diazepam is it any good

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
hertfordshire uk
went to my local doctor before xmas still having trouble getting my head around all thats going to happen ,so asked for something to help ,at first the doctor put me on 2mg diazapan took these 3 times a day for 2 weeks and they did absolutley nothing, so went went back and asked about xanex to which the doctor replied these are sleeping tablets!! are you having trouble sleeping i said no ,so she the precribed 5mg diazapan 3 times a day
i havent taken any of these yet just been getting on with it at the moment! my question is are these going to be any good or is there something better as i know i will need chemical help getting through this!
Deano wait for the pro's im not much help to you.
i know i coulda sure used something to lately.

zipper2 (DEB)
Xanax isn't a sleeping pill, however, it may make you sleepy. Diazapam is generic for valium, similar to xanax. Should help take the edge off.

If you mean Diazepam.....that is a tranq much like Valium and is commonly taken at night.
And Xanax is an anti-anxiety med that is helpful for panic attacks.
I have tried very low dose (.5mg) Ativan (anti-anxiety) to take before dental visits.
These are all to be used with caution. Very addictive stuff.
You are taking Diazepam, the generic for valium .... it should do the trick... It is fast acting.... If I need to calm myself:rolleyes: I take 15mg and smooth right out.
thanks havent taken any 5mg yet certianly woudnt taken them with vodka hardly drink at all just the odd pint .the reason i asked doc about xanex was because i had read on here members were taking it for anxiety ,was a little taken back when she said they were sleeping pills just thought she knew more than me
would like to not take anything ,always been against putting anything in my body. i like to be in control .but there are times i find things really difficult ,when i was first told i needed surgery i really thought thats it game over!, but i know now there is a risk with all surgery but the odds are not that bad and reading all the experiences on here has really helped,but my mind still insists on taking me to darker places and the what ifs!
The week before my OHS the doc gave me 7 pills of Ativan in case I freaked out.
Just having them on hand seemed to help and I didn't need them. I actually became more calm once I was all set to go through with it.
Don't go to the dark places.....plan for your new life. :)
I have taken both, Diazepam makes me mean the next day so I had to get rid of them. Now I take xanax at night to sleep, but if I feel stressed out during the day I take a piece of xanax during the day, take the edge off! I like the xanax better then the diazepam! But it is ok to take something for the feelings and fears! It really does help!
diazepam (valium) is just about the same thing as Xanax (alazopram). Both are a tranq but I take .5 at night for sleep. Both do about the same thing. try not to get too dependent on them and when you quit, do it slowly.
I've tried everything under the sun and Valium/Diazepam works the best so far. I only take it before bed. I've actually been able to get some real sleep after 7 years of insomnia.

Another thing you might try is Unisom. Not the Benedryl pill, but the Doxylamine succinate pills. They make both and they put them out side by side, so make sure which one your picking up. It's over the counter and works pretty well, but can leave you feeling sleepy/hungover.
I dont think I would feel much of anything of valium (diazepam). I would give the 5mg a try - you might have a lot more success than with the 2mg....I used to take 10mg myself and that worked pretty well without totally zonking me out.
Caveat emptor: I hate to be the wet blanket especially since I begrudgingly partake in them, but benzodiazapenes are very addictive and it's not easily noticeable until it's too late. People develop a tolerance to them very quickly. Benzos are the type of drug that xanax, valium, ativan, klonopin, etc fall in to. Obviously it's necessary sometimes to take them to stay functional, especially when dealing with something as scary as OHS...
Caveat emptor: I hate to be the wet blanket especially since I begrudgingly partake in them, but benzodiazapenes are very addictive and it's not easily noticeable until it's too late. People develop a tolerance to them very quickly. Benzos are the type of drug that xanax, valium, ativan, klonopin, etc fall in to. Obviously it's necessary sometimes to take them to stay functional, especially when dealing with something as scary as OHS...

100% correct, which is why I only take it at bed time. I'm supposed to take 2 a day, but that's not what I'm doing. Sad thing is, most of us really do need things like this to do the job. I wish it weren't so, but it is.
Caveat emptor: I hate to be the wet blanket especially since I begrudgingly partake in them, but benzodiazapenes are very addictive and it's not easily noticeable until it's too late. People develop a tolerance to them very quickly. Benzos are the type of drug that xanax, valium, ativan, klonopin, etc fall in to. Obviously it's necessary sometimes to take them to stay functional, especially when dealing with something as scary as OHS...

All true and a good warning, well said Sir Duff.....
Just putting my vote in for the usefullness of Valium...I had it too before surgery just to get me thru those early days where I was overwhelmed by the whole ordeal I was putting my hand up for...I also took them occaisionally afterwards to help get some sleep 'cos at times that was a problem for me...

The Doxylamine Succinate is also one I keep in my bedside drawer for those rough sleepless nights...I dont use them everynight. I try to go to sleep and if it isnt hapening after 1-2 hours then I will pop half a pill and if that doesn't do the job I will have the other half...

Thanks to Valium and these guys here I only felt really anxious for about 7-10 days...I actually had a stupid big smile on my face the night I checked into hospital for my surgery...I suppose I was looking forward to my aneurysm being all gone and no more worries about it blowing!.
thanks for all your input, i thought as things went on i would come to terms with this. but if anything it seems to be getting harder each day. I do have some good days where everything seems in perspective but then someone says something and my mind takes me places i dont want to be. so will be trying these out sparingly and see if they help !
I've never tried Diazepam, but I remember when I was younger it was very sort after on the black so to speak, infact young people paid quite a bit for it from anyone who had prescribed surplus ! So I should think it is pretty good if it's worth abusing and paying for ?
Maybe your dose of 2mg is just much to low for you, so try taking 5mg and see what happens, especially if it's been advised !? But remember it's addictive !
More to the point you need to find some non medical way to calm yourself down a little ? Remembering most people on this site have been there and done it and got the scars prove it ! And for the most part we're doing just fine ? You're a healthy looking young bloke and you'll be in good hands. I only had about 10 days to worry about my operation and I was worried, very worried, until that is I got to hospital and then I went into a weird sort of auto pilot and just sort of mentally handed myself over to them... From that moment on nothing was as bad as I'd imagined it was going to be.
A couple of days before my operation I was of course very stressed so I booked a full body massage complete with essential oils and even soothing world music (might as well have been dolphins!) in background ! Anyway it was about 40 quid and probably the best money I've ever spent !! Talk about relaxed, it was wonderful, I was walking on air when I left ! Dig out your Yellow pages and give one a bell it's just the ticket... Watch you dont get one out of the small ads in your local paper though, you'll wind up with more than just your back being rubbed !
Good luck, you'll be fine I'm sure.
Sometimes when I can't sleep I take an anti-histamine--the ones that include drowsiness as a side effect. They aren't addictive and haven't caused bad reactions as Valium/diazepam have.

I can honestly say the days leading up to surgery were the pits--the surgery itself and recovery was a walk in the park by comparison.