1st Dentist visit

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Columbus, Ohio
I had my first dentist visit this AM since my surgery. I took the perscribed anti-biotics prior to and this was just a cleaning. Everything seemed to go pretty well but for whatever reason Im just a little un-nerved. Did anyone do anything special after their first visit ? Extra antiseptic mouthwash rinses ? Avoid eating for a while ?

Ive been pretty good about my dental care since the surgery, I floss regular and brush usually twice a day. Has anyone been told to do anything above and beyond after a cleaning ?
I always eat a bag or Oreo's before and after my cleanings ... it's a Chimp thang:D:p ... But really, I don't think any other precaution is needed other than what you are doing.
Heck I leave the office and go to Bob Evans restaurant next door and have breakfast or lunch, depending on the time of day.
You might relax, if you're grinding your teeth with anxiety over it:D

Your regular care will help keep you safe. And remember that even though the antibiotic is prescribed for cleaning, the protocols don't require it for fillings and most other dental work.
Re; the dentist

Re; the dentist

I just do the antibiotics like I'm told.
No problems...but then I haven't had more than a cleaning
Dentist does suggest getting an automatic toothbrush however. That might ternd to minimize bleeding by improving the brushing efficiency
Not sure that has anything to do with my (automatic) valve.
Think it's called Sonocare.
Dentist does suggest getting an automatic toothbrush however.

I find that the automatic toothbrush does a much better job at cleaning. I use the SpinBrush (I think by Colgate).

Over the years I have had many fillings, especially on the front. I had asked about dental Veneers. In essence, those are three quarter crowns leaving the backs exposed. My Dentist suggested instead to have the front six crowned in porcelain. I have schedule this procedure for the end of this year and first of next year. This will take full advantage of my insurance.

I will assume that antibiotics are warranted for this procedure to prevent Endocarditis?
I will assume that antibiotics are warranted for this procedure to prevent Endocarditis?


The general rule is...If the dentist or hygienist has to be at or go below the gumline..you must take your antibiotics. There are some really nasty bacteria that live just under the gumline and if the gum tissue is being manipulated, the bacteria is being released into your system. (This rule does not apply to the anesthetic injections..the dentist is not manipulating the gum tissue with that.)
I'm about to go for my first post-op dentist appt and I have the same concerns. How did it go?
My dentist had me get Sonicare Elite power toothbrush. Does a much better job than hand brushing, I think. He also likes me to use listerine mouthwash twice a day after brushing.
Hi, I work in dentistry and I am getting my pulmonary valve replaced in April. The only thing you need to do is make sure you take your antibiotic 1 hour before your dental appointment. Remember to brush and floss and you will be fine.
Yes, Heart valve replacement people need to take their antibiotic before ANY dental procedure. Standard 4 amoxicillin 500mg 1 hr BEFORE PROCEDURE. Also, they have me take (2) 500 mg afterwards. I however did begin to get an infection with a tooth extraction (first one, hope it's the last) so the dentist had me stay on the amoxicillin an additional 2 wks 3times daily. Other than that, I just brush and floss, and keep regular dental checkups. I've decided I am not STRESSING MYSELF OUT anymore with this dental thing. Just follow the standard recommendations, and you will be fine.
My cardiologist stated I should have IV antibiotics prior to dental work now that I have a mechanical valve. Prior to my OHS I would take 4 amoxicillin one hour before going to the dentist. Anyone else been told this?
Ian, you and I have the same size carbomedic valve, and I only take the 4 amoxicillin one hour before going to the dentist.

No one has ever mentioned to me about going on a IV of antibiotics. I would question your doctor about this.
FYI: besides cleaning, I've also had 2 root canals done since having surgery.
Ian, you and I have the same size carbomedic valve, and I only take the 4 amoxicillin one hour before going to the dentist.

No one has ever mentioned to me about going on a IV of antibiotics. I would question your doctor about this.
FYI: besides cleaning, I've also had 2 root canals done since having surgery.

Thank for the info.
I'm definitely going to look into this before I go to the dentist. I did all my dental work before my surgery so I'm not due until July or Aug.
I am having my teeth cleaned on Monday with surgery the following Thursday.
I am taking the anitbotics four hours before.
Does anyone think this is too close to the surgery date to have the cleaning?
I was told about intravenous antibiotics for cleaning then new guidelines came out saying no antibiotics at all so we have compromised on the heavy dose an hour before.

My hospital dental surgeon also recommends little brushes to use instead of floss and very strong flouride toothpaste to reduce the chances of tooth decay, it is prescription only so I collect it from the hospital.
I am still taking 7 1/2 mg prednisone daily for recurrent pericarditis. I have been taking this 10 mos. I believe it may be starting to effect my teeth, and gums. Today I started on 5 mg. Maybe this will help. Has anyone ever heard of this side effect with the teeth? I know it can aggravate osteoporosis, which I was diagnosed with a few months ago. The Dr. prescribed Boniva, which I take once per month.

Thanks for any info or advice you can give.