2 Months Post Op - Feeling GREAT!

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2008
Darlington (nr Newcastle), England
First of all, sorry ive been a bit absent from the forums - some people started contacting me asking if I'm okay, and it really touched me, so thank you all for thinknig about me, I was suprissed!

The main reason I've been away is simply because I am a LOT better. Heart operations / problems don't fill my mind all day, and i don't have the need to surf the net for heart info 5-10 hours a day. I hope this doesn't sound arrogant like I've took what I want from here and am going back to be an ignorant idiot - this experience has changed me in many ways - ALL POSITIVE:

It's made me realise the value of life, and made me want to stop being an idiot and really focus on achieving some big things this year, and in my life. It has also made me want to give back to the heart foundation - give a little money, but also do some volunteering for them - I have NEVER really given / done anything for charity before (what a dick!).

Anyways, I have just updated my video blog, but basically I am a LOT better - I am having full days out and going about my normal day really, I would say I am at 90%+ strength.

In this last week I took a day trip to london (2.5 hours on a train each way), setting off at 7am and getting back at 3am, I went to Manchester for a night out which was another long day / night (and I got pretty drunk :)) - this was great to see my friends again as it was really hard being in Manchester last time and telling everyone I would be having the op... Overall things are pretty much back to normal, I am doing everything I was before the op apart from any strenous exercise, and I am even moving into a new flat on my own in 3 days time - CANT WAIT! - From then on I really start getting my life back!

I can't thank you all enough for all the support over the last few months - the most difficult months of my life! This certainly isn't my last appearance here, ill keep posting my progress now and then, and I hope my experience can relieve some people in the waiting room :)

Thanks soooo much!
welcome back Dan , glad your back to a normal way of life ,as one waiting for surgery i have gotten an awful lot from your blog and hope you can still keep an eye on here as you can still help all of us with your experiences Dean
good to hear you are doing good, danny boy! I'll bet those Manchester friends were happy to see you . Party on !!!

I really feel that one of the responsibilities (not the right word, but the best I can come up with before breakfast) of those who have been through this, and had an easy time of it, is to help the newbies and those in the waiting room. So, do stick around, you are one of the "youngsters" and it is good to have a few of you around to re-assure other "youngsters" that such a diagnosis and surgery is not the end, but a new beginning. I do check in two or three times a day, but do not always post. I only reply to the posts where I think I can really help, and make a difference.
Thanks, Dan, for dropping by and providing an update. It is a real day brightner and good to read first thing in the morning! I hope you stick around and offer your experience to others facing replacement. We all learn from the retelling of each member's experience.
Best wishes!:)
Glad to see your post....Blog is great!

Happy your doing so well.Good luck with your move and have a blast
at the beach as stated in your blog.All the best.

zipper2 (DEB)
Hey Dan,
Glad to see you back on line:).
You have connected with a LOT of us on the forum, whether we have posted to you directly or not, and we were worried that we had not seen you for a while. Glad to hear that you are feeling 90%+.
My surgery is coming up on 26th Jan after a couple of cancellations and I am looking forward to being where you are at in recovery by sometime in March:D!
Thanks again for checking in and letting us all know that you are doing so well.
I will keep active on here, I don't want to dissapear forever, and I would like to help people if I can - it's why I started it as much as something to look back on -only before I was pretty much permanently logged in here 10 hours a day reading through peoples experiences and various bits of information, I can't do that anymore, I'd get nothing done :)

You'll never believe it - I didn't but the wait is worse than the recovery - the wait was driving me crazy by the end of it, but every day in the recovery you get a little bit better :)

Glad I haev managed to connect / help some people as I certainly got a lot of support, advice, and help from here!
haha - no - I even got some new ones for Christmas as the old ones were a little scruffy and worn out on the bottoms :)

I don't actually think my feet have warmed up - I don't really feel any difference to before my operation... well I have moved into the warmer bedroom in the house as my room is very cold naturally and my parents didnt think it was a good idea me being in there while I was less mobile and needing warmth and rest - So I guess the test will be when I move back in there.... but no I don't think theres a real change... I don't mind, I'm used to it - its normal for me :)

What about you Ross? Are you + any monster slippers yet? I did have a bit more of a browse online for some with 3 toes, but with no luck - and my new ones are like gorilla feet, and they have 5 toes... it's just not the same :p
Hey Dan,

Glad to get your update and that is fantastic that you are doing so well! It really is encouraging to read your post and have you echo other's words that the 'wait is the worst' part. So...I guess I am in the worst part of it all!! I look forward to one day posting such a positive update such as yours. Like the others said don't be a stranger. You are now part of the VR family.
Dan. What a great post! Thanks for the upbeat message. So glad you are feeling so wonderful.

I enjoyed hearing how this experience has changed you in a positive way. I don't think you sound arrogant at all when you say you aren't concerning yourself with heart issues all the time. I think that is exactly what we want to hear from you!!! You are a young and energetic young man who needs to get on with his life!!!! Since you have been touched by this whole experience, we know that you will "pay it forward" as it were, having learned how people have to cope and what people have to go through in tough situations. Thus your new heart will lead you to a richer life. What could be better than that? :D:D

Good luck in your new flat (and for god's sake get some help with the heavy stuff. You don't want to undo the good work that's been done just because you feel as strong as an ox.)

Best wishes.

Hey Dan - great to hear how well you are doing!! (yep, was wondering) I'm hoping given another month I'll be feeling as great as you seem. I'm just about to take a stroll into town for my first lunch outing since my surgery, so maybe!

Anyhoo, thanks again for the update. I'll be keeping an eye out for the next one.

A : )
Dan, I thought you dropped off the face of the earth. I'm so glad you are doing well and hope to be there by March...Spring ,yea! I am so sick of the dam waiting 5 days to go and hoping for the best this time...By the way my 22 year old dd thinks you are hot. Louanne
Hey Dan

I just found your post and your blog. It's a BIG help to me. i see you're doing great and life is getting back to normal. I will definitely check out the rest of your blog. I am looking at a valve replacement sometime in the next few weeks and it seems all I ever do nowadays is surf the web, grimly looking for inspiration as to what valve, which Doctor, what Hospital etc. and it's starting to piss me off.

It will be a relief to get this done so I can go back to the real , as opposed to virtual, world and do stuff other than fret about the impending doom.
Hope your re-stitch stays together.

Good luck

Dan I love your Blog, and your accent. It reminds me of some English roadies I used to know.
Glad everthing is going better. I was one of the ones nervous after your last post, since Justin had major problems with his incision.
I'm Thrilled you are doing so well and don't think of your heart as often. I saw you want to continue to help others have you found the Grown up Congenital Heart UK group? they are pretty active and alot of the members are your age, you might enjoy it. Lyn