should i be concerned????

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
I wasnt gonna say anything but..........i will
cus not sure if its urgent or not yet and my docs away for a week
went to get nose and chest xrays today as since i had pneumonia
not too long ago here,on chest stupid,but she questioned when id had a part of lung removed??? of course i never have,thats something id know for sure,i saw the xray kinda hanging there and she repeated another set of xrays......the same thing and she stated i should.........I SHOULD
get ahold of the clinic to call me when they get these reports in
im thinking its fluid (right or wrong) to make a fog in xray pic like it looks like part of lung is missing in xray. My symptoms which caused my doctor to order these xrays one and half weeks ago were cus im coughing constantly and alot of drainage through my throat and nose and cus i had a rhinoplasty on the nose 20 years ago he wanted that xrayed as well,to see whats causing
my trouble here, now the radiologist comments made about lung removal
have sent me parinoid and no ones taken place over for the week of my doctor and the waits gonna drive me over the ,ive also greatly developed some edema in my legs which is bad which ive never had to deal with.
ive had to put my legs up at night to relieve the swelling and cement floors
at work is a bad time for the legs and nope ive never been on a water pill of any sort in my life.never had to be.Should i move on this or wait i know i should move on it but where who i dont know right now,it doesnt matter im gonna wait out the week but my vibes are not good on this one,due to her comment and what i saw on xrays and all in all i hope im just being silly with concern.

It sounds like you need to See A Doctor, the sooner the better.

Do you have "walk-in clinics" in your area?

When you do see a Doc, you may also want to ask about getting a prescription for "compression stockings" which come in knee length or full leg. These can help with moderate edema. They are a little 'pricey' but should be available immediately at any medical supply store.

A discussion about whether to use a diuretic may also be in order.

'AL Capshaw'
Yes, you should get seen by a doctor right away. There are several things going on and the doctor needs to sort them all out and get you on some sort of treatment fast.

Didn't you get stabbed while at work a while ago? Could that have caused scar tissue in your lung area? I know that Joe had a problem with the lower lobe of one of his lungs and there was scar tissue, and it always showed up in x-rays as a shaded area.
Hmmmm, I think the stab was in the upper leg/lower butt area.
It sounds like an extended vacation or "time off" might be appreciated right now!:)
And a walk in clinic sounds like a great idea.
Yes i called the clinic and spoke with another Dr there
who says he (thinks) maybe my heart failure has gotten
worse and that MY doctor will call me back upon his return
to work to discuss these issues of the xrays.My xrays are in
the library.They have them but you all gotta know how bad
it is up here for physicians and care and this other Dr. isnot
taking new patients and is unable to tell me a great deal of
nothing,ive made some calls to calgary to my specialist there
maybe have these xrays faxed to her there and all i can do
is wait for calls back,i dont even know whats going on with
me presently and nancy i was stabbed in the buttock so cant
show on a chest xray,but then the way they do technology here
WHO KNOWS what showed up on xray,anyhow im heading to
work for 3pm-11pm ive left my work and cell numbers and all
i can do is wait.My doctors expected back for friday am and did
also make an appointment with him for fri.

At least you have an appointment for Friday when your doctor has returned. That is not that long to wait to see him. Good luck and let us know how you make out. Hope whatever it is can be treated easily and you feel better soon.
zipper2 said:
Yes i called the clinic and spoke with another Dr there
who says he (thinks) maybe my heart failure has gotten
worse and that MY doctor will call me back upon his return
to work to discuss these issues of the xrays.My xrays are in
the library.They have them but you all gotta know how bad
it is up here for physicians and care and this other Dr. isnot
taking new patients and is unable to tell me a great deal of
nothing,ive made some calls to calgary to my specialist there
maybe have these xrays faxed to her there and all i can do
is wait for calls back,i dont even know whats going on with
me presently and nancy i was stabbed in the buttock so cant
show on a chest xray,but then the way they do technology here
WHO KNOWS what showed up on xray,anyhow im heading to
work for 3pm-11pm ive left my work and cell numbers and all
i can do is wait.My doctors expected back for friday am and did
also make an appointment with him for fri.


