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cldlhd;n872618 said:
Congrats and enjoy retirement but I'm jealous as I have to go to work in the morning.

the routine of going to work in the morning isn't actually only negative. Speaking as one who's given it up more than once I can say its also occasionally welcome
pellicle;n872619 said:
the routine of going to work in the morning isn't actually only negative. Speaking as one who's given it up more than once I can say its also occasionally welcome

I know, once I get in it's alright it's just in the morning when I'm on the couch/ sofa having the morning coffee I don't feel like leaving. Plus I have too much work I want to do on the house and they're the kind of projects you can't just do for an hour or so after work.
My DH retired when he was 60 (I'm a carer for our son so couldn't go out to work) BUT we still have the alarm set to 6.45 am every single day of the week, every single day of the year. DH gets up straight away and makes tea for us both. It's a routine we continue even when we're on holiday ! Some 'work' routines are good to continue throughout life I think.
cldlhd;n872623 said:
I know, once I get in it's alright it's just in the morning when I'm on the couch/ sofa having the morning coffee I don't feel like leaving.
well there's your answer right there ... sofa ... morning ... enjoying a coffee ... no wonder you don't want to get out when its still dark and -10C (with a cross wind)