Bad Ice Storm Here

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Anyone looking for a generator should check out Ebay. I know lots of people bought them this summer for the hurricane, didn't use them, but couldn't return them, so are trying to sell them now.
Nancy, I'm so glad to see your post and hear that you and your little dog are okay. We had this last year. It was terrible but I guess it could have been a lot worse. All we lost were big trees and limbs. The house was okay. I hate to see it happen again. We had ice last night. All the schools in the area were closed. I was supposed to go to the orthopedic doctor today to get shots in my right knee but I called in an rescheduled. Prayers coming your way.


My brother and I lost power for 18 hours and thankfully, with our electric company, if someone has a medical condition, such as sleep apnea as I do, they try their hardest to get the power back on asap. It has been absolutely crazy here in my town, with a lot of the stores either having lost power or regained and lost power, people have been crowding the stores and the gasoline stations for gas for generators, and it took my brother and I 2 hours just to get 5 gallons of gas to take over to my younger brothers house to feed his generator. Today it took me 1/2 hour to go 2 miles from Walmart to my bank as Walmart had opened, but had to close due to losing the power again. The grocery stores and the malls have been crawling with people running amuck because they are trying to get heat and light and get groceries after being without power. The trees that have come down is absolutely shocking and the wires have been aweful as well. I went back out of my parking spot the day of the storm, and it was so iced up that when I lightly touched the gas, I started spinning and went uhhhhh no place...LOL...The tires were moving, but I twernt...LOL

It is so bad here in NH that they have called in electric companies from MA, CT, VT and I believe Quebec Canada to help remove trees from live wires and restore power. It's bad all up and down the Maine and NH borders.

And THAT, my friends is the tale of woe from the NE Ice Storm 2008....The ought to make a horror movie out of this one.

Hope everyone affected are ok. Harrybaby:D:eek::eek::eek::D
Glad to hear you and your dog are okay. I have been watching for you to post and following the weather reports for your area. Get warm now.
The images on TV of your ice storm damage looks just like Springfield MO in Jan, 2007. We live in the country and use well water so the many containers of water I had filled were definitely needed because our power was off for 12 days. Our only heat was a gas fireplace but it was minimal because it's in the middle of a huge open area of LR, DR, & kitchen with 10' ceilings. We pulled a couch & loveseat right next to it and that's where we stayed.

We have an electric cookstove but our salvation was a gas range in Jerry's workshop. It was dicey skating out to the shop but at least we could eat and heat water for dishes.

Don't want to go through that again!!!! Nancy, I don't know what I'd have done if Jerry hadn't been here. You must have felt very vulnerable.
Nancy, so glad to hear from you. That is a long time to go without heat. I'm so glad you and your dog are ok. Keep warm and get your fireplace fixed.
It is supposed to be in the high 70s/low 80s here all week-end.

I don't want to hear it Danny! I hear all the warm weather reports from my daughter in Tampa :D Although, she has been complaining aboout 40 degree weather, lately.

Fireplace man is coming on Monday, we'll see what horrible price that might be. Just the damper, I hope, but it could be tricky to do.
Fireplace man is coming on Monday, we'll see what horrible price that might be. Just the damper, I hope, but it could be tricky to do.

This is the Fireman in me talking-----make sure he checks the chimney for obstructions (nests and such). We get at least one chimney fire every winter around here, especially during the first cold snap. They lost a cabin down at the marina a couple of weeks ago. The fire started in the chimney.

Be safe and be WARM!!

May God Bless,

Danny :)
I've got a "critter cap" on the chimney top, and there haven't been any fires in the fireplace in years and years since Joe couldn't breathe if the fireplace was lit. I also had the flue relined a couple of years ago because the flue tiles had collapsed on top of the damper, so I am hoping the coast is clear above the damper. But the guy did say he would check it out.

Plus I cleaned out the ash pit a couple of years ago. Now that is a fun project! My ash pit cover with the hinges on it dropped down into the ash pit. So I decided to search around and look for it. That thing apparently was never cleaned out by previous owners (we never did use it much). I thought I would find Jimmie Hoffa in there. I had no idea how huge the ash pit was, just enormous.

And I removed bags and bags of ashes. I did find the little cover and the flaps, but probably need a new one.

I do appreciate any tips from firemen. Thanks. If you think of anything else let me know.