Cooker's ThrowDown Friday II.....10-10-08

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I almost forgot to start this thread this morning ... shows where my mind is or isn't:rolleyes: ... I am still in the cool down mode from the Mini Reunion and I will weigh in tomorrow, giving my self an extra day to lose, gain or stay the same:D .... My latest war is afternoon snacking and I can not seem to win a single battle ... every day I start out telling myself to "think thin" and end up thinking Snickers by late afternoon ..... any magic bullets will be appreciated:eek:
Suggestions for the afternoon/evening munchies: Air-popped popcorn, or a piece of fruit. Or a WW ice cream bar. Then go for a walk.
Of course, at work I usually succumb to a couple Ghiradelli squares from the candy dishes. Do as I say, not as I do.

I'm still in the same place: 131.x to 131.y
I think I'm permanently stuck here.

I guess if I'm not going to torture myself in the gym 3 days a week, and just do a semi-tough workout 2 days per week in addition to the doggy activities, I'm not going to get this 2 lbs back off.
Having snuck a peek this morning, Superbob will weigh in tomorrow and hope for a miracle or a dispensation of prune juice. :p Looks mighty like the scales are going to be stuck in the same place they have been for months. But wasn't it Marguerite who reminded us how that can be progress? In the past, I have gone up and down like a yo-yo. At least I have preserved the weight loss from the TD's first year. And of course I have had limited mobility since April because of the meniscal tears, and am just now starting to get moving again, and have to avoid doing too much, too fast. I know -- excuses, excuses. :D
I'm going with today's weight!;)
I am down two pounds from two weeks ago (took a mulligan last week) and FIVE pounds less than Monday's posting!
I am tickled!
I'm going with today's weight!;)
I am down two pounds from two weeks ago (took a mulligan last week) and FIVE pounds less than Monday's posting!
I am tickled!

Okay, Ref, Superbob is impressed. He withdraws his mean-spirited comment about weight gain as a result of frequenting that mountain pancake lodge. (Superbob is now craving a mountain of blueberry pancakes covered with maple syrup.) Anyway, congrats, good show! :)
Good job Mary! How DID you do it? Amazing recovery.

No so lucky here, but at least my WW weigh-in was better than my at home weight on Monday. Cindy takes a mulligan this week, so I'll report mine.

Starting Weight: 204.8
Last Week: 177.2
This Week: 178.8
Weekly Change: +1.6
Total Loss: 26 lbs.

So, I'll take that gladly; +1.6 is better than +3!

Cooker, put that Snickers Bar down!!!
I think we all underestimated the amount of fluid retention we'd be dragging around after riding so long on the trip home (7 hours for us). In addition, it's cooled down substantially in SE Missouri and that always helps me.

I did a hard work out Monday night and have really cut the calories every day since.

I've got a few recipes that I clipped last night so I will post them in the recipe section. They're heavy on vegetables so I'll have to go to the store before trying them, but I think they will be tasty!

SuperBob, all is forgiven!;):)

Wise, good effort, and I bet you're back down next week!:)

Cindy, you're my role model!:)

Cooker, put that Snickers Bar down and flush the donut holes!!!:p
Hello Cooker,

I am the same, I crave for chocolates in the afternoons. My FIL does not touch sweets at all and he always starts his day with fruits:) I picked up this from him, and thus when I eat a sweet pear or any other in the morning, and another fruit after main meal, my craving is gone. So, if you do not do this already, you may like to give it a try. Of course, sometimes I still want a 'kitkat' (my weakness), but I would substitute it when I have strong will with dates and almonds (from Costco).
I think we all underestimated the amount of fluid retention we'd be dragging around after riding so long on the trip home (7 hours for us). In addition, it's cooled down substantially in SE Missouri and that always helps me.

I did a hard work out Monday night and have really cut the calories every day since.

I've got a few recipes that I clipped last night so I will post them in the recipe section. They're heavy on vegetables so I'll have to go to the store before trying them, but I think they will be tasty!

SuperBob, all is forgiven!;):)

Wise, good effort, and I bet you're back down next week!:)

Cindy, you're my role model!:)

Cooker, put that Snickers Bar down and flush the donut holes!!!:p

Hello Cooker,

I am the same, I crave for chocolates in the afternoons. My FIL does not touch sweets at all and he always starts his day with fruits:) I picked up this from him, and thus when I eat a sweet pear or any other in the morning, and another fruit after main meal, my craving is not done. So, if you do not do this already, you may like to give it a try. Of course, sometimes I still want a 'kitkt' (my weakness), but I would substitute it when I have strong will with dates and almonds (from Costco).

Thanks for the pep talk ladies:D

I had greek for lunch ... lots:eek: .. I will walk tonight come heck or high water and I will be back on plan tomorrow .... weigh in tomorrow ..... not a chance:p
MARY! You are leading the pack this week!..Yippee!

I am in the middle of birthday cake land (again-twice in 2 weeks) so I may hop on the scales but I wont be looking at what they say this week!

Weather is fining up so I will have to pound the pavement this week and give my runners a workout as they have been sitting quietly in the back of the closet patiently waiting to be brought out again!
I can't believe or understand how in the world I can be down a pound but as we say, I'll take it:D .... I walked last night for the first time this week, tough ... with all of this eating AND losing I guess the earth must have reversed on it's axis:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................216
This week....................215
Weekly Change............ -1
I can't seem to find a scale on the Caribbean Princess to weigh myself this week:(

It's probably just as well given the number of Martinis I've consumed on this boat and all the yummy food. Oh well, the cruise ends this Sunday then it's bac k to being good. :D


Jim .... It is an international law .... scales are forbidden on cruise ships:D
I can't believe or understand how in the world I can be down a pound but as we say, I'll take it:D .... I walked last night for the first time this week, tough ... with all of this eating AND losing I guess the earth must have reversed on it's axis:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Starting weight........233
Last Week...................216
This week....................215
Weekly Change............ -1

So the Earth's reversal was that huge bump I felt during the night! Should have known . . . the world revolves around the Chimp!;);):):)
Would someone please tell DW:D:D:D

Cindy says "DW keeps you balanced! or she tries to anyway:p!"

(Mrs. Smith is a spoil sport, huh?)

Cindy also says, "Did you tell your DW about the grits?"

Wise says, "After you've ended up losing this week, I want to know where that Snicker Tree is!!!"
Cindy says "DW keeps you balanced! or she tries to anyway:p!"

(Mrs. Smith is a spoil sport, huh?)

Cindy also says, "Did you tell your DW about the grits?"

Wise says, "After you've ended up losing this week, I want to know where that Snicker Tree is!!!"

Tell Cindy she is so right ... I shudder to think where I would be without DW (I think most men can say that) ? Yes I told her what Cindy said about the grits and we are both glad they are a hit ? The Snicker Tree is in the middle of the Garden of Cooker guarded by things that go bump in the night:p
I'm going with today's weight!;)
I am down two pounds from two weeks ago (took a mulligan last week) and FIVE pounds less than Monday's posting!
I am tickled!

Wow! That is super. Last night was supposed to be my join day for weight watchers but the time conflicted with my grandson's first flag football game. Of course I went to the football game. I've done my shopping though and have rid the house of diet-breaker temptations. I'm heading in the right direction again but I won't weigh yet....I think it would be too discouraging right now.

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