Cleveland Clinic?

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After reviewing all the advice from everyone(Thank you so much) I have decided to get the Cleveland Clinic involved. I need someone who has used them before to call their Surgeon's office and get a recommendation for the best surgeon for redos in the Cleveland Clinic in Weston Florida which is down by Miami and Ft Lauderdale. This is about 4 hours from my house and seems like the logical place to start. If you could email me your findings or PM me I would be indebted to you for life.
Dr Lytle

Dr Lytle

If you can do an e second opinion, I'd check with Dr Lytle. He lists "reoperations" on his areas of specialties, as there are unique challenges associated with repeatedly opening the chest. Of course, I'm a little biased since he was my surgeon, but he's still who'd I'd want involved, even if from afar.
RandyL said:
What they only have 2 heart surgeons? I thought the Cleveland Clinics were loaded up with heart surgeries from around the country. I guess you learn something new everyday.

that's mainly the main one in ohio, lyn


I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through. I know you are in Florida but I have listed a page with docs at Cleveland that specialize in AVR. My doctor was Dr. Svennson. From what I was told he is the best of the best when it comes to AVR and various aortic surgeries. I know he is in Cleveland and you are in Florida but if you are able to get to see someone up in Cleveland I would do it. I wish you the very best. Please let us know what you decide and how you are doing.

Take Care & God Bless!
I agree that it is wise to consult with the Cleveland Clinic (main campus). This is the #1 rated Heart Hospital with 45 Heart Surgeons on staff.

If you would like yet another opinion, here is a list of the 10 Heart Surgeons from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.

None of them listed "High Risk" or "Re-do's" or "Multiple surgeries" among their Interests. Dr. McBride at the Mayo Clinic branch in Jacksonville, FLA caught my eye, listing "High Risk Adult Surgery" among his interests.

List of Doctors in Cardiovascular Surgery at Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Hartzell V. Schaff, M.D., Division Chair
Richard C. Daly, M.D.
Joseph A. Dearani, M.D.
Christopher G.A. McGregor, M.D.
Charles J. Mullany, M.D.
Thomas A. Orszulak, M.D.
Francisco J. Puga, M.D.
Thoralf M. Sundt, M.D.
Rakesh M. Suri, M.D., D.Phil.
Douglas A. Wiegmann, Ph.D.

Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville Florida

Doctors in Cardiothoracic Surgery

Lawrence R. McBride, M.D., FACS (High Risk Adult Cardiac Surgery)
John A. Odell, M.D., FACS, FRCS
Octavio E. Pajaro, M.D., Ph.D.
Cleveland Clinic, OH and Mayo Clinic are the best. I would probably go there next if I had a reop or you might want to get your second opinion there. I usually look for surgeon who have 20+ years experience as well. My 2 surgeons have since retired. I chose University of Alabama, Birmingham since there was a great surgeon there and it was close to home.
Cleveland Clinic Florida

Dr. Walter Boyd
his secretary; Barbara
telephone: 954-659-5292

that is her direct line. She will tell you everything you will need to send in advance. She will tell you what tests, past, current and future you will need to send before seeing him. She will make the appointment, and tell you that you will need to FEDX everything in advance.

CC Weston Florida has two cardio-thoracic surgeons. Dr. Boyd and Dr.Dullum. Both are excellent, I happened to land in Dr. Boyds office.
Lytle is the go to Guy at CC for high risk reops.

Lytle is the go to Guy at CC for high risk reops.

It is pretty much agreed by all surgeons at CC that he gets the really tough redos. He was recommend by my card. to do mine since I couldn't get McCarthy(he had just left for NW:( ), but since I wanted a maze, so I switched to Dr. Pettersson. As Randy and Robyn found out, the scar tissue is not a factor
if you have the reop right away.
Good luck, I'm sure you will do fine!:)
We would both highly recommend Dr. Pettersson. He also gets many of the difficult cases. He is very skilled, a nice man with a great concern for his patients, and years of experience.

You probably would not go wrong with any of the Cleveland Clinic main campus surgeons. They are good, or would not be employed by the clinic.

35 years of patient experience at Cleveland Clinic.
Randy I am so sorry you have to even think about this. I wanted to put in a good word about Joseph A. Dearani, M.D. I have only heard good about his skills as a heart surgeon. I know he has helped many with valve replacement and repairs for Ebsteins Anomoly. Might want to talk to him.
I would recommend Dr. Pettersson ...... was told he ranked #1 in the USA. I certainly believe it and you can't go wrong with that....the well as my opinion! ;)
Best of luck to you!
Wow, Dr. P is a very well revered man here on
Maybe we should start a fan club. Who wants to be the president??

Randy, You would be wise to head to CCF main campus or the Mayo, I wouldn't go to any satellite offices. Best to get your second opinion face to face is my thoughts. I know it is a long way to travel, but hey....I think you'll find it is worth it.

choices, choices

choices, choices

Randy, another one of Dr Pettersson's satisfied patients checking in. He did my mitral repair and maze so quickly he scared my family when they were called to speak with him. He's been at CCF since 1999. But as has been said I'm sure any of the CCF surgeons would do well for you. Blessings!!!!!
When it was first recommeded that I see a cardiologist, I made a decision to find one at CCF. It was a two hour drive, but I realized that I would need surgery and I wanted to talk to a doctor on staff about who they would recommend as a surgeon. My primary physician thought this was totally unnecessary, but I reminded him that he did not have congenital defects OR a twelve year-old child!

My cardiologist recommended Dr. Cosgrove or Dr Petterson to do the surgery. He felt very strongly that either doctor would be well suited to deal with any complications due to congenital defects. My husband pressed the issue and inquired which surgeon the cardiologist would choose if his wife was in need of surgery. He said that he would probably lean towards Dr. Petterson because he was more inclined to spend time with patients discussing options.
Dr. Petterson was very kind and patiently handled all of our questions and concerns.

People frequently praise the CCF physicians, but I would also like to commend the nursing staff. Unfortunately, I have spend time in a variety of hospitals over the years. Nursing care is critical to recovery. Not only was the nursing staff at CCF professional, but they were kind and compassionate.
"I think I'll have what she ordered!"

"I think I'll have what she ordered!"

Kathy said:
My cardiologist recommended Dr. Cosgrove or Dr Petterson.... My husband..... if his wife was in need of surgery. He said that he would probably lean towards Dr. Petterson because he was more inclined to spend time with patients discussing options.
Dr. Petterson was very kind and patiently handled all of our questions and concerns.

You hit the jackpot! Not only is your husband a smart perceptive advocate for you by asking the key questions, but your cardiologist has the inside knowledge of CCF to be right on about the two surgeons! How does one women gets so lucky to have two such important men in her life. Normally,
I wish someone "Good Luck!", but you seem to have more than your share and I would appreciate it if you would pass some my way- please.;) :D


Ben Smith said:
Wow, Dr. P is a very well revered man here on
Maybe we should start a fan club. Who wants to be the president??

Does this mean you?re resigning as the President of The NW Ohio Chapter
of the Pettersson Fan Club? Remember we voted you in last year? We are
all waiting for the Inaugural Dinner Invitation.
The dinner invite is on the way....waiting on some coolwer weather. It hit us fast, I don't think we had any late summer.....straight to fall !!

I knew you suggested me as Pres.....but wasn't sure it was "official".

