Well. . . It happened again

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Hi Steve,

Good news my friend! Keep up the good work. Hope to see you sometime soon. We are thinking about getting together. Waiting on LoRain. :)
Hey, gang -- lots of ideas here!


I'm glad to have been able to wait this long, and maybe if I can hang on another year or two I can have a greater likelihood of being able to go with a tissue valve and not worry about re-operation.

Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone, and let's keep The Waiting Room a fun, friendly place for folks to stay until it is time.

That is the same thng my cardo said, you are at least 2 years out and medical advances are worth waiting for if you are stable (tissue valve being a big issue) I like the idea of the espresso machine, we could add a wii so as to get some bowling in!!
jjay - I totally forgot. The Wii is over in the corner. We have Sports Resort, with two controllers and nunchuks. We also have Super Mario Cart with two steering wheels AND the WiiFit Balance Board. Let's Play!