Could this have been a TIA.....

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi everyone,

Well I had a scary event yesterday. I was chatting to my daughter Sarah. She is planning on painting her bedroom so we had gone to buy the paint and roller etc. On the way back in the car we were chatting about the colour and suddenly right in the middle of a sentence I wouldnt speak...just a blank....I knew it was happening and felt scared. It lasted about 30 seconds. I felt weird for at least an hour after.

This exact thing (and at least 2 other similar things) happened me in 07 just before I started taking Warfarin.

When I had my INR tested on Tuesday it was 1.9.....Do you think that could be why this happened yesterday.

Ps....been feeling REALLY UNWELL all week..pain/pulsating in upper ab., weakness..SOB at the slightest exertion....
I have had similar things happen, more with my sight and a strange sensation in my mouth. It may just be nothing, but to be safe, I would suggest you go see your doctor when you have a chance.
Hi everyone,

Well I had a scary event yesterday. I was chatting to my daughter Sarah. She is planning on painting her bedroom so we had gone to buy the paint and roller etc. On the way back in the car we were chatting about the colour and suddenly right in the middle of a sentence I wouldnt speak...just a blank....I knew it was happening and felt scared. It lasted about 30 seconds. I felt weird for at least an hour after.

This exact thing (and at least 2 other similar things) happened me in 07 just before I started taking Warfarin.

When I had my INR tested on Tuesday it was 1.9.....Do you think that could be why this happened yesterday.

Ps....been feeling REALLY UNWELL all week..pain/pulsating in upper ab., weakness..SOB at the slightest exertion....

Hi Ya:)...probably nothing but get checked when you can....I lose words all the time....and not feeling well afterwords could be that you were upset......Tom
Whenever I get unusual 'visual effects' or other possible indicators of a TIA, I chew a 325mg Aspirin (or sometimes only half if I've just taken my usual 81mg aspirin). My Cardiologist concured "that is probably a good idea".
Hi Tom.....It was like I couldnt speak, just this 'blankness' horrible feeling. Also I remembered today that when we left the shop I kept blinking my eye because I couldnt see properlly from it, and remember thinking...thats weird theres nothing irritating my eye, but yet I cant see. It was a bit cloudy' for want of a better word. Thanks for your input. :cool:

Al, I remembered reading that on one of your previous posts, so when I got home I took a 300mg asprin. Thank you. :cool:
That does sound kind of scary Jacqui ---- why take any chances? Make an appointment w/your doctor next week to get checked out. I've never had this happen to me but I have had blurry vision from time to time that will last anywhere from a few secs to 8 or 10 minutes. But the doctors don't really know what causes that.

Take care & get checked out! :)
Yes I'd go with the above advice and get checked out. Be aware though some TIAs are very, very minor. The after effects cab be so subtle. It really needs an experienced Doc to diagnose. Are there any noticeable after effects Jacqui?
I had an instance when I was back at work about 2 weeks. I was running a meeting with about 20 folks, covering an issue and I simple lost my train of thought, stopped speaking mid-sentence. I probably sat there for 20 seconds before I gathered myself and started again. I had a whole bunch of people looking at me wondering what was wrong. I laughed it off, didn't know what to make of it really. Until just now I'd never heard of TIA, maybe thats what its was. It was a very odd thing, no pain, I just went completely blank. I haven't had anything like that since but I guess now if I do have something like that happen I will keep TIA in mind.
Jacqui, it really sounds like you need a medical exam. Maybe it is nothing but coupled with the SOB and general feeling of unwellness it might be something that needs treatment to prevent it from becoming really major. How are you doing today?
I know this is only anectdotal, but I knew a guy that would have seizures like that. One time he had a cigarette in his hand when it happened and he just held on to it while it burned a permanent mark in to his fingers.
I know how you feel about your doctors , but I do think you should get a CT or MRI just to be safe.
The key features of a TIA are;blurred or double vision ,weakness in an extremity ,numbness in face/hand,slurred speech and vertigo or dizziness.
I know that with hemorrhagic strokes there are different symptoms than
with ischemic ones,and there are so many different symptoms with each
Even though going to get it checked is an onerous task ,and Im with you on that one, It is a needful one-Dina