How many PILLS do you take daily?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
North Idaho
Just curious~~
The 3 weeks after my operation I think I took more
pills than I have the rest of my life combined, and I'm 66.

Now, I take:
2 pills in the morning
2 pills in the evening
1 vitamin pill
0-2 tylenol
Lets say 6 pills daily.
Plus I use an inhaler twice daily.

I'm wondering, is 6 about average?
I take 6 prescription medications a day plus calcium and a multi vitamin. Altace for blood pressure and sotalol for A-Fib along with vytorin (which I'm off of right now) and three others not related to heart. I will be coming off the sotalol in the next 6 weeks. Hopefully for good but then who knows for sure. I am 67.
Just curious~~
The 3 weeks after my operation I think I took more
pills than I have the rest of my life combined, and I'm 66.

Now, I take:
2 pills in the morning
2 pills in the evening
1 vitamin pill
0-2 tylenol
Lets say 6 pills daily.
Plus I use an inhaler twice daily.

I'm wondering, is 6 about average?

Jack, I am 66 also -- a nice, neat number ("get your kicks on Route 66," etc.:p ) Never took many pills til hit the 60s --- now, 3 with breakfast, 3 at suppertime, and 2 at bedtime. So that's 8 a day.

Don't know what the norm is -- of course we are all different. But I have heard of folks who take many more, and of course those who take less. So maybe we are about "average."
Right now, age 46, I take three each morning: blood pressure med, thyroid med, and baby aspirin.

I also frequently take a good multi-vitamin; but I frequently forget to take it also...
I take 3 Rx's (and I'm 49)
Coumadin (evening) for mechanical valve
Metoprolol (evening) for heart rate
Lipitor (morning) for cholesterol

And I take glucosamine and calcium as well as a mutli-vitamin.
I take four; three are related to my heart.
potassium (since I take Lasix)
Inderal (3/day)
Coumadin (1/day)
Lasix (1/day)
Potassium (2/day)
Vitamin (1/day)
Aspirin (1/day)

So- total of 9 pills per day. Never really thought about it but I do know it's a ton less than my mom used to take when she was my age (56) and she never had 3 OHS.;):D
I am almost 71 years old and take 12 prescription medications daily. Eight are heart medications and four are for Type 2 diabetes. Sometimes feel like a poster boy for better living through chemistry.
Morning: 9 Pills
Evening: 7 Pills

Im 43 and I take :

1 Coumadin
1 Toporol
1 Baby Aspirin
1 Stool Softener (that ends this week)
2 Tylenol PMs
1 Fish Oil
1 Xanax

All this about 1 hr before bed. Trying to get rid of the Xanax and Tylenol PMs but since my surgery this is the only thing that seems to help me get a full nights sleep.
I take two calcium supplements with boron. The boron (I got my Ph.D. in boron chemistry so I should know... is necessary for best bone healing. One medium to large apple contains the usual boron needed for normal day-to-day life. In fact apple trees won't produce apples if the soil is too deficient in boron, so you can be assured apples contain the right amount if they can grow at all. Of course, when there's a broken bone, people need more. My breastbone healing seems thorough and painless now--only the incision scar itself occasionally bothers me. I was able to do my first pull-up to my chin since my surgery just a couple of days ago. Just did 10 standard push-ups just after I typed the prior sentence without any significant pain--only a little from neglected muscles. Now back to the pills...

So, in the morning I get one heart med--diltiazem, two ADHD and depression meds, three supplements (a Kirkland multivitamin--Costco), and an aspirin.

In the evening there are now five or six I take. Advil PM (got free of a four year nightly Ambien dependency last October--Praise God!) for occasional insomnia problems, 0.5 mg lorezepam, 3-5 mg Geodon, acid reducer (for prevention of recurrence of GERD), 1-2 full sized asprins (325 mg), and once in a very great while a half hydrocodone for when I overdo it physically. The latter is from the original prescription refill from January, and there's a lot left.

I hope to be off many of these in the near future. My father takes about 25 different pills a day, while my mother (15 days older than him; both are 75) takes 3 a day, as does my 44 year old sister. None are heart-related for any of them. I've been spared many of my father's metabolic disorders, so maybe I'll be more like my mother when I'm older.

I'm 57 & I take:

Coumadin - 10mg @ day
Furosemide (Lasix) - 160mg daily - lately I've had to take an extra 40 or 80 when I can't get rid of fluid (weigh myself in morning & at night)
Potassium - 2x daily
Altace - 1 daily
Aspirin - 80mg daily
Magnesium Supplement - 1 daily
Os-Cal calcium supplement - 2x daily
I am not sure the no mom takes, but her list is extensive!
-allegra for allergies
-a bladder med (has had problems for years)
-an aspirin
also takes omega 3 fish oil

The costs are staggering-as I am sure you all know. She ends up in the medicare doughnut by about this time every year.:( Bummer, but what is the alternative??? Deb