Aussiegal/Tonia's Released Soon To Be With Us!!!

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There has been no new news, so I have to think that she was moved to the ward and is going full steam ahead with recovery. If I hear anything, I will post it.
hi Ross, sorry I've been off the air but my dopey computer "froze" and I was rather cross but unable to fix it. I took it straight in to the "guy who knows all " but he said Fri/Sat and that was yesterday. So we called in this morning and he suggested we try again in 1 hours and then after another 2 hrs he actually got to us and now we're off..Yeah...
Ton came out of ICU on Tuesday afternoon. Rather dopey for a while but we sat with her for 1and a half hours and we could see her progressing in that time even. Then when we went back yesterday - she was a million dollars better. They have now explained to her all the extra angst she gave them, but they are so pleased with her. Today she phoned Ned - her husband - at 6 am - shock for him but so good. She has taken a few steps but acknowledges it's going to be slow- er. Her surgeon is talking MOn/Tues for release - so that is good. I had the best night's sleep last night. Oh she's also having those withdrawal headaches from all the drugs too. She doesn't like them either. Tough.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and love and help. She should be on line today - she has the laptop in there now, and is itching to get cracking.
Love Noelene XxzzxX
Way to go Ton!!! Super to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the good work.
Tonia...I'm going to send you the invoice for my next batch of hair dye as I've been so worried about you this past week that my grey hairs have doubled in number :eek:
So glad to hear you are out of ICU and on the road to recovery...may it be a smooth road with no potholes!!

Take Care....

Yes, a great relief. Just keep getting better and better, Ton! We miss you and look forward to your imminent return.
Tonia!! It's about time!! Good heavens, girl!! Oh I do hope you are waking up optimisitc and relieved even though you had such a tough go of it. We're all very proud of you!!

Looking forward to hearing from you!!:D :D :D :D :D :D

Tonia, this is such good news- slow, but sure- that's all we ask for. You must be able to feel all the good vibes being sent your way from Look forward to hearing from you soon.
:) Yeah!! THIS is the news we have been waiting to hear! 'Hope things continue to go more smoothly for you and that you CAN go home soon!
such wonderful news that things are going so much better (and mom could finally get some rest) looking forward to seeing a post from Tonia. Lyn
Wonderful News!

Wonderful News!

I am so happy to hear that things are continueing to go well for Ton. I am sure she and her family are finally able to take a breath and are absolutely thrilled with the improvement. Way to go Tonia! I continue to pray that things go smoothly or as smoothly as they possibly can. I truely remember coming off all the meds and the anesthesia. It was awful but once it clears your system you will be feeling much better. I remember having such hot spells that I had my room temp turned way down and the nurse still had to bring me a glove filled with ice to put all over me. I had a few days of feeling funny in the head, but then again I always feel funny in the head, LOL! It took a few days if not more than a week or so for any appetite to come back. Please keep letting us all know how things go. God Bless you Tonia and your entire family.

Take Care!
I am so very happy to hear this wonderful news. Keep fighting Ton, you will be home soon.
Great News !!

Great News !!

We are over the moon !!! :D :D :D
So happy to hear that you are feeling so very much better.
We cant wait to chat ! As soon as you are out of hospital Debora and I will give you a ring !
Sending you lots of love ,hugs and very best wishes,
Debora , Wendy and families xxxx:) :) :) :)
Yay!!! Way to go Tonia, good job! I've been checking in on ya almost everyday and was so relieved to hear the good news keepin on comin!!
