Cookers Weigh In---Throw Down 9-03-07

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mntbiker said:
OK Folks,
Here you go, I see lots of you have trouble getting in the old workouts. As a result of this I am officially launching my new business.

David's Exercise Credits.

Here is how it works, you pay me for the type of exercise you want and I go do it.

Here is the price list:
2 miles cross country riding = $5.00
10 minutes hill repeats (bike) = $10.00
5k Trail run = $15.00
30 minute downhill runs (bike) = $20.00
Upper body workout = $30.00

You can choose multiple of an activity or mix and match to get your perfect workout. I will even include a picture and photoshop you into it, that is an extra $10.00 though.

:D :D :D

OK Dave I need to know a few things. Which one of these activities equals 1 piece of cheese cake, 1 KrispyKreme donut, 1 double chili cheeseburger???? Or has my buddy Bob would say "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today":D :D :D
I can't comment on the doughnuts since I don't like those but since my weight hasn't changed I would say the burger and cheese cake even out at about 12 miles of cross country riding and 10k of trail running.
:eek: :rolleyes:
cooker said:
Question: Does weight loss effect INR? I know a few pounds won't but I plan on losing 40-50 lbs.:D :D
I would guess the answer is yes, since your motabolism will probably change some and therefore you will end up "digesting" the coumadin faster. I am pretty sure I have read that exercise can have an effect. Just keep an eye on it and adjust accordingly.
Exercise definitely will. Not sure about that much weight loss, it would make sense that it might. The changes are gradual, so you should be able to keep a handle on slowly increasing the dose if needed.
Notable Quotable

Notable Quotable

Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake. ~Author Unknown
Yesterday(Wednesday) was a total diet flop!!!:mad: Started off great and ended with lasagna and ice cream:mad: :mad: :mad: I don't know what got into me:confused: Out with some friends and went nuts. Hopefully I will be back on track today. This is getting harder.

Well, off for a morning walk. I hope y'all did better yesterday that I did.:(
We can remember that when faced with those "diet busters" that we can have some control by being moderate in the amount we eat. (Which we should be anyway. :) )

Depending on the size of the portions we can eat 1/2 or 1/3 of what it is - and take the rest home for another meal or two!
Whoopie:D Weighed this a.m...dropped down to the next lowest pound.:) :) :) Now, just hold until next Monday's weigh-in....I am just going for 1 lb a week....Bonnie
cooker said:
Yesterday(Wednesday) was a total diet flop!!!:mad: Started off great and ended with lasagna and ice cream:mad: :mad: :mad: I don't know what got into me:confused: Out with some friends and went nuts. Hopefully I will be back on track today. This is getting harder.

Well, off for a morning walk. I hope y'all did better yesterday that I did.:(

I'm glad I'm not alone. It has been a very disrupted week for me and I've not held the diet torch at all :eek: :eek: :mad:

I still have cake to eat later, and two meals I've been invited to....all for the same occasion :D ....while all that is fun, it has an expanding effect and it's not mind expansion. It does have a mind numbing effect though, i.e. carb coma.

Forgive me if I don't get back on track this week....I just need to get back ASAP....I'm under the spell of the spirit of diet sabotage but I will repent and crawl back to the altar of lettuce and power walking soon.
cooker said:
Yesterday(Wednesday) was a total diet flop!!!:mad: Started off great and ended with lasagna and ice cream:mad: :mad: :mad: I don't know what got into me:confused: Out with some friends and went nuts. Hopefully I will be back on track today. This is getting harder.

Well, off for a morning walk. I hope y'all did better yesterday that I did.:(

What, no Krispy Kremes! :p

Just noticed in Food Lion, they have super-sized Snickers bars, Cooker. Sounds like a perfect complement to lasagna and ice cream. :p :eek: :)
RobHol said:
What, no Krispy Kremes! :p

Just noticed in Food Lion, they have super-sized Snickers bars, Cooker. Sounds like a perfect complement to lasagna and ice cream. :p :eek: :)

What is up with that!!!! :eek: Are you trying to totally sabotage me?:eek: :p I have a very diet lunch today and have doubled my ?PJ? intake!!!! :D OUT OF THE WAY!!!!! COMING THROUGH!!!!!!!:eek: :eek:

cooker said:
Yesterday(Wednesday) was a total diet flop!!!:mad: Started off great and ended with lasagna and ice cream:mad: :mad: :mad: I don't know what got into me:confused: Out with some friends and went nuts. Hopefully I will be back on track today. This is getting harder.

Well, off for a morning walk. I hope y'all did better yesterday that I did.:(

You are BAD BAD BAD!:)

You could have saved yourself the trouble and had one of these! Ha!

Ugh! I know I'm heading in the right direction, and I'll have these pounds off soon, but I'm SO frustrated today. I can't fit into any of my work pants (dang lazy summer)! I finally had to settle for some elastic waisted pants this morning just so I wouldn't walk out of the house nekkid. I am running out of clothing I can actually get on and I really really don't want to go out and buy more, since I'm trying my best to get back down into the size I was before. I'd hate to buy new clothes that I hope to only be able to wear a few more weeks/months. I'd much rather save my money and buy new clothes when I'm looking good again... What's a girl to do???

Of course, this fact made it very easy for me yesterday and today. Yesterday I had a small portion of turkey pasta for lunch, cashews for a snack, and grilled catfish for dinner (I also had gumbo, but shared it with hubby). Today I had the other catfish fillet (there were two and I saved one for leftovers) with a spinich salad. I had tofu spring rolls for my snack (they were lowsy. never getting those again!). I bought some salmon burger patties for dinner tonight, which will also be lunch tomorrow (we always do leftovers for lunches) and I'm going to make those sweetpotato fries that were mentioned in an earlier thread (if I can find it again...). Surely all of this fish will be good for me, right?!

Oh, and I was talking to a coworker today and she said she was told that cardio workouts won't help you loose weight. Lifting weights will drop the pounds better/faster. So as soon as I finish all this packing (hey, lifting boxes should be good!) I'm going to start using the weight machines at the gym. This pants problem can't go on!
Forgive me Cooker for I have sinned.

Did you all know that the refrigerator at church is a dangerous thing. I'm here preparing for rehearsal and some other-worldly force pushed me into the kitchen and opend the refrigerator. There lay a plate of brownies left over from Sunday. I had one. Really, just one.:(
Oh, my goodness, those sweet potato fries are driving me insane!!! They're in the oven right now and smell SOOO good. My mouth is watering and my stomach is growling. I can't wait for them to be done so I can eat them. If they're half as good to eat as they are to smell, I think I'll be in heaven... Don't know that any will last for leftovers, though. Not once my hubby gets home! :D