Bovine vs porcine

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Well there is the issue of effective valve opening area and corresponding pressure gradient, which theoretically shouldn't change much in a patient whose valve replacement starts out as a large opening like my AV (at 29mm) and starts to narrow as it calcifies since there seems to be a lot of "wiggle room". I wonder though, what happens if well before there is significant narrowing of the valve size, the flow gets more turbulent from the calcification. Does it cause jets that in some cases develop aneurysms because of unequal pressure on parts of the aorta? Maybe one more potential problem to watch for on annual echos.
a few cents from me

a few cents from me

Size may not be everything but for me it was an important thing!! The mosaic porcine valve I had was "appropriate" in size for a woman my size (5'7" 150 and a former powerlifter turned triathlete) However, mine failed at 5 years. No one's sayin for sure but the implication is very much in step with the "traffic on the highway" analogy. I was pushing HR and stroke volume and the opening just couldnt handle the "traffic" I am now the proud owner of a Carbomedic Tophat mechanical valve. (I wanted the On-X but it was too small) I am happily swimming, running and biking and completed 3 Sprint Tris since my last surgery about 1 year ago. I dont blame or believe the first surgeon chose poorly based on lack of evidence based research. One thing I know for sure::cool: having 2 heart surgeries sucks
I am happy to be back in the game.
The bottom line is no one has real evidence based studies for athletic /younger/active populations. This has just been my experience-someone else's may be quite different!!!
What criteria do the surgeons use when choosing! Prior to surgery I was given a choice of mechanical or tissue. My surgeon advised tissue, he said I wouldn't need blood thinners for life. I asked him if it would be pig or cow and he said he would decide once he got in. My husband and I were both told by my surgeon that I received a porcine valve. After reading this I checked the little paper with the valve info that I was given at the hospital and it says Perimount Pericardial Bioprosthesis Aortic 23 mm. Why would they tell us pig when it appears to be cow?? Any thoughts?
you do realise if you choose porcine theres no more bacon sandwiches dont you?

Who was it around here that had a porcine valve and used to claim that he now squeals every time he drives past a Bar-B-Que joint? (Sure hope he doesn't live in Kansas City!)

Of course, I should talk? I feel funny when I pass all the hamburger places in Chicago. . .
It is funny. . . when I'm eating a steak or a burger, as I chew, a typical cow name always comes to mind. If the name corresponds to any other species of animal, the meal goes right back to the kitchen. . .

As time has passed, I must admit that when I eat beef I do take a moment to be thankful for cows. It has not been a part of our culture for a very long time but I sort of feel that the cow has become my animal totem. Ours is certainly a far more intimate relationship than that of just eating steak. Moooo!

Hey there...Piglet cause of your thread i can come out now and say...Just found out today that i also have a Bovine tissue! I went for my Echo and a check-up with my doctor. And was mentioned to me that my cow tissue would last longer, then a pig tissue. I was so shocked...we were told i had a "pig" tissue and now 2 months after i found this out!
Hey there...Piglet cause of your thread i can come out now and say...Just found out today that i also have a Bovine tissue! I went for my Echo and a check-up with my doctor. And was mentioned to me that my cow tissue would last longer, then a pig tissue. I was so shocked...we were told i had a "pig" tissue and now 2 months after i found this out!

This reminds me of the old right hip, left hip (or knee, etc) deal where patients feel inclined to write "Not this one" or similar on their body prior to surgery to avoid the big "Oops". It's amazing this sort of miscommunication can come from any of the professionals involved. Not just one, but two recent

Perhaps we should all start adding questions marks to our valve types in signature lines.

Moo. Or Oink. Who knows?
I was never a big fan of pork anyway and I'm still going to J&L for a burger every time I'm in Port, but it sure makes you wonder why they told us the same thing. Things that make you go HMMMM? Makes me wonder what else they aren't saying right.
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I guess we, "Lucky" beer drinkers need something stronger for our heart so... cow it will be! My favorite burger"J&L special"! lol Did you register yet for your bovine tissue Piglet? And are you gonna change ur user name? JK
I'm addicted to J&L bacon cheese with onion rings, it's a good thing I don't live in town lol. I have rgistered my valve but haven't gotten anything in the mail yet. I'm not changing my name cause I've had that name since childhood.