A Bunch Of Bad Things Have Been Happening....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi All,

Ole Harrybaby wanted to pop in and post that I haven't been around too much lately because of a bunch of bad things have been happening, and I have just been too down in the dumps to really post too much. I ended up tearing all the ligaments and tendons in my left foot and leg due to my spinal stenosis acting up, and the doctors want me to see about going in for a spinal fusion and I just don't know if the doctors will even consider it with my heart. This is just one of a few things that have really been knocking me down, but I just wanted to let yall know that I am still around, but I am just really bummed out right now......Hope everyone is doing alot better than I am right now.....Harrybaby:( :eek: :(
Sorry to hear that Harry. Sounds painful and like it has a long recovery period. You've been through so many bad things lately. It's about time for the sun to start shining on you. It's enough already!
Very sorry, Harry....

Thoughts/prayers are coming your way.....

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"I ain't up to being strong now" ... Wynonna ... 'Is It Over Yet'
Sorry, Harry. We've missed you- hope you can resolve this without an operation.
Uncle Harry,

Sorry to read you been having a string of bad luck lately. Hope they can get things fixed up without putting you thru too much.

Prayers and good thoughts are coming your way.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
I think it's high tide that the road became a little smoother for you Harry. It sounds like you have had a lot to contend with. You have always been such a big support for others on VR...and I'm glad that we can support you with prayers and thoughts now too. Thanks for sharing what you're going through with us.

Honestly, I did not send my black cloud to you. It seems happy where it is over my house.

Sorry to hear it. I can imagine the pain. I'm not at all sure about spinal fusion either.
Sorry to hear of these problems, Harry. I have a bit of the spinal stenosis too (though apparently not as severe as yours -- yet) so I certainly sympathize. Hope it all works out for you.

Best wishes,
Harry, I'm also sorry to hear about your run of bad luck. Living in pain can be hell; hope your pain is relieved or resolved soon.
so sorry to heart it

so sorry to heart it

if misery loves company, the past year or so has been kicking my ass. daughter diagnosed with IBD, me going in for OHS, and now my wife of 23 years walking out on me! Man, it's baaaaaad. But you know what, doors are closing, others will open and I plan on meeting a beautiful, wonderful woman who values me!!!!:)
I hear ya! I am so sorry you have to go through this!
I was just diagnosed myself with osteoarthritis in both knees and I am only 41 yrs. old (sports injuries - used to be an athlete). It's bad but it's even worse when you are a valve patient and have other issues. I hope you can somehow keep up your spirits and you get adequate pain control and a good nights sleep!!
Take care and best wishes
That does sound painful, Harry. No wonder you're down in the dumps! I hope you find a manageable solution and it gets resolved soon.

I really like Temp69's attitude......"doors are closing, others will open". Try looking around for those open doors! Since this has slowed you down some, you'll have plenty of time to look for them! :D

Good luck. Keep us posted. Please take care.



I am so sorry to hear that things are not going well for you right now. Sometimes it seems like when it rains it pours and you can never catch a break. I pray that there will soon be a break in the clouds and the sun will start shining and bring better days your way. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Take Care!
Harry, I go off for a weekend and come back to find you laid up. What am I going to do with you? Need I come up there and get you straight?

I am sorry you are in pain and fusion looks dim right not. Nurse cousin had a small back surgery this year and hers was out patient, tho I believe she stayed overnight and is doing fine. Hope they can fix you up without hurting your heart. Blessins, m'dear...........