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Aye, Niki...ups and downs in a day....

Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course....
I'm sitting at home typing this... Nathan managed to get me sprung!
For now. I will be going back to the hospital on Thursday to be
sliced open once again... Yes, it's true. Three days following
surgery #17 will be surgery #18. :-(

Apparently the unbelievable happened. Even though the surgery to
replace the atrial lead went well, somehow the hours following surgery
resulted in a downward shift of the ICD, which pulled the left
ventricular lead out of place. So now the doctor (who is completely
baffled that this happened) is going to attempt to put it back where
it belongs.

At first the doctor was going to leave me sitting in the hospital,
even though he can't get everything set up until Thursday. Nathan, in
his infinite wisdom asked "So, if you're not doing anything tomorrow,
can we go home tonight and come back on Thursday?" And the doctor
said "Sure!" He wrote a prescription for pain meds and when we went
to pick them up he forgot to put the dosage! So I have no pain meds
and I'm in pain! :-( Fortunately, they paged my doc and we JUST got a
call saying it's ready. Whew!

Anyway, I'll find out tomorrow what time the surgery will be and I'll
let you all know. He said he has to rearrange his schedule to work me
in. He's supposed to be in Sherman on Thursday, but he said he'll
work it out because I'm his "A" priority this week. Then he said "Of
course, you were my A priority last week too." I said "Does that make
me Double A priority?" He started to laugh and said "That's going to
be your new nickname at the office, you know."

Thanks for all of the prayers! Keep 'em coming!
After all you've been through, I'd say you deserve an A+!
Prayers continue.
Ohmygosh, Niki -- home, only to go back for more surgery on Thursday! Well, my best thoughts and prayers continue with you. Hope you will be successfully through this and back at home again soon after the Thursday procedure. Hang in there, and by all means, vent here whenver you want. For my part, I have been whining for much less than what you are going through :)
As the great philosopher Rosanne Rosannadanna used to say "It's always sumthin' ". Keeping you in my prayers.
What a difficult and unpleasant series of experiences! I hope things go well for you tomorrow, Niki! Best wishes :) .
Ok girl, get him to throw in a few extra stitches to hold that ICD in place, and close off any extra space to keep it from wandering! And make sure you have some good sports bras to wear 24/7 the next 6 weeks, and no jogging/dancing/jumping/whatever for a while.

At least you don't have to leave town, but ow! your bruises are gonna have bruises! :(
UGH!!! I think DeVille's office is trying to kill me off. I seriously do. Here it is, 5:45 on Wednesday evening and I still do not know when my surgery, that's SUPPOSED to take place on Thursday will be. I called at 11 like he told me to. I had to leave a message. No one called me back. I got a call from someone else in his office asking me who my surgeon at the Mayo Clinic was (don't they have this information!?!?) and if I have his #. I waited and waited to hear back. Nothing. Around 3 I tried calling his scheduler again. As soon as she found out it was me she said "I have to talk to Dr. DeVille and I'll call you back." Nothing.

I had Nathan call about 20 minutes before 5. She said she couldn't schedule anything until she got the orders from DeVille, but he is still waiting to hear from Mayo. WHAT?!?! When I saw him yesterday he didn't indicate there was any question about what he would be doing. So why do we suddenly have to wait on the Mayo to call back? Nathan asked if the surgery was still going to be tomorrow and she said she had no idea. I said "So do I eat after midnight?" And she said "Better not, just in case." She says that someone will call me in the morning and let me know unless DeVille calls me himself tonight.

This is SO cruel!!! How in the world is a heart patient supposed to deal with this much stress at once?!? Plus, I'm supposed to have a sonogram for the surrogacy tomorrow morning (was originally Friday morning, but I changed it because I thought I'd be in the hospital) and I have to get my period before then and I think the stress is holding it at bay. :eek: I don't want to ask what next! :eek:
One of Joe's surgeons called him late at night to schedule the surgery for a different time the next day, there was some sort of last minute glitch, can't remember what it was, maybe an emergency operation that took precedence. But the call did come, and the surgery was scheduled.

These things can happen. They are never nice, but I guess understandable.

Maybe there was a last minute clarification that your doctor thought of before he could call you back.

It only leads me to think he was dotting every i and crossing every t. So I see that as a good thing.
It's Thursday morning, and I can only hope you haven't posted because you are at the hospital prepping for that lead surgery...
First the good news:

I went in this morning and had my baseline sonogram for the surrogacy. Everything looks good there and we're all set for me to start stimulating my ovaries on Sunday.

Now the not-so-good news:

I finally heard from my electrophysiologst's office and we are NOT having surgery today. Or even this week for that matter. The scheduling person I talked to said that he has a lot more coordinating he needs to do before doing my procedure. Also, something about talking to the Mayo Clinic doctor. She said she thought he would have called me by now, but since he hadn't I should expect to hear from him this afternoon or evening. If I don't, she says to call her in the morning. She says he's aiming for next week. Well, news flash, next week is no good for me. I've got appointments with for the surrogacy set up for Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Egg Retrieval on Thursday. The transfer is the following Sunday or Tuesday. He'll just have to wait until after that. I'm tired of not being told what is going on. If he can't coordinate with ME, then I'll have my cardiologist find me someone who can. I've said it over and over. I like Dr. DeVille as a doctor, but only when he actually talks to me. Unfortunately, more often than not I'm left completely out of the loop and my frustration continues to mount. If he would just tell me why there has been a delay or what he is thinking I could deal with this much better. I'm planning to call my cardiologist and see if she can get me any information. It's ridiculous that I have to go through another doctor just to get any information from this one.

I'll let you know if/when I find out more. I'm thinking I may go in to work tomorrow. It's a light day and it will keep my mind busy. I'm going to see how I do today.

Thanks for the prayers.
I'm tired of not being told what is going on. If he can't coordinate with ME, then I'll have my cardiologist find me someone who can. I've said it over and over. I like Dr. DeVille as a doctor, but only when he actually talks to me. Unfortunately, more often than not I'm left completely out of the loop and my frustration continues to mount.

If you leave, please be sure to let him, personally, as well as the staff, know why. And let me know which practice group you move to, 'cause as you know, I've had similar issues with that office--doctor's fine in person, but service overall is less than stellar, with the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing.

Best wishes for the egg retrieval. Hope you get lots of healthy ones.
Yikes, Niki...what an ordeal! You could write a book about it ... a humorous horror story!

Thoughts/prayers continuing, of course....
Geez, Niki! What an ordeal. I just found time to read all this and oh, poor you!!!

Wishing you all the very, very best with the surrogacy and please know that you are in my thoughts for a successful fix to your "electrifying" situation as well.

Best wishes.

Oh, my gosh, Niki!!!

Oh, my gosh, Niki!!!

Have I been out of the loop, or what? I have been battling a raging sinus infection and have been totally offline for quite a while. This will teach me to stay away. :eek: I have just read through this whole thread and feel like I have just been on your roller coaster ride with you. Cheering and then stomach in mouth..........gosh! You are now at the top of our prayers. I will be tuned in. Please keep us posted and let me know if I can do anything, anything at all! Good luck on the surrogacy stuff as well. Just a thought, but maybe a trip to the Mayo might not be such a bad idea. Much love and major hugs. Janet
Niki, do you know your Dr. at Mayo? If so, I would give them a quick call or at the very least shoot them an e-mail to let them know what is going on. I have called on my cardio there (who has always in turn checked in with my surgeon) several times with questions about my care here at home. They are always very helpful and always respond to me within an hour or so. I wish you the best in finding a solution to all that you are having to deal with at the moment.