Glad to know that you have an appointment w/your dr on Friday but please do not get all worked up before hand!

I remember an incident one time which happened to me when I had to go for X-rays at a clinic because I had come down w/a horrible cold & they feared that I had pnemonia. After reviewing the x-rays the tech comes in again & said, "I need to get another picture; something doesn't look right!" :eek:

She took another x-ray & came back a few minutes later & asked me if I had ever been told in the past that my x-rays were "abnormal?!" Then she said she was done & said I could go! :eek:

Well, I left but my mind was in a complete daze & I wondered what in the world could be wrong NOW! So the next day I called my cardiologist & told him what had happened & he chuckled. He said I had what is called a "elevated diaphragm" & whenever I have x-rays done, it gives the appearance of haze or cloudiness on the picture! He said that this is a common occurence in some OHS patients that have undergone multiple surgeries & for me NOT to worry about it! I was so relieved to hear that!

So please calm down & wait to see what your doctor says on Friday because perhaps it's really not as bad as you are thinking. (I wish that tech would not have said that to you anyway because they could get into a lot of trouble for doing that to a patient!).

Good luck to you Friday & let us know! :)
Oh Zipper, how I wish I could help you out. But glad to hear that you have an appointment on Friday - Please let us know how things went.

Hopefully (with fingers crossed) that you get all the answers.

Sending prayers your way.
sure that you are really stressed by now. No one can blame you. How strange a situation you are in. Hope that you can get seen as quickly as possible so you can find out what is going on. We will be waiting to hear.
Hi zipper, If you're really concerned and your situation becomes an emergency, go to the ER. They will listen to your chest and be able to determine what's going on. I know the technology in the hospital would be adequate to drain your lung if required.

And don't forget this post from njean: "I had what is called a "elevated diaphragm" & whenever I have x-rays done, it gives the appearance of haze or cloudiness on the picture! He said that this is a common occurence in some OHS patients that have undergone multiple surgeries & for me NOT to worry about it! I was so relieved to hear that!"

Take heart, your doc's back in town in less than a day.
SORRY!! been without day off and my Dr. had not
returned till Monday and my chest x-rays were clear great
to him they could well stand numerous o.h. surgeries yet.
Hes concerned the heart failure has started up and an
echo requisition has been ordered for May 12th at 145pm
until then we dont know any more and the way i feel im sure
somethings up with me ,He will refer me to edmonton or Regina
my choice of two cardiologists and surgeons,I was going to Calgary
but since the govt. changed over theres no Dr. there for me ,16
years ago i had my ovr in Regina so cardiologists still there,but
not my surgeon and we wont know whats up till the echo test,
but ive been 2 years late with check-up and feeling its time to go
just need to decide on which im chosing cus either way i gotta go.
Sorry im so late starting 1 of 5 nights so i am trying to keep up with reading posts here when i can.....You all take care till i see you soon here.:)

Been thinking about you, I'm glad you posted.
Please be aware that there is talk of a nurses strike.

Glad to hear that your x-rays came out clear and your not missing a lung.

Special thought s and prayers coming your way.
Yes everyone i do have my lung ---Thank goodness and it was
a flaw as pamela mentioned in the x-ray,i only wish they'd not make
comments of sorts when they do these xrays,a persons got enough
on their mind already.
Freddie if your around do you know a Dr. D. M.K.Dewa Frcp(ca) cardiology?
in Saskatoon,spadina cres. east hes comming to do the echo here on the 12th all excited and am dizzier than than some of the clients in drunk tanks i cant seem to get my footage straight cus of the dizziness bumping into people,things and just a real lightheadedness even when i got home
from work at 7am to bed everything spun round and its still with me now as i get ready for 2nd niteshift and bloodpressure reading is 90 over 100 but thats real normal for me .....always low i had an increase in lipoter from 4omg to 80mg anyone know if that can cause so much lightheadedness ive always had the good inherited stuff for cholestrol and had to increase again from dropping the mg.from 40 to 80 just few days ago?

