Am getting rotorootred again

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Calling today to be entered in to hospital, we waited til after,but no blood in left foot ,hands are turning pure white,numbness in hands and face and peripheal vision is having what I call'ghosts'..waited as long as I could as I despiise being in hospital..but cant even move head w/o the ghosts invading..and ice cold hands n feet in the deep south ..well,you my plumber Dr.Buckley wants me back in... will inform when(if) I is not a low risk surgery ,not for if you do not hear from me didnt go well,ok?
Forever love you all ,the pup:)
This is not a good situation, but I have faith that all will be well.
I will be in touch with John and relay the news here, if that's ok with you.
Yaps..You will be in my prayers for a sucessful surgery..:) Mary..thanks for being in touch with John....and letting us know......Bonnie
Prayers and best wishes coming your way. I look forward to your posts when you are well.
Oh, I am so sorry you are going through such a time. We have been walking along with you as you suffered through so much and prayed for you as we are doing now, hoping our prayers are heard. May God go with you today and tomorrow and onward to keep you safe until you can return to everyone who loves you. GODSPEED, dear Yaps.
Yaps, I will have you in my prayers as well. You are a high risk but I understand your need to try this. If by chance we don't hear back from you then I want to tell you now that you have enriched my life and I thank you so much.