Okay, I chose asymptomatic but now I'm going to "splain"
Okay, I chose asymptomatic but now I'm going to "splain"
I went for 43 years without knowing that I had MVP. In retrospect, one or 2 doctors had mentioned in passing that I had a "murmur". I didn't think anything of it because they never seemed concerned about it, it was more like, did you know you have a heart murmur? Kinda like, did you hear it's supposed to rain tomorrow?
I hadn't been in for a complete physical in a few years, and now had insurance that would cover it, so I figured why not? My current doctor listened to my heart which was now doing much more than murmuring...I think it was actually hollering.
Anyway, to make a long story short, from the same physical I ended up finding out I needed to have my "hystery" removed...and since I'd found out about this MVP thing and it was now 6 mos. later, I thought I should be checked out by a cardiologist. "Coincidentally" the night before this appt, I felt some chest pain/pressure when I was lying in bed. I attributed that to catching the chest cold that my hubby had at the time.
The Cardiologist asked if I'd ever had chest pain/pressure and I said, not really...except last night... He told me at that visit that I should "forget about the hysterectomy for a while and have this little valve problem fixed first! He sceduled a TEE 2 days later, where they discovered that 2 of my chordae tendenae (sp?) had ruptured and I was in desperate need of surgery...soon.
Soooo...I really didn't have any symptoms, other than some SOB while climbing hills etc. that I attributed to being "out of shape", and then the chest pain/pressure shortly before my surgery. Okay...I didn't exactly make my long story short, did I? Sorry...