2D Echo Doppler ?

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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
I've just made our plane reservations to go to Houston on May 18th to meet with the great Dr. Cooley. His assistant just called me & said Dr. Cooley ordered a 2D Echo Doppler prior to our meeting in the afternoon. Does anyone know is that like a regular Echo or what?

According to what she told me, I can plan on having everything done as an outpatient while there & can probably plan on coming back on Wednesday unless Dr. Cooley thinks that a 4th surgery is absolutely necessary! :eek:

Please pray that isn't the case! I am NOT prepared or think I will ever be prepared to have yet another OHS! Too old for one & my case is way too delicate & difficult to attempt even by the best! So I need your prayers way in advance!

Thank you so much! :)
There is a 1 dimensional, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional. Here's a link that explains the different pieces. http://www.heartsite.com/html/echocardiogram.html#echo

I'm actually surprised that Dr. Cooley doesn't do Live 3-d. I think that's the latest and greatest.

Lisa --- His assistant told me that the 2-D echo is their standard, but if the cardiologist overseeing the test believes the other option is more appropriate (after looking at my history and why the test is being done), he/she can make the clinical call to change it at the time of my Echo.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Just hang in there girl everything will turn out ok! Had my tests done today won't hear anything for a few days. I know how you feel. :eek: Will pray your faith grows stronger and you may have peace and comfort through this whole time. :)
Norma's going to get the cold gel on her chest. :D

That's the worst part! When I was pregnant with my 2nd, my OB/Gyn had a gel warmer. I had to have several ultrasounds, so really appreciated it. I wonder why all docs can't get one?

I'll keep you in my prayers that you do not have to go through another OHS. I'd be curious to know why they would want to do surgery again, so soon after having a new aortic valve in 2006, or is it the Mitral valve - sorry, don't mean to pry. Lisa mentioned a 3-D echo; that must be very new, and I was wondering when that would be available.

All the best,

I'll keep you in my prayers that you do not have to go through another OHS. I'd be curious to know why they would want to do surgery again, so soon after having a new aortic valve in 2006, or is it the Mitral valve - sorry, don't mean to pry. Lisa mentioned a 3-D echo; that must be very new, and I was wondering when that would be available.

All the best,

To answer your question Roderick -- I have a new mechanical St. Jude (2006) in the Aortic position but an old 34-year old mechanical valve in the Mitral position that is malfunctioning.

A 4th OHS poses higher risks because of all the pannus growth (scar) tissue in & around the valve & because of the number of times I've been "under the knife" so to speak. But, in 2007, I was told that if I didn't have surgery to try to re-replace this valve, I could be facing a heart/lung transplant in the future :eek: So I'm headed to Houston to see where I'm at at this point & to hear the facts, good or bad.
Norma,have a safe trip and sorry can't answer question
But you will be fine and so will the results....Prayer is strong
along with all of vr standing beside you (HUGS) and we will
be with you with alot of faith and prayers.

zipper2 (DEB)
Joe had plenty of those. They are just a regular echo with Doppler imaging in color, showing flow paths. It's an enhancement which helps to put a finer point on things.
Joe had plenty of those. They are just a regular echo with Doppler imaging in color, showing flow paths. It's an enhancement which helps to put a finer point on things.

Yes, thank you Nancy --- my question was answered yesterday when I emailed Dr. Cooley's assistant & asked her.

I was hoping that they schedule another right heart cath while I was there but it's their call so we'll see what happens.

Thank you too to everyone else for your prayers & well wishes. They mean a lot to me.

I will be taking my laptop with me when we go, so I'll be posting what they tell me.

Hugs to everyone! :)

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