6 Month Scar Update

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
Chicago, IL
So proud of my scar. I have lots of Y shaped necklaces that I wear at work but I just love to show it off!
Good For You

Good For You

Let your scar shine. My niece calls mine my badge of courage. She skipped school and stayed at hospital with me during my surgery stay. She says my scar reminds her that you can overcome anything. We should all show them with pride.
Good for you and your scar looks great! This is inspiring for me as I keep hoping that my scar is going to look that good. Funny, I have been looking at alot of necklaces lately (and I don't usually wear them)>
Good mind set!!! And nice, straight, even scar! That always helps. :) Good for you for not letting it be a daunting new addition to your wardrobe. I'm still a little shy, but getting better all the time!

Mine continues to improve at a snail's pace, but at least it is improving!

Thanks for sharing!

Exhibitionist would be more like it Bina! LOL!:p

Yep ... she's freaky like that:D ... set those puppies free:p
So proud of my scar. I have lots of Y shaped necklaces that I wear at work but I just love to show it off!

Looks great ... I too am lucky to have a good scar, straight and almost invisible... Good for you:)
Four years out and mine will never look that good. If you watch AMC (All my Children, soap), the female character, Kendall, had a heart transplant last year and she wears low cut tops and of course, being a soap opera, her's is a perfect scar. But I like the fact that they show her "surgical" scar.
Not a flasher just yet ... but I think I show it off more then some are comfortable with. And it is such fun looking for cool y necklaces. I think that they are missing a big market by not advertising things in such a way.
One year and the scar is still crooked and pretty ugly. I swear the surgeon let the janitor close me up. I just wear clothes that hide it. I wouldn't be alive without it.
Not a flasher just yet ... but I think I show it off more then some are comfortable with. And it is such fun looking for cool y necklaces. I think that they are missing a big market by not advertising things in such a way.

I definitely agree. I was never much of a necklace wearer, but now, WOW! I have the Y necklaces, pendants, etc.