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  1. jumpy

    Mitral Regirgitation after Aortic Valve Replacement

    I'm coming up on nine months and have had several doctors on routine exams over the past few months comment on my murmur. Following surgery the cardiologist mentioned my lack of murmur so I thought that the comments were unusual. Well today at my nine month checkup the cardiologist also said...
  2. jumpy

    Sternum Pain from Wires?

    I'm about 3.5 weeks post op and things are going well. However, I have a very sharp pain which is beside the incision. It's very painful when I move around and particularly painful to touch the skin. It's a sharp pain which makes me think it's related to the sternum wires. They say I can drive...
  3. jumpy

    Light Headed

    Well, day nine post AVR replacement and got out of bed this morning, stood up quickly and very nearly passed out. Things have been going really well and I've been adding distance daily to my walks. I am hoping that I've just overdone things lately and this is just a reminder to slow down. I...
  4. jumpy

    Multiple TAVR

    As I have eliminated the Ross from my choices I am now looking at either tissue or mechanical. The surgeon would like to use the St. Jude but indicated he may be willing to use an ON-X valve if I preferred. My questions regarding tissue valve are regarding the next valve. As a 44 year old I...
  5. jumpy

    Ross vs On-X

    I've been upgraded now to first class on this website and after 44 years with my trusty bicuspid aortic valve it's time for a replacement. It's seen me through a marathon, several half marathons and a couple of triathlons. I'm now looking at September or October surgery before I can get my...
  6. jumpy

    BAV and Long Distance Running

    I am a moderate stenosis and moderate plus regirg in the waiting room 42 year old. I'm looking for any studies that have been done on long distance running and Bicuspid Aortic Valves. After being told very early on in life not to push myself, I decided at 40 not to use that as an excuse anymore...
  7. jumpy

    TED Talk on Aortic Surgery

    I'm not sure of this has been posted but it was forwarded to me by a work colleague....
  8. jumpy

    Stenosis VS. Regurgitation

    I always thought my valve would fail due to stonosis but it looks as though I have just "graduated" from the moderate to the severe category for Aortic Regurgitation. Yay for me! :frown2: How many people on here have had their valves replaced through regurgitation and what were your symptoms...
  9. jumpy

    Resting Pulse and BAV

    Just had a Holter yesterday due to some palpitations and double vision. I have been running every second day since January and the training had been going really well. I've always had a low resting heart rate (low 50's) but I had a week where I had major palpitations and three episodes of double...
  10. jumpy

    Invasive Vs. Minimally Invasive AVR

    This may not be a practical discussion as I cannot find anyone in Canada that does the minimally invasive procedure, but, what is the difference in recovery? It seems that quite a few of the recovery issues come from the sternum which I think may be the cause of the neck/back issues. Do those...
  11. jumpy

    Help with Echo Measurements

    I just got the latest echo results faxed over and I am a little confused. The cardiologist had said that there had been some progression but the report says no significant change. It still shows mild valvular aortic stensosis and moderate aortic regurgitation (I think the regurgitation showing...
  12. jumpy

    CT Scan

    It would seem from all the posts that everyone has had a CT scan. I have never been told that it was required but on the last visit after an Echo I was told that there had been some progression. It is now in the "mild to moderate" range. Not sure what the actual numbers were. Can an Echo pick up...
  13. jumpy

    Congenital Aortic Stenosis

    Hi I am a 38 year old male with congenital bicuspic aortic stenosys....Phew....that was hard to type. I have had it as long as I remember and it has been followed every 18 months for about 33 years. I just went to the cardiologist last week and he indicated that there has been "some progression"...