Where's Bina??

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
For those who are wondering where our infamous Goat Lady is.

No need to panic, she's fine and doing well.....all things considered.

Bina called me this morning (Sunday) to let me know that her dial-up service is down, but I thought by now (Sunday evening) she would be up and running.

Her withdraw symptoms from vr.com must be extremely high right about now.....she's been down since yesterday :eek:
Oh boy, I bet Bina's fit to be tied! I've missed her too but I also thought that perhaps she had taken off for the weekend.

Hopefully our goat lady will return to us unscathed soon!!! :)
I too was wondering where are famous "Goat Lady" was.
Thanks for giving us the scoop Freddie. She must be pacing the floor by now.
Hope she up and running tomorrow. We might have to send over the cable guy to help! :eek: ;)
I too was wondering where are famous "Goat Lady" was.
Thanks for giving us the scoop Freddie. She must be pacing the floor by now.
Hope she up and running tomorrow. We might have to send over the cable guy to help! :eek: ;)

Crystal, if we send the cable guy over, chances are she won't care whether her cable is down or not!!! LOL! :p:)
I'M BACK!!!!! :)
Thankfully, today my internet is back up again.....after 48 hours down.....!
Yesterday we were blessed with superb weather and I actually basked in the sun for 2 hours,
so that helped to ease my "VR withdrawal".....okay, the ATivan helped too.;)
Now how on earth will I ever catch up??
That's what I get for living in farm country.
Oh, rumour has it that I may be able to pick up the microwave internet signal from Quebec.
I'll be checking that out in the next few weeks and hopefully dumping this junky dial up internet.
Thanks Freddie.

....guess what just happened to me within the last 30 minutes???? :(

Well, for the last couple of months there's been a huge riff between our
DSL provider & ISP people & we have been disconnected a couple of times but brought back up after a few days.

Well, a few minutes ago, we were disconnected & it is PERMANENT!!! So, I've been on the phone in the last few minutes looking for another High-Speed provider to get hooked back up. Luckily, I had just bought this laptop with the wireless connector so that's where I'm going to be getting on the Internet for a while. The Comcast tech is suppose to come out Thursday to do the installation on my home computers.

I'm exhausted now......had all the excitment I can handle for today!!!
Is this like where's Waldo?

I found Bina~~~~~~~~she's right here