Oh Yes I know about this Dr. Dewa. Went there for my 6 months echo. Although he didn't do the echo, some other tech gal did it.......she wasn't very pleasant (I'm being nice) and they didn't forward the results to my Doctor. Took about 2 months to find them.

My I suggest that you do your darn-est to get a copy of your results right there and then.

They are not very friendly in that office - have no idea what he is like.

Good Luck on the 12th.
The echo is completed today ,i didnot see Dr.Dewa
but he will apparently be the end result of the reading
of my echo and will forward the results to my Dr here
at home and it will be soon,is the best answer I could get.
The guy doing the echo commented that my heart beat is
very fast,too fast and will need to be slowed down. He asked if
I could feel my heart beating so very fast all the time? I asked
him if this could be due to my being so short of breath,and ankles
and legs swelling so badly......He answered could be the sob,
and then stated if you have problems with swelling you should
go to emergency to deal with that!!!!!!!!!!bit of a communication
error between himself and I there,unless hes warning me about
something.I couldn't have a copy as he needs to send it to the
cardiologist (Dr. Dewa) who will contact my Dr of all the results
and forward results to Dr. here,in mean time it's wait.....I know
nothing more than before I went in other than i have a heart
beating way too fast.

Dont you hate when they talk in riddles? Its true that if you have a rapid
heart rate it could be an arrhythmia and this does cause SOB , but it
doesnt necessarily cause the edema. I have edema in my ankles that always fluctuates ,as soon as I think its gone - its back. But if these symptoms you
have stick with you -check it out. I may have to do the same:(
Wishing you well:)[/I][/I]
dina, it is talk in riddles and no info given out freely on this guys
part other than my hearts going too fast,he was good enough
i guess to tell me what he would,also asked alot of questions
regarding my endocarditis 2 years ago also,but wouldnt specifically
answer my guestions on the mechanical aortic valve or my mitral,
the echo took an hour and he'd asked alot about the endocarditis
and when i'd last had my echo and where.The only thing he really
showed concern for was when id had the valve replacement done(1992)
and the rhythum fast beating of the heart now. Asked when i started the lanoxin and when i started the metroporol and questioned my rhuematic
fever in my teen years,repeated over and over the hearts beating
too fast,very fast for you when i asked him the cause he said he'd send
the report out to the cardiologist right away and i'd get my results soon.
So this is enough to make me sit and worry about what i dont even know.
Their riddles it is and nothing to do but wait:eek:

Well a update for today,saw my family Dr. today and result
from yesterdays echo looks like the aortic valve of 16 years
may need attention ---- I have till early morning tomorrow to
if im headed to Regina or to Edmonton. Having a hard time deciding
which way im going for a good surgeon.
todays bad i took the dog for a walk never got far and i dropped,couldnt breathe and felt like all the fluid in my legs was gonna bust open and and chest was so heavy i couldnt breath.
went to my dr. and he'd spoke to someone yesterday about the echo
and result looks like the mechanical is at end of its service. Im still on hold though to get anywhere as the letter will be faxed in am to my choice. Im
very tired and alot of fluid build up ......Dont even have my written results back yet from echo as had it done yesterday only and my dr. only spoke to
office that did it so Dr.dewa in Saskatoon hasnt even reported back yet
but this is what my family dr's found out so far.
Have to have a decision for morning on where id like to pusue these issuesRegina or Edmonton its a tough decision and im absolutely on a downer right now....and kind of teared up at how fast its all happening for me
All i know for now and i really cant see things moving to fast accept the letter in the morning. I feel absolutely ill my legs are so sore and hearts racing.ill keep in touch when i know more.....thanks everyone for now

((((hugs)))) zipper2:(

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