Who all uses some type of noise to sleep with?

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Even though I am usually listening to John's CPAP machine (it does have a rather soothing noise), I usually don't need anything to help me sleep -- as long as the mattress is a good one!

I mention that because traveling a lot, I find that I don't sleep as well when the hotel/motel is trying to get too much out of some rather sad mattresses. I know which name/location of motels I can depend on for a good night's sleep. Last weekend in Indianapolis wasn't one of them!

Very true, Marsha! When we finally moved from a queen bed to a king size bed I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Hotels/motels are generally awful. What I've learned to do is grab all the extra pillows out of the closet/armoire/dresser and squish them all around me to make it seem like an elegant bed!! That has worked well for me, maybe you can try it!

Woodbutcher (and by the way, is that you, or a retouched photo of ????) I've been to UK in the spring (Cotswolds) and it's noisy!!! Maybe you're not listening. :rolleyes:;)

:) Marguerite
I'm a light sleeper so any noise at all will wake me. I use a sound machine, "spring rain" turned up to drown any sounds the kids or pets might make in the middle of the night. I had my wife bring it to the hospital too while I was in for the endocarditis treatment. I only got about 2 hours of sleep the first night when I didn't have the sound machine.
Hey Marguerite, what do you mean retouched ? Just another bad hair day with my old specs !?
It's pretty quiet in the Cotswolds isn't it ? Or are you refering to the murer of the brook, the one handed clap or the sound of a tree falling in a forest when nobody's there to hear it ??
Hey Marguerite, what do you mean retouched ? Just another bad hair day with my old specs !?
It's pretty quiet in the Cotswolds isn't it ? Or are you refering to the murer of the brook, the one handed clap or the sound of a tree falling in a forest when nobody's there to hear it ??

I guess I hadn't paid close enough attention, myself, to your last avatar. Did not see your hair in that photo. :eek: :)

I guess I meant the birds. They chirp differently, I swear!! Much louder in UK! and a different tone. So lovely and crisp. Still, there are lots of night creatures in your woods. Perhaps, having our noises so close every night, I am just more tuned in to them.

And BTW, I don't really like the sound of your waking up suddenly and catching your breath. You need to call your cardiologist or surgeon and run that past them. Honestly. Please. It could just be some sleep apnea, but I would still please ask a doctor about it.

Fan since I was 9 years old. I am a light sleeper and I can't sleep in silence. If we go camping where there is no power, I bring a little battery operated radio that I set on "static". Thank God my husband likes the noise too.

Ever since Brian's first OHS he sleeps with the TV on
my hubby in bed cats in their beds dog in his small we call it
his motorhome (cage) free to go in and out,but you put my hubby
two cats and dog in rythum of snoring:eek::eek:
they couldn't belong in a band if they tried awake,let alone as
they sleep:D:p
Radio is going to drown them out or my ipod GEEEEEZ.
My noise distractions (radio) likely makes them snore more
as i think about it :cool:

zipper2 (DEB)
I have a box-fan that hums nicely all night long and although I can still hear my valve ticking the fan blocks out the other noises like the kids, neighborhood dogs and birds squawking. We live in a quiet court with only 3 houses near us and a National Park next door so its pretty darn quiet.
I have totally become dependant on the fan and my valve ticking to get me to sleep. Hubby snores so constantly and badly that he has been moved to the spare bed and I can still hear him with the door closed if I havent turned my fan on.
I have a box-fan that hums nicely all night long and although I can still hear my valve ticking the fan blocks out the other noises like the kids, neighborhood dogs and birds squawking. We live in a quiet court with only 3 houses near us and a National Park next door so its pretty darn quiet.
I have totally become dependant on the fan and my valve ticking to get me to sleep. Hubby snores so constantly and badly that he has been moved to the spare bed and I can still hear him with the door closed if I havent turned my fan on.

Hmm, perhaps I should ship you a second fan? :confused: Might even try to fit in the box myself.
GOODness, can't believe nobody else has my noise. it's my wonderful bedmate who purrs every time I reach over to pet her. her name is Kitten - and she is one.
I usually sleep with my fan. I have been doing this for about 10 yrs now. I have tinnitus ( head noises, ringing in ears) from an ear infection years ago. It has subsided considerably, but I have gotten so used to the noise from the fan, I can't sleep without it now! Some nights I will put on some lovely soothing celtic music. It's my "Irish Lullabye".
Hmm, perhaps I should ship you a second fan? :confused: Might even try to fit in the box myself.

Yeah...ship yourself over gorgeous...and bring your fan too!
its still Summer here so you'll need it for a breeze as well as extra white noise!

Actually I am on the lookout for those sleep noise CD's or preferably downloads of some so I can try the fan AND my ipod to drown out the snoring! otherwise hubby will be permanently shipped off to somewhere noisy...he is much more annoying than my ticker.
Actually I am on the lookout for those sleep noise CD's or preferably downloads of some so I can try the fan AND my ipod to drown out the snoring! otherwise hubby will be permanently shipped off to somewhere noisy...he is much more annoying than my ticker.

I found a few that I liked on iTunes. Can you purchase from iTunes? One is Liquid Mind. the other is Sleep: Rainy, Ocean, Waves.

Cooker..... I think there IS a Sleep: jungle sounds!! :p:p anh-anh, ooo-ooo, eeee-eeee...........

New To Me

New To Me

I never knew so many people used such a variety of different devices to make noise so they can sleep. :confused:
I thought Ross's initial post was a little unusual as I had never personally come across anyone who had mentioned such noise making activity, now with ~50 posts to this thread it appears far more common than I imagined. :)
I had an ear infection some years back that left a swooshing sound in my ear. I used a fan to drown out the swoosh. Now the swoosh is gone, but the fan remains.