Any tricks ??

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Robb Wilder Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2010
Fort lauderdale Florida
Does anyone know of any tricks that can be used to counteract the effect that the pain meds and other meds are having on my bowels. Its constipated with hard stool its oversized and when it decides to come it comes regardless of pain or pressure on my chest. I am on Colace three times a day. I am going everyday but it is way oversized and hard stool. Any tricks will be helpful.
I used mirilax. I only had to use it twice on top of the colace to get things back in order.

Refried beans.

Seriously, Miralax is about as good as it gets. Expensive, but you should only need it a short time. Look for store brand equivalent.
Try Activia. It really does what they say. It keeps things soft and moving along. But it does take a couple of days to get working. Metamucil or its equivalent does a good job too. (no pun intended :) )
Ill try the miralax then. If I have another day like today im just going to have my wife take me to the ER. I think I put myself back with an irregular heartbeat from all the pushing that was done that I couldnt stop myself from doing. This is the worst day since the day after surgery when I went into severe Afib. No joke.
Chances are good today's unpleasantness solved your issues and you should be okay now. Your system is regulating itself after such trauma and continued use of mirlax or colace should be enough to keep you comfortable.

It isn't unusual to experience such as you describe.
Hope you feel better and better.
lets hope so JKM7, thats as tramatic as waking up with the vent tube or the Afib i had the second night. I think I found something I hate worse than coughing. I havnt taken a pain med all day because of it but my whole chest and back are starting to hurt so I think I am going to have to take one soon. Is there any pain medicine out there that DOESNT do this to your system?? Im off of percocet and they called in Vivadin but I understand Vicadin does the same thing?
After my hysterctomy I hadn't gone for 11 days. What worked for me almost instantaneously after everything else failed was hot (very warm) prune juice.
I took Colace....Drink enough water, and eat a bran muffin every day. Raisin bran cereal is a real "mover" too.
Limit cheese and meat.
I also stopped painkillers and only took Tylenol. Do your best to avoid "forcing". Suppositories help.
Work on food and walking

Prunes are prossibly best &/or, blueberries &/or possibly some bran with lots & lots of water, in fact suggest that only liquid right now remain water.

Robb are you walking a fair bit yet?

good advice from everyone Robb, same thing happened to me when the put me on morphine pills after the issue with my lung. Fruit & fibre is the key for sure. I used the stool softener for a couple of days after I had the nasty bowel movement. Fruit at least 3 times a day is what I eat just some small portions with my meals but it has helped. I went off the pain meds too. Bought some Prep H to help heal the pain in my @ss..... I know what you are going thru... :(
Funny how we openly talk about this stuff... lol

Ask a pharmacist, but I think Toradol won't cause that problem, since it isn't an opiate. It's an NSAID, but it's as strong as an opiate.
