cuoricino's surgery date SEPT. 23

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Thanks guys!!!!! I got "the call" that I was waiting for from Bologna today! They gave me all the details I need for now. Admittance to the hospital is on sept. 22 bright and early. A day long of tests, prodding and poking, and then sept. 23rd is THE day!!

One question: I'm not sure if this is an Italian thing, but they said visiting hours are from 1-2pm and from 8-9pm. On weekends we get an extra hour in the evenings.


I'm flying my parents out from California, my boyfriend is taking off of work and all I get are two stinking little hours a day?? I tried asking specifically about family members, but he said no exceptions.

Is this the way they do it in America? I've (luckily) never had a hospital stay before and don't know about these things.

Either way, I'm going to do whatever I can to have my "people" in there with me as long as I can...
Most hospitals here allow family members in regular rooms virtually round the clock. ICU/CCU is different and have very restricted hours in the majority of hospitals. However, the time in ICU is usually short.

Could it be they meant ICU/Recovery and not regular rooms?
that makes sense. until now i've been in contact with the secretarial staff, who don't seem to be able to give much more information than what is STRICTLY told to them (which i understand). and he did mention the ICU, but made it seem like I'd be staying there for a while.... ???

I think until I'm actually at the hospital, I won't know exactly what's goin' on, but even for the ICU 2 hours a day seems like so little! I need my boyfriend (and mommy and daddy :p) to hold my hand!!
Actually in the US different hospitals have different rules, even in the ICU/CICU. Some have very strict hours and rules on who can visit. Others let famly in pretty much all the time and others, 1 person can stay next to the patient 24/7 even in CICU. Alot depends on how it is set up. Some hospitals have private rooms even in CICU, so someone can be there more often than a bigger ward w/ several beds in 1 big room.
I don't know how close you are to the hospital you'll be using, if it is close could you get a tour before hand, You can usually get a better idea of how they really do things that way. Alot of times what the actual "rules" are on paper are different than in real life
I was in the ICU for less than 24 hours. They only let family members come in between 7:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. right after the operation (and I think it was that way each day, but I was out of the ICU at about 11:00 a.m. the next day.

I have to say, that first day, I was still in such an anesthetic haze that I slept most of the time (and I don't usually sleep well in hospitals).

Hopefully you will not be in the ICU too long.
You may be sleeping partly because a huge part of the process has been taken off your hands. Now, other people are responsible for things, not just you.

Not only were visiting hours much longer (barely restricted) in both hospitals I was in, the first hospital let my dog come and visit me the night before surgery. They both had nominal hours, but no one really paid attention to them. They were a bit stricter in the cardiac intensive care right after the surgery, mostly I believe because people are waking up from anesthesia and they can be grumpy, loud, frightened or even violent.

Both times I had the same first thought when I woke up: "I made it. I'm alive." It's a good way to start out.

To be honest, I would leave your parents in California, and promise to come visit afterwards. This is likely to be very unsatisfying for them, and I doubt they can really enjoy Italy when they will be so concerned about you.

Pat and I spent a day in Firenza a few years ago, and some longer time in Pisa and Cortona. Tuscanny is beautiful.

Best wishes,
Cuoricino I had a very similar surgery here in the states. I had an ascending Aortic Aneurysm at 5.7cm. The told me they had hoped also to be able to save the valve but it didn't look good. That was now 5 weeks ago. I ended up loosing my valve and now have an ATS mechanical valve. Before the surgery i didn't realize that i had valve options. I wish you the best of luck. I too had trouble sleeping until i received my surgical date. It was a load off my mind and slept much better afterwards i received the date. FYI the valve is performing very well. I am back at work full time and I start Cardiac rehab next week. They tell me everything is going great! There is light at the end of the tunnel. Stay positive!
thank you thank you thank you all for your positive messages of support!!

tomorrow I'm being admitted, and Wednesday is the big day. My parents arrived in Milan this morning and in a few hours -after their train ride down to Florence- I'm having lunch with them!! Neither they nor I could ever imagine going through this with each of us on our sides of the ocean and at this point they've been to Italy so many times, that they'll spend most of their time hangin' out and visiting with my friends and their friends.

still sleeping like a rock, and I think you all are right! it's just such a relief to have "my part" be done!! now just have to enjoy the ride :eek:

I can't believe that tomorrow I'll be laying in a hospital bed!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
cioricino - Hope you had a wonderful lunch with your parents! Want to wish you a successful surgery and a smooth, bump-free recovery. You are going to do great! Please have someone post for you, if possible, to let us know that you are "over the mountain". We all worry until we hear. Looking forward to reading your first posts when you are able. Godspeed.

Vi mando preghiere per un intervento chirurgico buona e una pronta guarigione. Si prega di tenere a noi inviati ...
Sarete in beni mani .... God Bless
Hello and good luck with your surgery. Both Mentu and I will be having AVR over the next 2 days. Good luck to all of us. Mentu in OKlahoma and I will be in Boston. See you on these boards next week...
Tanti auguri per un ottimo intervento!! Will your parents be staying in Bologne or commuting from Florence (you probably don't have time to answer that question before your operation)?
Saying a prayer for you now as it is the big day! All will go well and I hope you are able to have your family at your side as much as possible. I know my husband and sister pushed a little and got them to bend the rules for visiting hours in ICU. God bless.
I actually only stayed in ICU for one evening. My surgery ended around 11am and I came out of ICU around 8 or 9 am the next day. I think some people have had to stay longer but the truth is I don't recall a lot about the ICU. The drugs they give you to knock you out take quite a while to wear off completely that I think you will probably sleep though most of it.


I wanted to add that when I posted I didn't realise today is the day! I have you in my prayers!
