Back in hospital !!!!!!

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi Everyone.....Well, Iv just spent the last 5 days in hospital. I had to go to the ER with chest pain, weakness, sob last Monday.....very scary....the worst one Iv ever had.

Anyway, I had an echo and stress test scheduled for Wednesday but the doc said that because there were some changes from my last echo, which was 9 months ago he would not let me do a stress test. I asked him what the changes were and he said the pressure in the right side of my heart is high (I dont know what the numbers are) but I was wondering what do you guys think of this.

Could this increase in pulmonary pressure be the reason why Im feeling sooo unwell and my health is on a downward spiral. Why are the pressures rising.?

I also have moderate MVR and a moderately leaking tricuspid valve.

I hope this makes sense...Iv just come home from the hospital and I am very tired and wozzy in my head for some reason.

Its great to be back..I hope your all doing ok.I have a lot of catching up to do !!!!!
Jacqui, I'm so sorry to hear that your not feeling well.
I can't really help you, but I wanted to send you my best wishes and I hope your feeling better real soon.
Hi Nancy....No they havent. The doc just said he wouldnt let me do the stress test because the pressures were high in the right side of my heart. Oops, sorry Im repeating myself !!! Iv been sent home wearing an event monitor for a week...the results will be sent up to Dublin to a large hospital, then I have to wait to get an appointment at the outpatients there. This could take weeks or months!!! I pray that I will be before Xmas, but I doubt it.

I was also in a.fib on Monday.
As I recall / understand Right Heart dynamics, high Pulmonary Artery Pressure can result in Fluid retention in the Lungs. This is NOT GOOD. Also as I recall, a Right Heart Catheterization is the 'Gold Standard Test' for those issues.

ONE treatment option may be to put you on a diuretic (or increase your dose if you are already on one).

Hopefully someone with more experience / knowledge in this area will clarify this issue for you.

'AL Capshaw'
Al, you are right about the right heart cath being the gold standard for diagnosing high pulmonary pressures. It is important to find out about Pulmonary Hypertension and to have it diagnosed correctly. Diuretics can help, but if it is PH, there are other meds that will address the issue much more directly. Diuretics cannot stop PH by themselves. PH results from a cellular structure within the arteries which is abnormal causing them to contract too much which is what causes the high pressures.

Medications such as Tracleer and possibly some newer ones are what will help to remodel those abnormal cells, and it takes a while.

Joe had severe PH, and Tracleer reduced it to mild to moderate over several years. Unfortunately, he had to go off it because he developed liver problems which it can cause.

Jacqui, I think you might want to ask your doctor directly about Pulmonary Hypertension and see what he says.
''Thank you'' Freddie...Rob...Al...and Nancy for your good wishes and advice.

Iv been telling these doctors how unwell Iv been feeling for so long, but it seems until they see ''it'' in black and white they dont pay any heed to me.

I need some prayers that I can be home and well for my kids for Christmas. They dont have ''anybody'' else !!!
you have been through a lot and i sure hope things get better for you soon, i dont have any advice for you but i really hope and pray that you and your children can have a really great christmas, wishing you the very best of luck, take care Paula
I can't stress enough that it is very important to find out if you have PH. The reason being that there are now some good treatments for this problem. There didn't used to be any at all. Your system seems to go so slowly, that I feel you must "cut to the chase" as they say here, and ask your doctor directly. Please tell me you will do that.
Jacqui I am so sorry.. I do hope that THIS time they do something to truly help you feel better and get some answers!
I wish I knew the answers, Jacqui. Unfortunately all I can offer you, and your family, is my best wishes. I wish you and your family a great holiday season, but above all I wish you, and your family, good health and a great life. I truly hope all you are going through is finally put to rest. Best wishes, always.
My thoughts are with you. It seems that this has been a long and frustrating road. I hope that this has moved you forward and that the docs can now begin to help you feel better. I wish there was more that I could say besides "hang in there"!

*Nancy, I am so past the ''waiting quietly'' for something to happen that, I promise you, 'cutting to the chase' is the only place left to go. It is difficult when your unwell to find the strength, but I will imagine you are by my side. Thank you.
So sorry to hear this latest news from you. I've read many of your posts and it seems that you deserve an end to this nonsense from your doctors. Sending prayers and hugs that you get some solid answers so you can feel better soon.
Take Care!
Jacqui, I had a friend (american) who was living in Co. Cork who had a heart problem while there and he said the health system in Ireland made the VA health system here look like it was a well oiled machine. In other words, he moved back to the USA to have his valve repaired b/c he had so many problems trying to get anything done in Ireland. I am so hoping you have better success if you are Irish, but I am encouraging you to not roll over and wait on this, but to insist on getting answers, tests run and results back in a timely way. I think you will have to get heavy handed with your doctors, etc. in order to get things done in timely way. Please keep us informed as to what is going on. In the interim I'm adding my name to the list of folks who are sending you best wishes, love and prayers. I'm going out to light some joss sticks by my garden buddha to speed the prayers your way; it's coming from the mile high city, Denver.
I guess the part that bothers me about your post (besides your being ill), EireCara, is that it appears that your docs havent really communicated what is exactly wrong with you and the reason why. Of course, I just guessing just from what you've posted but I wonder why you have high right pressures. Then I wonder what the plans are to help you. I truly hope you get what you need to help you as soon as possible so you can feel better and get on with your life. All the best for you EireCara.
Yikes, EC ... sorry you've been in the hospital....

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"It's coming on Christmas" ... Robert Downey Jr ... 'River'