Botox ... any opinions?

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Ok, this is going to sound incredibly vain given what we've all been through and going through ... but ... I have for years HATED my deep frown lines. And I figure that now I'm 15 months post-surgery, feeling good and exercising regularly, I'm entitled to treat myself to Botox injections. My GP does them in another clinic (she has a small clientele) and she's checked there are no issues with any of my meds. She says her patients just do it to feel more confident about themselves. I know it IS vain and it IS just the way I am and we can't stop ageing. But I HATE THEM! Really interested in what others think...
If your Dr. is on board, I say go for it! I've though about how much I'd like to turn back the clock a bit.
I recall hearing that there's a study that says Botox may actually help reduce migraine headaches, too (don't know who did the study - probably the Botox manufacturer).
I think every valver went through replacement surgery to keep us alive and contributing. It's our responsibility to live the best life we can. To me, looking good = feeling good. Best of luck, and don't let anyone make you feel guilty!
If this makes you feel 'better' about yourself, I say why not! It appears there are no contraindications on your doctor's part. :)
Just popping in on this thread to see if you have changed your mind.....
A beautiful smile, a kind soul, and a generous nature will make you more beautiful than any amount of Botox will.