5th day post op. number of that truck?

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Jan 18, 2010
AVR + triple BP. Weak and sometimes get tinnitus after simple short walks.

hoo boy.
Welcome to the other side!
I'm glad you are feeling well enough to post, and laugh a little.

Big truck, ain't it?
Hey at 5 days post op and posting already; You just got side-swiped!

Hopefully you are home or soon will be. Things really began to improve for me once I had my own digs, dogs, and dinner! Go slow and take your "happy" pills!:rolleyes:

21 days post op for AVR
I didn't get the tinnitus, I had the light shows in my eyes. Popped up at all time made it hard to read anything..Definately rememer the truck feeling..It gets better...
light shows, that is the other thing.

before surgery I could hear my murmur while I laid in bed. now I hear thump-da-dump all the time. Nice tight fitting non-stenotic valve. Problem is I occasionally see artifacts in my eyes that "dance" to my heartbeat. Rabbit ears on the TV I watched last night. Reflections in my glasses of stuff behind me. Weird stuff, not related to protein floaters (had those for years)...

thanks for all the input. got home yesterday 4 nites and 5 days post op... never thought recovery would be this bad. little better every day. I'm amazed this process works at all... Glad it does, todays was my youngest's 13th birthday...
I still have tinnitus, the light show in my eyes went away..but still have some vision issues. Glad to hear your doing good.
the fact that you had an AVR AND a triple bypass AND your posting after only 5 days is remarkable. The AVR recovery was no walk in the park but everything I've read the recovery for bypass surgery is much harder. Sounds like your doing extremely well all things considered.

Keep up the great work and try not to do too much too soon. Your better off taking it slow and letting your body heal. Running shoes are amazingly patient and will be waiting for you :)
Hey!!!! welcome to the other side. Ya, it was a big frickin truck. And then when I sneezed I wondered why they put a roadside bomb in my chest instead of a valve.
Time will fly. I will be 10 weeks Thrus. and it seems like 10 months ago. Strength comes fast. Hardest thing for me was trying not to left to much, to early. Hard to stay in that 5 to 10 lb rule for 8 weeks. Do your walking or buy a stationary bike ( which I did) To slippery and to much snow to walk most of the time.
I also had the goofy thinks screwing with my eyes. Pretty frickin wild, didn't know what was going on. Happened 4 times in 10 weeks, now it hasn't happened in awhile.
Anyway, keep in touch. Good group to talk to.
What kind of valve did you get?

AVR, Single by-pass 11/19/09
carbomedics mechanical
Dr. Suri
Mayo Clinic
All I know is I saw you in the street, I turned for a second and you were on the ground. Oh you look like crap.

keep walking-keep walking
Things do get better, slowly really slowly some times. I like the pretty colors..... but being a Child of the sixty's I figured the heart lung machine had just flushed up some of that old window pane magic. You may not get that if under 45 yr old. As for the truck, it scared the daylights out of me, but then it swerved at the last moment. Hit it's airbrakes and Big Bertha Butts jumped out. Looked at me and said "come here baby give mamma some sugar!" She rain towards me jumped onto a trampoline made two bounces then arched high, did three flips and then assumed the prettiest and scariest swan dive pose I've ever seen. Hit me full force and just decided it was nap time, 30 days later, three heavy duty wreckers, four quarts of owl snot they finally pried her off of me. I'll take the truck next time please. Hope that brought a smile to ya. Good luck!! Rick Oh by the way I have no idea who put the trampoline in the middle of the street.
Things do get better, slowly really slowly some times. I like the pretty colors..... but being a Child of the sixty's I figured the heart lung machine had just flushed up some of that old window pane magic. You may not get that if under 45 yr old. As for the truck, it scared the daylights out of me, but then it swerved at the last moment. Hit it's airbrakes and Big Bertha Butts jumped out. Looked at me and said "come here baby give mamma some sugar!" She rain towards me jumped onto a trampoline made two bounces then arched high, did three flips and then assumed the prettiest and scariest swan dive pose I've ever seen. Hit me full force and just decided it was nap time, 30 days later, three heavy duty wreckers, four quarts of owl snot they finally pried her off of me. I'll take the truck next time please. Hope that brought a smile to ya. Good luck!! Rick Oh by the way I have no idea who put the trampoline in the middle of the street.

Yup, that generic morphine was garbage.... window pane may have been a better option.
Yup, that generic morphine was garbage.... window pane may have been a better option.

Wow we digress so quickly here. I do have to say some of the hallucinations I caught in hospital reminded me of those days in my youth.
Anyhow look out the truck is backing up.
Every day should get a little better. Watch out for those trucks! They keep running us over. Someone lay out a spike strip;). Hope you are feeling better.
What kind of valve did you get?


st jude heart valve model number esp100-21-00

or as my doc said, forget about Arnold Schwarzenegger and his custom made valve, you want a valve that comes out of a BOX!
yee ha, I have had to switch from the Dilaudid to Tylenol. Dreams were just too trippy, really a poor sleep...

Thanks for all the advice and stories.