Bav/ coarctation poor circulation ??

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bit of a chicken

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2008
u k
Dear All,

I am quite new to this site and I am interested to hear views/ experiences regarding...THE COLD..

I have BAV, had Coarctation repair in childhood .
I am very sensitive to the cold, extreme !! Has always been the same,

It doesn't matter if I am active in cold weather but guaranteed my feet and hands will be frozen solid before everyone else that I am with at that time.
Could this be a reflecton of the defect, just poor circulation or most likely, just my own personal experience.

Well, it keeps the Edinburgh woolen mill in business with the demand for wooly socks:D thanks, bit of a chicken
I'm always cold too.
Many years ago a doctor told me (long before OHS) that there must have been a time during my much younger (stupidity years) where I froze my hands and feet and that's the reason why they get cold faster.
Wearing sandles and really thin mitts during the winter months in my teen-age years explains everything :)
I, too, had a co-arc repair as a young child and my BAV replaced in September 2007, along with my ascending aorta.

I have always been cold - even when others are sweating! I sleep with a heated mattress pad (on high), year round, to be comfortable at night.
Hello Faye....
Haven't met too many people with coarc .
I am terrible with the cold, especially my feet ?
I always have to have a hot water bottle because my feet are even worse at night.Thanks for your reply , hope we speak again. Freddie , I am glad u are no longer indulging in sandal wearing anymore , well, in the wrong season, anyway.
Faye, just as a matter of interest, do u know how many coarct patients use this site ??
When i get cold, incidentaly, there is nothing for it, once frozen really cold i have no choice but to head back inside... extreme cold makes me feel physically sick, have u experienced this at all ? lovely to chat .............
Hello Bina...
Your replies make me smile . I have been surfin this site for a couple of weeks, got to ask, how many goats do u have ????
I love the pygmies,,,,but when I was looking for them, all I found were very expensive pedigreed animals.
Always buy at least 2, and 3 or 4 makes for a cute little herd to start off with.
My nubes are purebred also, but the breeder sold me these 2 without papers as pets; he is also boarding them during the winter.
I have a coarct too, a very mild one, as well as a few other left sided defects, and I dont know if its a reflection of the defect either but I am always cold also, purple feet most of the time, mottled color, and sometimes my hands turn purple. my money says at least part of it's related to the defect
Hello Trinity heart .. um, what is your name , really ?
Thanks for reply. I agree, my money is that it is a reflection of the defect. What other left sided problems do u have ? I am sorry but some of your descriptions, i am not familiar with. Well, here's to the cold and coarct !
My name is Morgan. the left sided defects I have are mitral stenosis, bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of the aorta, I had sub aortic stenosis (left ventricular outflow tract obstruction) which was repaired, and a VSD (ventricular septal defect) which was repaired, I also have aortic insufficiency (regurg) related to the bicuspid aortic valve. my problems are all congenital, I have heard these defects together called shones syndrome, and I think my new cardio has called my defects a mild form of shones syndrome, which is defects that cause blockage of blood getting into the left side of the heart and blockage of blood trying to get out of the left side of the heart
hope this helps
I have always had cold feet and hands. I was the pastry girl for Christmas baking, always. Butter wouldn't melt in my hands. After AVR#1 my hands and feet felt like they were scalding whereas everyone else remarked that my thermostat must have been turned up when I had the surgery.

Prior to that, when we lived in Europe, if my Hubby and my son were in bed on either side of me I felt like I slept between two furnaces. We didn't have central heating in the big old farmhouse we lived in so I was happy to leech off their body warmth.

I also have BAV with a mild coarctation. I don't have too much trouble with cold but often have trouble with numbness in the feet and hands, which may be related to somewhat poor circulation.

Take care,
Hello Michelle, have you had coarctation repair ? My numbness is the cold ! Thanks for all the responses everyone...

Take care 2.
Hi there,

No, I've never had coarctation repair - I guess it's not severe enough for that. Good thing, cause I've had two heart surgeries and that's quite enough for me, thank you very much. :)

Best wishes,