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  1. M

    Three months!

    Three month anniversary on 11-JUL-2016! I'm feeling good. My heart rate has slowed to between the mid 60's to upper 70's, resting. I'm close to being off of the metoprolol, and things are going very well! I'm planning on incorporating some bike riding and weight training into my exercise...
  2. M

    Two months plus...

    Still doing well. I'm down to just taking metoprolol and aspirin, in addition to my daily vitamin. The doctor wants my heart rate to be "stable" in the 60's to 80's (though to me a resting rate in the 80's seems high). We've changed dosages a couple of times, per her instructions. We started...
  3. M

    Was your Significant Other afraid to be intimate with you after your surgery?

    Question in the title. I think my wife is. I mean, I'm ready to go now, but I think she still wants to wait a bit longer. She hasn't actually said she's afraid, it's just a feeling I get. We have a wedding anniversary this month, on the 30th (12 years), and I think she wants to wait until then...
  4. M

    Is there an "equivalent" to walking up stairs as a test?

    I'm asking for a friend. ;-) But seriously, I know one of the gauges for sexual relations is that you're supposed to be able to walk up one or two flights of stairs without needing to stop. But since my wife really doesn't like to drive, and there really aren't any places in town anyway with a...
  5. M

    Four weeks ago, today...

    Was my surgery. Still doing well. My left drain tube "hole" is finally healing like it should. I had to put a bandage on it yesterday because the scab fell off. Otherwise, I'm doing very well. Although I think the muscles in the middle of my chest by my incision are still adjusting, because...
  6. M

    Side sleeping -- I'm confused.

    Something I'm definitely going to follow up with my doctor on, but I've heard it's bad for your heart to sleep on one side or the other. I've heard it's bad to sleep on your left side, and I've also heard it's bad to sleep on your right side. So which is it? I'm more comfortable sleeping on my...
  7. M

    How long before your incision covering came off??

    Just curious. I'm not really even two weeks post-op yet. But I'm just wondering when my incision covering (which I think was done with the glue, I believe) will come off/start to come off.
  8. M

    Tips for post-op recovery sleeping?

    I have a bad lower back. The short amounts of time that I DID sleep yesterday (which is partially why I'm writing this at 3:15 AM my local time) I slept fairly well. Unfortunately, because I have a bad back, sleeping for long periods of time has now become uncomfortable. I had to end up taking...
  9. M

    I'm officially "class of 2016"...

    I was released on Friday, stayed overnight at a hotel near the hospital, and came home Saturday morning. My experience: Pre-op was very good, They did, of course, shave my chest and do all the pre-op stuff. Though I was confused as to why they shaved my whole left wrist, but only about 3/4 of...
  10. M

    Thunderstorms on surgery day...

    So after my surgery date was set, I checked the forecast for that day...At first it said "Strong Thunderstorms", then it said "Thunderstorms", now it just says "Thunderstorms in spots". I hope that the OR is soundproof enough that a surprise clap of thunder doesn't startle my surgeon. Though...
  11. M

    So, what's the general pre-op procedure?

    So my surgery is scheduled for 8:30 AM on the date I mentioned in my other post about it. But they want me at the hospital at 6:30 AM for pre-op prep, I'm guessing anyway. They said they want me there at 6:30 AM. Anyway, What's the general pre-op prep that they do? I know that they'll probably...
  12. M

    Date and time now established...

    My surgery is going to be Monday, April 11th at 8:30 AM. I'm supposed to get there at 6:30 AM. I have a "pre op" series of tests on April 5th. I'm also supposed to stop taking my multivitamin, and not take any kind of blood thinners. So if I get a headache or something after the 4th of April, I...
  13. M

    Surgeon and my scar...

    Ok, back in 1978 when I was 22 months old, I had a surgery to correct pulmonic stenosis. Now that I'm having the valve replaced, I my meeting with the surgeon. I have a TON of faith in her, based on everything I've read. Anyway, during the consult, she asked if she could see my scar. So I showed...
  14. M

    Pre-cursor: Dental appointments scheduled...

    My surgeon wanted me to make sure I didn't need any dental work I scheduled that appointment. Dentist said he wanted to do a deep cleaning and, unfortunately, fill a couple of cavities. Anyway, got those pre-cursor appointments scheduled...for Thursday & Friday of this week... I'm...
  15. M

    Going under Anesthesia...what's it like?

    When I had my first surgery at 22 months old to correct pulmonic stenosis, I obviously don't remember going under anesthetic. Now I'm almost 40, and I've never had a surgery where I've had to go under full general anesthetic. So what's it like? My mother told me it almost feels like you're...
  16. M

    Now the nerves are really starting...

    I'm supposed to be getting my "medical clearance" to get my dental work done some time today. I had to end up emailing the doctor AND the dentist to get that I have to get that done first (which I'm going to try to schedule for next week), and then after that try to schedule the...
  17. M

    Now the nerves are really starting...

    I'm supposed to be getting my "medical clearance" to get my dental work done some time I have to get that done first (which I'm going to try to schedule for next week), and then after that try to schedule the surgery for early in the week following that...going to try to schedule the...
  18. M

    Activities during at-home recovery

    Ok, here's a question. One of the things I'd like to be able to do during my recovery is watch a movie or something on my laptop, in my bedroom. However, I think my laptop (an older model) may be too heavy. I don't know how much it weighs, but I doubt it weighs more than 4 or 5 pounds. I'd also...
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    I think I'm going to ask my surgeon about this...

    At my upcoming surgical consult. I think I'm going to ask her about the Transcatheter pulmonic valve replacement procedure. There's video of it here: Here: And here...
  20. M

    How do they keep tissue valves from decaying?

    I've been doing more research on my upcoming pulmonic valve replacement surgery. I've been told (not by the surgeon herself, though) that I will be getting a valve made from bovine tissue. So, how do they keep the valve from decaying? And how do they get it to "meld" (for lack of a better word)...