Wife Scheduled For Surgery, I'm Scared

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Great news Dan. I will be praying for a quick and uneventful recovery for Lisa and yourself!
Wife Scheduled For Surgery, I'm Scared

Hi All,

Lisa came home yesterday and is trying to catch up on some much needed sleep. She has a fair amount of pain especially once the pain medication starts to wear off.

Probably more difficult is the nausea she is experiencing from the pain meds. They have prescribed some anti-nausea drugs but so far, her appetite has not been very big. I'm trying to get her to eat, even in small amounts since I know that this is one of the keys to a speedy recovery. We'll see how how the next few days go. At least she's eating a little but she says nothing tastes very good.

It's goods to have her home and I'll continue to update you on her progress.

Thanks for all of your well wishes and encouragement.

Hi Dan,

Glad to hear you have Lisa home. I'll be 2 weeks post op tomorrow, and it is like day and night since that time. I stopped taking Percoset after the first day at home and switched to Tylenol every 4 hours. This past week I have switched to 2 Aleve every 12 hours which helps with all the muscle aches. Today was my first all day without anything, but did just take some Aleve for bedtime. You're going to see how fast she starts rebounding real soon now. I could barely make it up the steps when I got home, and now I'm up and down by myself several times a day. Her appetite should kick in again soon too. My main problem has been the muscles and nerves on the left side of the incision which really flare up if I'm using my left arm too much (and I'm left handed). You both have the worst behind you now.

Good luck with the recovery - it WILL get better!
Glad everything went well for you and your wife and that she is home now. She should be feeling much better in a couple of days. Good for you for trying to get her to eat even a little bit! She does need to have nourishment.
I?m so glad to hear that Lisa is already home. The first couple of weeks are a little like ?feel good at times and not so good at times?. It is only natural. Make sure that she does not stay in bed for long, better to sit and walk a little, even if it is only a few steps every day. Her appetite will come back once she is out of the pain medication. I see you mention that she is taking medication for nausea, could it be better to ask for a different pain medication? I was on Tylenol from the second day and it helped.
Thanks for keeping us posted.
Wife Scheduled For Surgery, I'm Scared


Right now, Lisa is on Tylenol with codine but it didn't work very well yesterday and especially last night. It was a very sleepless night, mainly because of pain in her arm and shoulder, but also some pain at the incision. I'm going to call the doctor this morning and see if maybe we should go back to Percoset. I was hoping that by now we could start reducing the pain medication but it doesn't appear so yet.

One of the things that the surgical staff told us was that younger people actually can have more pain at the incision than older patients. I'm told it has to do with the tightness and tone of the muscles.

I agree that once she is off the pain meds, that she will probably regain her appetite, so hopefully that will be soon.

Will keep you posted.

So sorry that Lisa is having trouble with the incision pain. The loss of appetite is normal. Most people here will tell you that nothing tasted good for at least a couple of weeks. If she is having shoulder pain, massages are a good remedy as well as a recliner instead of the bed.

I'm happy to hear that Lisa is home but sorry to hear that the pain and her meds are giving her grief. Calling the doctor sounds like a good idea and maybe he will have a suggestion or perhaps you'll get some help here from the "veterans". What has been said so far sounds like a good idea to change the meds. And hopefully all that "tender loving care" from you and your children will help speed her recovery!

Please give Lisa my best wishes. I'm sending positive thoughts her way! And you take care of yourself too!

I also hope that the pain will subside very, very soon. I reiterate what everyone else has said and that in a week or so, there will be a world of difference!
Hi Dan
If my math is correct, Lisa had her OHS just 7 days ago and is only natural that she has some pain and discomfort particularly in the shoulders and back (remember about the massages).
She may be uncomfortable for another week or so, but the pain will go away. I found that the least pain medication I took was better as pain medication makes me feel like dummy and space out. She will start seeing improvements little by little day by day. Keep us posted. Thinking and praying for both of you
Dan, delighted that Lisa's surgery went so well.

I second Maka's reminder about massaging her shoulder most strongly - the pain in my shoulders wasn't ever touched by pain meds - only massage worked. Had hubby massage 3 times per day to avoid the cramping.

Everything tastes like dirt for a while. The best bet is non-acidic fruit, including juices. Peaches, pears - and strawberry ice cream. Her taste will come roaring back, but those chemicals stay in the system quite a while. How long is idiosyncratic.

Good luck - here's to a nice boring recovery.

As others have already done, I can also testify to the "INTENSE" muscle pain, the terrible taste of most foods and sleepless nights. It was after about a month after surgery did I learn that massaging works better than anything to relieve the pain. I sure I wish I had learned that sooner. It took me at least 6 months before I could sleep soundly. I know your wife will continue to get better but it will take time.

Take Care and God Bless you and your wife.

Wife Scheduled For Surgery, I'm Scared


Thanks for the suggestions. We have found that massage has actually been effective at relaxing the shoulder and arm muscles and provides some good, if temporary relief.

I think as long as Lisa is on these pain meds, she will not have much of an appetite. She is eating but it is more forced than a desire to eat.

Overall however, she is doing pretty well. She's having dinner at the table with us and helping the kids with the homework at night. So there's some return to normalcy now.

Thanks and I'll keep you updated.

In addition to Massages, gentle STRETCHING helps to relax the muscles and get them back to normal. Did her surgeon give her an illustrated list of exercises and stretches? If not, ask for them, or contact the nurses at a Cardiac Rehabiliation facility. Cardiac Rehab is an EXCELLENT way to get back into shape but is not recommended until 6 weeks (or more) after surgery. Get clearance from the surgeon before doing any regular exercises / stretches. It is best to NOT put any stress on the sternum / incision for several weeks.

'AL Capshaw'