Yet another "medical procedure"...

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Woo hoo! I have another "medical procedure" in my future....

At the NMCOA Mini Meet in Stillman Valley IL, September 27, 2008, I didn't eat lunch and spent the entire late morning/early afternoon walking around and chatting. Late that afternoon, I suddenly had an excruciating pain right above my belly button; that area of my skin was tender and a "bump" of sorts was visible. I chalked it up to no lunch and too much walking around. So, I sat in my '87 MC LS/CL and grabbed a snack and a mint. The pain subsided within 15 minutes ... and I forgot about the incident.

That is ... I forgot about it until Wednesday night, February 18. I had just finished watching "That '70s Show" and was reading through one of my forums, when that SAME excruciating pain returned. I knew then that I had chalked the pain up to the wrong thing last September. This time, however, the pain did NOT go away within 15 minutes; it stayed for about an hour. The next day, I called my primary doc and scheduled an appointment for Friday ... during which I was diagnosed with an "Incisional Hernia". Wonderful. I meet with the surgeon (the same one who removed my gallbladder in 2005) in mid-March, right before I head to St Louis for the ValveReplacement Reunion ... and, depending on what the surgeon says, will schedule surgery for this spring sometime.

This, however, should be a "piece of cake", compared to my other surgeries ... uh, "medical procedures". I don't think I've had a "medical procedure free" year since 2002....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Event = 04/04/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Everything is temporary anyway" ... Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians ... 'Circle'
I think you're right - compared to everything else it will hopefully be a piece of cake. My sister had one several years ago and it went fairly easily for her.
Is this the hernia of the month club or what? LOL

Is this the hernia of the month club or what? LOL

I am sorry to hear that you have this hernia Cort, I found out in December that I have a Hiatal Hernia, but they won't operate on mine due to my heart failure....I certainly hope that yours gets taken care of ASAP and your out of pain. Mine just makes me not want to eat anything and gives me a full and nauseated feeling. Again, Ole Harrybaby is wishing you a speedy procedure and a very speedy recovery.
Welcome to the club - I have two. Luckily mine only hurt sometimes and the rest of the time they only look funny. Since my bikini days are behind me, it doesn't matter.

Sorry you have to go through another surgery - no matter how "easy".

Please keep us posted.
Hope all goes well Cort. How are they doing the surgery? My hubby had one several years ago and it was'nt fun.:eek: Now days they can do alot of things different and not much pain or cutting. Keep us updated when you find out more.
Just let me know what your mail address is and what floor at your favorite facility! By now, you should either own stock or at the very least, have your own mail box there. I'm in the same boat and it sucks.
Well I hope everything goes well for you on this one. Sorry you can't be "surgery-free" this year! :mad: Hang in there!

Keep us posted. Best wishes.

By now, you should either own stock or at the very least, have your own mail box there.

I might take the stock, Ross ... but I really don't want a mail box there! :)

Sorry I didn't get back sooner. After my STL trip the weekend of March 14, I was way too tired to start catching up. Still am, somewhat, so not quite sure what that is about....

Anyway ... back to the "medical procedure" ... according to the surgeon, my incisional hernia isn't a big deal...thank goodness, I think.... Before that appointment, I read online that hernias can lead to bigger internal, given all my wonderful "medical procedure" history, I was a bit "concerned" ... and don't want the hernia to force me to have other surgeries. But, the surgeon doesn't believe the hole is big enough to cause such damage and believes that surgery isn't warranted at this time.... So, for now, I'm not having the surgery done.

I may change my mind or plan to have it done later this year ... we'll see. The pain the last time (when it lasted over an hour) was not kind ... and scared the crap out of me.... If it "attacks" me again, at least I know what it is ... and have some techniques to make it stop quicker than it did the last time....


While I certainly appreciate the thoughts/prayers, I am sorry I mentioned this because I know many others have more issues than "just a hernia". Last time I had a medical issue, I didn't say a word until the medical procedure was over ... and then people were concerned that I hadn't told anyone. So, I feel kinda foolish for this thread; hindsite 20/20, I probably should've kept my mouth shut until AFTER the appointment with the surgeon....

*rolls eyes*

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"I'd try to run, but I don't think I can" ... Waylon Jennings ... 'Ain't Living Long Like This'
think we'd be unhappy if you didn't mention it, Cort.

just keep an eye on it, don't lift/push anything heavy. let us know if you do decide on getting it done.

think we'd be unhappy if you didn't mention it, Cort.

just keep an eye on it, don't lift/push anything heavy. let us know if you do decide on getting it done.


Thanks, Ann!

Yes, I will let ya'll know if I decide to have anything done. Had a few more episodes the last few weeks ... think it is because of all the stressful stuff going on.


Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"Don't look now, things just got worse" ... Dog's Eye View ... 'Everything Falls Apart'
Thanks you two! Certainly appreciate it.

I'll be talking with the general surgeon's office this week ... about scheduling it. :(

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...RT 66 = Sept 5-16, '09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD =
"My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with" ... Kelly Clarkson ... 'Because Of You'
my advice is get it done sooner rather than later. Ok a couple of days ago I might not have said that but today I will. Late Friday (delayed due to errors between the hospital and cardio) I had laproscopic surgery for a large incisional hernia and had 20 sutures removed from an old surgery. I have 8 rather than the normal 4 incisions for the hernia surgery and a 6 or 7 inch midline incision for the suture removal (the sutures are what convinced me to get it done as they were VERY painful). I only describe the incisions to say I had more than the doctor expected and more than the normal hernia surgery. For 2-3 days I had significant pain but more from the suture removal. Today I feel pretty good. yes I am still taking pain meds but I feel MUCH better. It wasn't too bad. Good Luck