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Very cute!
We have a newt, a red-earred slider (turtle), and had an iguana for many years, so I appreciate how cute "stumpy" is!
Nice picture. Looks like he isn't afraid of people.
But I have to be honest, if this was in my path, I would have 'high tailed it in the opposite direction'. :)
Glad you like him...His proper name is a Blotched Shingleback Lizard and he eats bugs and things like that. He is a member of the Blue-tongue family. He was headed back home to the bush on the other side of our road. I was lucky to get a piccy as he didn't like me. He bared his teeth at me and headed under the gate a second after that photo.

We get frequent visits by wildlife here because of the bush over the road. There is a Kookaburra that sits on our TV antennae most evenings and I bet he would love to eat Mr Stumpy.
I've never seen a Kookaburra, although I do remember singing a song about one sitting in an old gum tree when I was little. Strange how I happily sang that song and didn't know what a Kookaburra or a gum tree was! I always pictured a crazy donkey in a tree that grew bubble gum!
I just love our Kookaburra's, we live a short distance from the Adelaide hills and often get a few come down for a visit. It always puts a smile on my face when I hear them laugh.

Great photos, Ton! Thanks for sharing. It is fun to see local animals like those. Kookabura....such a fun name!!

:D Marguerite
I've never seen a Kookaburra, although I do remember singing a song about one sitting in an old gum tree when I was little. Strange how I happily sang that song and didn't know what a Kookaburra or a gum tree was! I always pictured a crazy donkey in a tree that grew bubble gum!

Ha, I was singing that song the other day. Wife thought I lost my cookies. I guess she didn't sing it were she was from, but we sure did.
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, eating all the gumdrops he can see - laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, save some there for me. - at least that's the way I remember it.

Tallon will loves songs like that Grandpa!

Great pics Ton!
The full version of the song is.....

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree
Merry merry king of the bush is he
Laugh kookaburra laugh kookaburra
Gay your life must be

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree
Eating all the gum drops he can see
Stop kookaburra stop
Save some there for me

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree
Counting all the monkeys he can see
Laugh kookaburra laugh kookaburra
That's not a monkey, that's me
never heard that song. My husband used to sing this one, with as much lack of tune as he could:

possum up a gum stump,
squirrel in a holler,
old dead mule,
rusty plow points.

course it makes no sense; not meant to.
One of my friends used to have a pet Blue Tongued Skink,
that lizard was a bit nasty and was eating baby mice (pinkies). EWWW

I LOVE that Kookabura song, we sang it alot.
To hear Ross sing it would be a treat!
Ross, switch on that web cam.....
couple evenings ago just at dark, Miss Sally Sue discovered an armadillo rooting in our yard and she chased it right back into the woods. We have lots of those.

Our lizards are those green ones and they are everywhere (geckos). Cats would love to catch them, but the lizards are way ahead of the cats. well, mostly..........