TFBruce's RP is Wednesday, Dec. 10

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Best wishes for a successful ross procedure this upcoming Wednesday. You have a great surgeon, working at a fantastic heart facility, so I'm confident that all will go well. I hope we will receive an update when you can.
God bless and Godspeed!
Best wishes for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. I know you will soon be back on your beloved bike.
Bruce,wishing you all the best with good thoughts and prayers

to you and family.

zipper2 (DEB)
What a wonderful surprise! Honestly, I just never imagined such an outpour of sincerety and genuine thought. I feel so much better. Yes, I am nervous, scared may be the better word, but reading all of your posts, all of your experiences, has made me feel a new calm.
I will stay on the site as much as possible, and hope to start a thread on "Post-Surgery" by the weekend.
Thank you all so very much,
I just completed all my pre-op testing, and all systems are a GO. Very strange, but I feel calm at the moment. I am sure the nerves will kick in later this evening. My "cocktail" Dr. said a shot of morphine will be administered first thing tomorrow morning. YIPPIE!!!
No one said I had to COUGH and do that dreadful Spireometer every hour...
I called Dr. Oswalt just now and told him to be in bed early tonight, and lay off the espresso tomorrow morning. My sweet Erica will be on the site to provide updates; in the good ole "Post-Op" folder :)