Who all uses some type of noise to sleep with?

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I never knew so many people used such a variety of different devices to make noise so they can sleep. :confused:
I thought Ross's initial post was a little unusual as I had never personally come across anyone who had mentioned such noise making activity, now with ~50 posts to this thread it appears far more common than I imagined. :)

To be honest, I didn't think it would be this wide spread either. I thought maybe I was more mental then anyone else. Guess not. :D
How about you?

Winter ... usually the TV ... and then I wake up in the middle of the night wondering why the TV is still freekin' on ... lol.

Summer ... fan!

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Event = 04/04/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"We can breathe again" ... Seether and Amy Lee (Evanescence) ... 'Broken'
Laura likes fans and has always liked them. She must have a fan with her when she sleeps or at least a fan-like sound. We use a HEPA filter machine in our room as the fan was causing me nose bleeds, and she no longer uses it. The machine works well, though the filter is probably well past its changing time.

I personally like silence, and even wear earplugs to bed. I can't stand even mild snoring. Oddly, in college I was able to sometimes sleep right through loud parties in the next room while my poor roommate would be up all night and be bleary-eyed the next day, and I'd feel fine. It changed after I was 30 when I suddenly became sensitive to annoying neighbor sounds.

Sometimes I listen to my iPod when it plays disco-style dance music without lyrics. The version I like is called "trance" but it's not meditative or mellow in the usual sense. It's just a steady beat with few surprises so I can relax to it. I don't like lyrics, though, when I try to sleep at night, nor tunes that suggest familiar lyrics, as I get too 'interested' in the songs and wake up fully. I just got an iPod Touch, which is basically an iPhone without the actual cell phone--it uses the iPhone OS (yes, the thing's basically a computer!), and have downloaded several applications with soothing night sounds. I'm going to experiment with a few tonight to see if they help. I was dependent on Ambien until about three months before my OHS, and still use Tylenol PM to help out somewhat. ( I was on Ambien for three years. I did some odd stuff late at night sometimes under its effects, but nothing dangerous. ) Maybe there will be an alternative with these new sounds. I grew up in the country and loved to listen to rain falling, but so far none of the applications come close to a Pacific Storm roaring through the trees next to my bedroom window when I was a kid. I still remember the thrilling feeling of cuddling underneath my blankets in my safe house while the fury of winter roared outside. If I can get that sound, I think the Tylenol PM and insomnia will be history.

Sorry we haven't posted lately. Life has been busy. It may be a while before we post again. Andromeda our dog is still alive and she has taken her second mile walk today (first was two days ago) since her paralysis episode. She even got to dig out her first live vole (malamutes love lemmings--look like fluffy voles) and ate it with relish. She's definitely fleshing out again. Maybe I'll post this in the relevant thread, or make a new one rejoicing about Andie's remarkable recovery.

I'm honestly amazed at how many use fans. I didn't really expect to hear of so many people being as crazy as I.
I had my OH surgery in Minnesota, and we stayed at my son's house while I recovered. I spent the evenings in a recliner in the living room. There were a lot of "trains in the distance", and I loved listening to them.

We run a humidifier in the evening because my wife sleeps better with the white noise. There is one thing I am surprised no one has mentioned: Especially in our very rural setting, I feel responsible for "household security". Before the fan, I was very aware of all the sounds in the night. Now I no longer hear them.