curious.

In the beginning I changed my wardrobe to hide the "zip", but now, 16 months post-op I give them extra cleavage to stare at! It is an absolute GOTCHA mark. Been there, done that, got the scar to proof it :)
Mine was opened twice and isn't all that noticeable but I make no effort to hide it. I'm grateful it isn't totally ugly but even if it was, so what! Without that scar, I wouldn't be here.
I'm about 11 weeks post-op and decided (it is summer anyway) I was going to wear a lower cut shirt out, just to the grocery store. I could not believe the stares that I got, it made me feel a little awkward at first then I realized they were probably staring because of the "oh my god factor". I'm only 36 so I don't think people are expecting it. Anyway, I soon got over it and soon felt like it's more of a battle injury that I should be proud of. Some people get tattoo's, my scar is just a tattoo with a better story. ;)

You need to put that in your signature.:)
Maybe I am exceptionally unobservant, but i haven't noticed anyone staring at my scar. It's easy seen when I wear many of my casual outfits as well some of my nicer dresses.

Of course, now that it's a year after surgery, my scar isn't red and puffy, which I think attracts more attention than the simple line I currently have.
Wear it proudly - you earned it.

I covered my scar most of the first year, as it was red, and the sun is really bad in Texas. But now I wear whatever I want to that's flattering. I tend not to wear things that are narrow v necks and just show the scar - that looks funny. But I'm happy to wear wide v necks, or scoop necks, or camisole type square necks-the scar is just there, they can live with it, and I'm happy to answer questions. Like you, I'm younger than most people think about for heart surgery...or, I WAS younger when I had it.

The only time I felt funny was when a medical insurance agent came into the office -yeah, like they weren't gonna know my history when we filled out the application.
A woman's chest is an ideal, not a measurement.

We men never believe that a woman has no chest, and to prove it will go to great lengths to get even a moment's gander at what supposedly isn't there.

Best wishes,
Wear it proudly - you earned it.

I covered my scar most of the first year, as it was red, and the sun is really bad in Texas. But now I wear whatever I want to that's flattering.

I'll ditto that. You can get a sunburn in just 5 minutes, it seems like.

Scars fade and scar tissue breaks down with time. Some sternotomy scars are pretty high; mine is not.
I'm not worried about my scar being noticed when I'm in a swimsuit. I am more cautious when shopping for evening wear, since many dresses and tops are fairly low-cut. I don't want my scar to be the focal point.
It's funny that I am mindful of the scar when shopping for formal wear, since I probably would have bypassed the same garments pre-op! I don't like necklines that plunge to the floor ..... ;)
People check mine out as well, I no longer care I'm going to wear what I like to wear. As others have said I wear it with pride.